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Nancy Pelosi Accidentally Drops Scary Joe Biden News On Live TV
Nancy Pelosi Accidentally Drops Scary Joe Biden News On Live TV
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi acknowledged that Democratic donors are “split” on whether they want President Joe Biden to continue as their party’s leader after his poor debate performance on Thursday against former President Donald Trump.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, the host noted that the California Democrat is a “legendary fundraiser” before asking what she has been hearing from party donors following increased calls for Biden to step down.

“What are you hearing from your large network of people about whether he is up to it?” Mitchell asked Pelosi.

“I hear mixed. Some people are saying because Donald Trump is such an authoritarian and autocrat, we have to win this election. This is not a normal election where you want to win and if you don’t, you cooperate the best you can for the country and hope to win the next time,” Pelosi replied. “This is something that is undermining our democracy, and he must be stopped. He cannot be president so therefore people are very concerned. It’s split.”
Pelosi praised Biden as the “most patriotic” person in the country and claimed he’s been “at the top of his game” every time she’s spoken to him.
“It’s going to be up to Joe Biden to do what he thinks is — there is no more patriotic person in our country than this president of the United States [and] nobody less than the former president,” she said.
“I trust his judgment. I think that — again, I’m not a doctor. I can’t say what happens three, four years down the road, but I think that in my experience, which is what you asked me, I think that he will continue to be a great president of the United States,” she said.

🚨 ‘Scary Experiment’: Denmark to Tax Livestock Emissions, Critics Say Small Farmers Are Real Target

“We are trading fresh food and freedom for digital concentration camps and lab-grown meat.” — Catherine Austin Fitts


As Denmark prepares to become the first country in the world to tax farmers for greenhouse gasses emitted by their livestock, critics say the real goal is to consolidate control over the food supply and shift to corporate-controlled “Pharma Food.”


Dems Destruct, War Cycle Heats Up, Bird Flu Coming

The Democrats appear to be destroying themselves over the Biden/Trump debate debacle. Martin Armstrong called it early last month and said the Dems wanted Biden to do poorly in the debate with Trump so they could get rid of him in November. It’s not going to be easy to get Joe Biden off the Democrat ticket as he has already secured the nomination. Somebody had a plan to get rid of him, but not everybody was in on the plan–including Joe and Jill Biden and son Hunter. Messy does not begin to describe the problems. Cluster F*** would be a better description. You could say this is a classic example of evil hating on evil. This is unlike anything anyone has ever seen in American Politics, and remember, Joe Biden’s true job approval rating is somewhere between 6% and 7%. The Trump/Biden debate did not help him—just the opposite.

Israel has just killed another senior Hezbollah commander in Lebanon. Meanwhile, Hezbollah has just fired a fresh 200 rockets into Israel. Is this proof that Charles Nenner’s War Cycle is “turning straight up”? There is no end in sight to the Gaza War either, although both sides are talking about a ceasefire that, so far, has not been accomplished. In Ukraine, the Russians are busy destroying Ukraine’s Airforce. It’s reported Russian drones just destroyed 5 more jets on the ground. Russia is vowing to destroy the F-16s that are supposed to be delivered to Ukraine soon. Meanwhile, PM Victor Orban of Hungary is trying to get a ceasefire deal, but will NATO and Secretary of State Tony Blinken derail it?

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield has been predicting a “Bird Flu” virus will cause the next plandemic. There is an International Bird Flu Summit in early October in Washington D.C. Mark Crispin Miller points out the scary comparison to the CV19 conference at Johns Hopkins called Event 201 in October of 2019. That was just a few months before the CV19 plandemic in 2020. Is history repeating itself, or is evil just taking another shot at more depopulation?

There is much more in the 51-minute newscast. If you are looking for Sat Phone service or battery backup power, please check out the deals at Watch this 8-minute video to explain h


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Nancy Pelosi Accidentally Drops Scary Joe Biden News On Live TV
Nancy Pelosi Accidentally Drops Scary Joe Biden News On Live TV
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi acknowledged that Democratic donors are “split” on whether they want President Joe Biden to continue as their party’s leader after his poor debate performance on Thursday against former President Donald Trump.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, the host noted that the California Democrat is a “legendary fundraiser” before asking what she has been hearing from party donors following increased calls for Biden to step down.

“What are you hearing from your large network of people about whether he is up to it?” Mitchell asked Pelosi.

“I hear mixed. Some people are saying because Donald Trump is such an authoritarian and autocrat, we have to win this election. This is not a normal election where you want to win and if you don’t, you cooperate the best you can for the country and hope to win the next time,” Pelosi replied. “This is something that is undermining our democracy, and he must be stopped. He cannot be president so therefore people are very concerned. It’s split.”
Pelosi praised Biden as the “most patriotic” person in the country and claimed he’s been “at the top of his game” every time she’s spoken to him.
“It’s going to be up to Joe Biden to do what he thinks is — there is no more patriotic person in our country than this president of the United States [and] nobody less than the former president,” she said.
“I trust his judgment. I think that — again, I’m not a doctor. I can’t say what happens three, four years down the road, but I think that in my experience, which is what you asked me, I think that he will continue to be a great president of the United States,” she said.

