POLICE STORY: LOCKDOWN , an action packed continuation of the story of police detective, Joh-Wayne (Jackie Chan). Father tries to reconnect with his estranged daughter in the bar of her angry criminal boyfriend. This film series detective is a lot less funnier than he was in the original movie series that started in the 1980's with, Police Story. But the character's wife did die, very young, very beautiful and that would cause the quiet intensity as explained in the movie. My favourite number, 22, makes an appearance at 1 hour 9 minutes in.
10/10 "go sees" #PoliceStoryLockdown #PoliceStoryDemolition #JackieChan #moviereview #filmreview #movie #action #fatherdaughterstory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcX_nAQG6vI