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#Poordrainage is to blame for #rainbomb in #Dubai – not #ClimateChange

On April 16, two year’s worth of heavy rain that fell in just 24- hours caused floods in the United Arab Emirates, affecting cities that lie directly within the Arabian Desert like Dubai as well as Sharjah, the Northern Emirates and different areas of the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. According to the Emirati National […]


Dubai "rain bomb" is due to heavy rainfall and poor drainage – not climate change

On April 16, two year’s worth of heavy rain that fell in just 24- hours caused floods in the United Arab Emirates, affecting cities that lie directly within the Arabian Desert like Dubai as well as Sharjah, the Northern Emirates and different areas of the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. According to the Emirati National […]

Western Colorado

"The People", the birds, bees, and trees must have clean water, air, and sunshine to live a healthy life.

Stuffy Head?
Runny Nose?

Every life that breathes is breathing the chemicals the "Sky Bastards" put in the sky all day... all night... all the time 24/7. Spraying chemicals in the sky is illegal as it causes injury to life itself.

It nearly quit raining here... after 2017
100 year average of 14" rainfall per year until 2018
To less than 3" of rainfall in 2023
Virtually no lightning or thunderstorms in the last three years

NASA controls the Rainfall and Sunshine
Learn more at:

Join Us: Post pictures of your sky from around the world


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#Poordrainage is to blame for #rainbomb in #Dubai – not #ClimateChange

On April 16, two year’s worth of heavy rain that fell in just 24- hours caused floods in the United Arab Emirates, affecting cities that lie directly within the Arabian Desert like Dubai as well as Sharjah, the Northern Emirates and different areas of the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. According to the Emirati National […]


Dubai "rain bomb" is due to heavy rainfall and poor drainage – not climate change

On April 16, two year’s worth of heavy rain that fell in just 24- hours caused floods in the United Arab Emirates, affecting cities that lie directly within the Arabian Desert like Dubai as well as Sharjah, the Northern Emirates and different areas of the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. According to the Emirati National […]

Western Colorado

"The People", the birds, bees, and trees must have clean water, air, and sunshine to live a healthy life.

Stuffy Head?
Runny Nose?

Every life that breathes is breathing the chemicals the "Sky Bastards" put in the sky all day... all night... all the time 24/7. Spraying chemicals in the sky is illegal as it causes injury to life itself.

It nearly quit raining here... after 2017
100 year average of 14" rainfall per year until 2018
To less than 3" of rainfall in 2023
Virtually no lightning or thunderstorms in the last three years

NASA controls the Rainfall and Sunshine
Learn more at:

Join Us: Post pictures of your sky from around the world


The Brook Has Dried Up

November 03, 2023
by Pastor Chuck Swindoll
Scriptures: 1 Kings 17:5–7
So Elijah did as the LORD told him and camped beside Kerith Brook, east of the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and meat each morning and evening, and he drank from the brook. But after a while the brook dried up, for there was no rainfall anywhere in the land. (1 Kings 17:5–7)
One morning Elijah noticed that the brook wasn't gushing over the rocks or running as freely as it had in days past. Since that single stream of water was his lifeline, he checked it carefully. Over the next few days he watched it dwindle and shrink, until it was only a trickle. Then one morning, there was no water, only wet sand. The hot winds soon siphoned even that dampness, and the sand hardened. Before long, cracks appeared in the parched bed of the brook. No more water. The brook had dried up.

Does that kind of experience sound familiar to you? At one time you knew the joy of a full bank account, a booming business, an exciting, ever-expanding career, a magnificent and exciting ministry. But the brook has dried up.

At one time you knew the joy of using your voice to sing the Lord's praises. Then a growth developed on your vocal chords, requiring surgery. But the surgery removed more than the growth; it also took your lovely singing voice. The brook has dried up.

Your partner in life has grown indifferent and has recently asked for a divorce. There's no longer any affection and no promise of change. The brook has dried up.

I've had my own times when the brook has dried up, and I've found myself wondering about the things I've believed and preached for years. What happened? Had God died? No. My vision just got a little blurry. My circumstances caused my thinking to get a little foggy. I looked up, and I couldn't see Him as clearly. To exacerbate the problem, I felt as though He wasn't hearing me. The heavens were brass. I would speak to Him and heard nothing. My brook dried up.

That's what happened to John Bunyan in seventeenth-century England. He preached against the godlessness of his day, and the authorities shoved him into prison. His brook of opportunity and freedom dried up. But because Bunyan firmly believed God was still alive and at work, he turned that prison into a place of praise, service, and creativity as he began to write Pilgrim's Progress, the most famous allegory in the history of the English language. Dried-up brooks in no way cancel out God's providential plan. Often, they cause it to emerge.


Climate Changing: Germany's 30,000 Wind Turbines Causing Local Rainfall Droughts

#climate #germany #rainfall #windturbines

Wind turbines were meant to improve the weather, now it seems these things are making it worse. Bear in mind the weather worriers are fretting about changes of a degree or two (apparently an increa…