🚨 ‘Scary Experiment’: Denmark to Tax Livestock Emissions, Critics Say Small Farmers Are Real Target

“We are trading fresh food and freedom for digital concentration camps and lab-grown meat.” — Catherine Austin Fitts


As Denmark prepares to become the first country in the world to tax farmers for greenhouse gasses emitted by their livestock, critics say the real goal is to consolidate control over the food supply and shift to corporate-controlled “Pharma Food.”


Dems Destruct, War Cycle Heats Up, Bird Flu Coming

The Democrats appear to be destroying themselves over the Biden/Trump debate debacle. Martin Armstrong called it early last month and said the Dems wanted Biden to do poorly in the debate with Trump so they could get rid of him in November. It’s not going to be easy to get Joe Biden off the Democrat ticket as he has already secured the nomination. Somebody had a plan to get rid of him, but not everybody was in on the plan–including Joe and Jill Biden and son Hunter. Messy does not begin to describe the problems. Cluster F*** would be a better description. You could say this is a classic example of evil hating on evil. This is unlike anything anyone has ever seen in American Politics, and remember, Joe Biden’s true job approval rating is somewhere between 6% and 7%. The Trump/Biden debate did not help him—just the opposite.

Israel has just killed another senior Hezbollah commander in Lebanon. Meanwhile, Hezbollah has just fired a fresh 200 rockets into Israel. Is this proof that Charles Nenner’s War Cycle is “turning straight up”? There is no end in sight to the Gaza War either, although both sides are talking about a ceasefire that, so far, has not been accomplished. In Ukraine, the Russians are busy destroying Ukraine’s Airforce. It’s reported Russian drones just destroyed 5 more jets on the ground. Russia is vowing to destroy the F-16s that are supposed to be delivered to Ukraine soon. Meanwhile, PM Victor Orban of Hungary is trying to get a ceasefire deal, but will NATO and Secretary of State Tony Blinken derail it?

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield has been predicting a “Bird Flu” virus will cause the next plandemic. There is an International Bird Flu Summit in early October in Washington D.C. Mark Crispin Miller points out the scary comparison to the CV19 conference at Johns Hopkins called Event 201 in October of 2019. That was just a few months before the CV19 plandemic in 2020. Is history repeating itself, or is evil just taking another shot at more depopulation?

There is much more in the 51-minute newscast. If you are looking for Sat Phone service or battery backup power, please check out the deals at Watch this 8-minute video to explain h

For Kids With Autism, Singing Cicadas Can Be Downright Painful

“When something is uncomfortable, not having power in that situation can be very scary for a lot of individuals, whether you’re on the spectrum or not.” — Dr. Rachel Follmer


Researchers at the University of Missouri-St. Louis this year crowdsourced cicada noise levels as high as 86 decibels, about as loud as a food blender. That can be stressful, not melodic, they said.


War, Financial Collapse & CV19 Vax Awakening Close

Russia has a small fleet off the east coast of the United States. This includes a couple of armed submarines that have state-of-the-art nuclear weapons. These weapons can be launched from under the sea. Now, there is major pushback in Congress about how reckless the Biden Administration has been with arming the Ukrainians with long range missiles and then giving them the go-ahead to shoot them into Russia. Senator JD Vance is sounding the alarm and charges President Biden with “actively endangering our national security” with his new missile policy. How long will Russia allow the U.S., and its proxy Ukraine, to shoot missiles into the Russian mainland? Is it not fair for Russia to shoot missiles into the U.S.? If this is not bad enough, Congress has just passed a bill to register young people for the draft—including women!!! Tell me we are not close to global war. Keep voting Democrat.

The latest problem to pop up in the shaky global economy is a deeply troubled big bank in Japan that has to raise cash by selling off $63 billion in U.S. Treasuries. Will other banks front-run this trade and cause a cascade of bond selling? How about the 63 banks, earlier this month, that the FDIC said are in financial trouble? These insolvent U.S. banks have more than half a trillion dollars in sour debt. What makes it even more scary is the FDIC will not name the 63 troubled banks. What you are seeing are all the warning signs of a financial collapse. It’s coming, and it’s only a matter of time before the support is knocked out from under these insolvent banks. The question is how much time do we have? Financial writer Bill Holter says, “not much.” He will explain on Saturday.

The deaths and injuries from the CV19 bioweapon vax injections are not waning; they are getting worse each passing week. People continue to “die suddenly” and get heart disease and cancer at an alarming rate. This includes many young people and children who have been CV19 vaxed. Now, there is a new problem. Sky-high bills to go along with sky-high cancer rates. The bills are so extreme, even if you have insurance, you can be financially ruined. Yet another effect of the CV19 bioweapon vax murder and disability attack on “We the People.” Now, a new lawsuit is being filed by the Kansas AG against Pfizer for fraud, and four other states are jumping in, too. Pfizer has 63% of the CV19 vax market. Is this legal action finally going to wake up America to the crimes of the CV19 bioweapon attack that is still ongoing?

There is more in the 53-minute newscast. There is an 8-minute video to explain how easy it is to ride out any terror attack or extreme storm: