
Nancy Pelosi Accidentally Drops Scary Joe Biden News On Live TV
Nancy Pelosi Accidentally Drops Scary Joe Biden News On Live TV
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi acknowledged that Democratic donors are “split” on whether they want President Joe Biden to continue as their party’s leader after his poor debate performance on Thursday against former President Donald Trump.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, the host noted that the California Democrat is a “legendary fundraiser” before asking what she has been hearing from party donors following increased calls for Biden to step down.

“What are you hearing from your large network of people about whether he is up to it?” Mitchell asked Pelosi.

“I hear mixed. Some people are saying because Donald Trump is such an authoritarian and autocrat, we have to win this election. This is not a normal election where you want to win and if you don’t, you cooperate the best you can for the country and hope to win the next time,” Pelosi replied. “This is something that is undermining our democracy, and he must be stopped. He cannot be president so therefore people are very concerned. It’s split.”
Pelosi praised Biden as the “most patriotic” person in the country and claimed he’s been “at the top of his game” every time she’s spoken to him.
“It’s going to be up to Joe Biden to do what he thinks is — there is no more patriotic person in our country than this president of the United States [and] nobody less than the former president,” she said.
“I trust his judgment. I think that — again, I’m not a doctor. I can’t say what happens three, four years down the road, but I think that in my experience, which is what you asked me, I think that he will continue to be a great president of the United States,” she said.