
Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



This article provides prospective appraisal of key policy instruments intended to stimulate innovation to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR). AMR refers to the ability of microbes to evolve resistance to those treatments designed to kill them, and is associated with the overuse or misuse of medicines such as antibiotics. AMR is an emerging global challenge with major implications for healthcare and society as a whole. Diagnostic tests for infectious diseases can guide decision making when prescribing medicines, so reducing inappropriate drug use. In the context of growing international interest in policies to stimulate innovation in AMR diagnostics, this study uses multicriteria mapping (MCM) to appraise a range of policy instruments in order to understand their potential performance while also highlighting the uncertainties that stakeholders hold about such interventions in complex contexts. A contribution of the article is the demonstration of a novel method to analyse and visualise MCM data in order to reveal stakeholder inclinations towards particular options while exploring interviewees' uncertainties about the effectiveness of each instrument's design or implementation. The article reports results from six European countries (Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK). The findings reveal which policy instruments are deemed most likely to perform well, and why, across stakeholder groups and national settings, with areas of common ground and difference being identified. Importantly, the conclusions presented here differ from prominent policy discourse, with international implications for the design of mixes of policy instruments to combat AMR. Strategic and practical methodological implications also emerge for general appraisal of innovation policy instrument mixes.Data collected at large scale and low cost (e.g. satellite and street level imagery) have the potential to substantially improve resolution, spatial coverage, and temporal frequency of measurement of urban inequalities. Multiple types of data from different sources are often available for a given geographic area. Yet, most studies utilize a single type of input data when making measurements due to methodological difficulties in their joint use. We propose two deep learning-based methods for jointly utilizing satellite and street level imagery for measuring urban inequalities. We use London as a case study for three selected outputs, each measured in decile classes income, overcrowding, and environmental deprivation. We compare the performances of our proposed multimodal models to corresponding unimodal ones using mean absolute error (MAE). First, satellite tiles are appended to street level imagery to enhance predictions at locations where street images are available leading to improvements in accuracy by 20, 10, and 9% in units of decile classes for income, overcrowding, and living environment. The second approach, novel to the best of our knowledge, uses a U-Net architecture to make predictions for all grid cells in a city at high spatial resolution (e.g. for 3 m × 3 m pixels in London in our experiments). It can utilize city wide availability of satellite images as well as more sparse information from street-level images where they are available leading to improvements in accuracy by 6, 10, and 11%. We also show examples of prediction maps from both approaches to visually highlight performance differences.This article seeks to use Dewey's interpretation of pragmatism and education as a model for how dominant notions of school exemplify a colonizing theory of nature. The article argues that Dewey sought to commodify nature as a tool for human progress. This aspect of Dewey's beliefs is further demonstrated in the kind of schooling that is being implemented through globalization. The article draws on Indigenous concepts of the nature and the Earth, for decolonizing science instruction in an elementary classroom.In the midst of the global Covid-19 pandemic, educators are invited to pause and reconsider the legacies this crisis will leave for future generations. What lessons do we take forward in a post-Covid-19 curriculum? This article contemplates the value of Indigenous resilience, innovation, and adaptation in times of crisis-"In(di)genuity", if you will-and considers its implications on Indigenous knowledge and the curricular discourse more broadly. Despite encouraging developments in Indigenous education since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, a settler historical consciousness continues to pervade the modern discourse of Indigenous education, insofar as Indigenous knowledge is often perceived as outdated, irrelevant, or inferior to Western knowledge systems. This problematic misconception ignores the resilience, innovation, and adaptation that Indigenous peoples have demonstrated in the face of historical crises. This article offers an Indigenous perspective on crisis, grief, and renewal in the context of Covid-19 and advocates for the renewal of the Canadian curricular landscape.To slow down the proliferation of Covid-19, governments virtually shut down public life, temporarily closed schools, and forced teaching to be done exclusively on a remote basis. These measures offer an opportunity to reexamine conventional teaching and learning arrangements, test new digital and analogue concepts, and provide essential inspiration for curriculum making in the twenty-first century. This article addresses the historical development of schooling in the classroom as differentiated from "homeschooling". On one hand, the question of how school closures and digitally supported teaching settings may affect an increase in educational inequalities is investigated using an international comparison. On the other hand, the pedagogical and didactical implications of distance learning and a digital teaching culture, which constitute the foundation for digital curriculum making, are examined.
To assess the frequency of insomnia and other sleep disturbances among children with autism spectrum disorder.

The descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Lahore, Pakistan, from May to August 2019, after approval from the ethics committee of Sharif Medical and Dental College, Lahore. It comprised children aged 6-12 years pre-diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder who were enrolled from 3 institutions and an out-patient department of a tertiary care hospital. Sleep disturbance scale for children was used for data-collection, and the parents were asked to fill it out. Data was analysed using SPSS 23.

Of the 93 subjects, 71(76.3%) were boys and 22(23.7%) were girls, and 58(62.4%) were aged 6-8 years. Overall, 37(39.8%) children had at least one type of sleeping disorder; the most common being insomnia 24(25.8%), and the least common being sleep breathing disorders 4(4.3%).

Nearly 40% children with autism spectrum disorder had sleep disorders, and insomnia was the most common.
Nearly 40% children with autism spectrum disorder had sleep disorders, and insomnia was the most common.


5%). Diagnoses were Trochanteric bursitis (27%), osteoarthritis of hip and spine, (25%), enthesitis (22%), sacroiliitis (6.7%), synovitis (5%), fibromyalgia (3.4%), and hip dislocation (1.6%). More than 1 diagnosis in same patient 9.3%.

'hip pain' as an item used in questionnaires must be interpreted with caution.
'hip pain' as an item used in questionnaires must be interpreted with caution.The prognosis of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has improved substantially in the last two decades due to the appearance of biological therapies, but above all, due to the improvement in the strategy and management of the disease. Our goal in RA should be to achieve remission, or in its absence, the lowest inflammatory activity. Achieving remission will prevent from structural and functional damage highly associated with RA itself. Clinical remission is defined as the absence of significant signs and symptoms of inflammatory disease activity, as well as the abrogation of any signs of systemic inflammation. Currently, there are some controversies about remission. Which is the real remission? Which remission criteria should be used and when? Does clinical remission mean ultrasound remission? In the present review, we try to answer and put some light into it, focusing on clinical and ultrasound deep remission.COVID-19 a systemic inflammation involving multiple organs, affecting all age groups, with high mortality rate, severe adverse outcomes, and high economic burden need to be described. A systematic review of systematic reviews conducted. We searched PubMed, OVID Medline, Cochrane library, COVID-19 resource centers of N Engl. J Med, AHA, and LITCOVID. Certainty of evidences was evaluated by GRADE approach. Meta-analysis according to random effects model was conducted. Seventy-one eligible systematic reviews are included in the study. A total of 86.5% of them had high quality, and 13.5% had medium quality. Meta-analysis results are presented in tabular format, and the remaining results are presented in narration fashion. COVID-19 involves blood vessels, lung, heart, nervous system, liver, gastrointestinal system, kidney, eyes, and other organs and infects adult and children, neonates, pregnant women, and elderly, transmitted via air born and droplet. Comorbidities associated with COVID-19 are HTN 20.7%, CVD 9.6%, DM 9.55%, respiratory diseases 7%, and 9% of cigarette smoking. Prognostic factors for mortality among COVID-19 cases are acute cardiac injury, diagnosed CVD, DM, respiratory disease, and HTN. Prognostic factors for disease severity are CVD and HTN. Prognostic factors for disease progression were fever, shortness of breath, and smoking. There is no specific antiviral treatment. Preventive measures including physical distancing of 2 m and more, using PPE, avoiding social gatherings, quarantine, and isolation have been recommended. Encouraging telemedicine, online training, and homeschooling are highly recommended. Vaccine is approaching, and concerns exist about vaccine with a high efficacy. Modification of CVD and cardiometabolic risk became the cornerstone for sustainable control of pandemic.The Institute for Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) is a large public provider of health care services that serve around 13.2 million Mexican government workers and their families. To attain process efficiencies, cost reductions, and improvement of the quality of diagnostic and imaging services, ISSSTE was set out in 2019 to create a digital filmless medical image and report management system. A large-scale clinical information system (CIS), including radiology information system (RIS), picture archiving and communication system (PACS), and clinical data warehouse (CDW) components, was implemented at ISSSTE's network of forty secondary- and tertiary-level public hospitals, applying global HL-7 and Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standards. In just 5 months, 40 hospitals had their endoscopy, radiology, and pathology services functionally interconnected within a national CIS and RIS/PACS on secure private local area networks (LANs) and a secure national wide area network (WAN). More than 2 million yearly studies and reports are now in digital form in a CDW, securely stored and always available. Benefits include increased productivity, reduced turnaround times, reduced need for duplicate exams, and reduced costs. Functional IT solutions allow ISSSTE hospitals to leave behind the use of radiographic film and printed medical reports with important cost reductions, as well as social and environmental impacts, leading to direct improvement in the quality of health care services rendered.
The online version of this article (10.1007/s42399-020-00713-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
The online version of this article (10.1007/s42399-020-00713-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.Carbon anodes are used in the electrolytic production of aluminum. The quality of anodes is directly related to the production cost, carbon and energy consumption, and environmental emissions. It is desired that the anodes have high density, low porosity/cracks, low electrical resistivity as well as low air and CO2 reactivities. Low resistivity of anodes reduces energy required to produce aluminum during electrolysis. The presence of cracks and pores increases the anode electrical resistivity. Therefore, it is important to know how and when the pores and cracks form during the anode production so that the necessary actions could be taken to prevent their formation. A study was carried out to investigate the effect of different anode production parameters such as anode composition, type of raw material used, time and top-former bellow pressure of vibro-compactor, green anode cooling medium, and heating rate used during baking on the crack formation. The anodes are fabricated at the carbon laboratory of University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (UQAC) and characterized by measuring their properties (density, electrical resistivity, and surface crack density). The anode properties, hence the anode quality, were correlated with the anode production parameters. Also, their tomographic analysis was carried out to visualize and quantify the internal cracks.

Homeschooling is only a great choice if you and your children are prepared to be tough. It isn't an easy road to travel, though. You will need plenty of advice, and you should be able to find it here.

If you plan to home school your child or children, always remember that books and the chosen curricula are just the basics. The best learning experience within the home is one that incorporates materials and concepts from outside the home and the curriculum. If you cannot find a single curricula that meets your needs, don't be afraid to use multiple sources.

Homeschooling can pose some issues if your other son or daughter is young. The best way to do it is to schedule time for every child. Find activities that you can do with both kids. Find opportunities that allow you to teach all your children at once and allow then to bond with each other.

Check the web to find all the days in which local attractions offer free admission. For example, the museum will often have free events available on a certain day of the week, month or year. Check their calendar of events and pencil it into your schedule to ensure you don't miss it.

Consider digital options for your textbooks and reading materials. E-readers are quite affordable and easily accessible. Downloading books is far cheaper than purchasing print and easily takes up less room. Granted, there is not a resale option for the digital textbooks; however, there is a lot to be said for having reference books after the fact.

When go on vacation, take your lesson plan with you. Include your vacation in your home classroom so that your kids can truly enjoy their schooling. Have them keep a scrapbook of the event, or take a video which they turn into an amazing family adventure later. Take them to cultural locations and teach them about the area, then have them reenact wars or important historical situations. There is so much to learn around the world, don't let it pass them by!

Designate housework to the kids or hire outside help. It can often be impossible for you to be responsible for all aspects of your child's education. The regular chores of cooking, cleaning and shopping, along with homeschooling will soon become too much. Do not be upset if you find you cannot do it all by yourself.

If you are a homeschooling parent who also works at home, make sure you get enough down time. You will operate better as both a parent and a teacher that way. Trying to do in a day will leave you worn out and less able to focus on your roles.

Homeschooling can be a lot of fun. Just as children in traditional schools go on field trips, you can also take your child on field trips. This is a great time to connect with your child while teaching them things they would not necessarily learn with a large group. gives the learning environment a more personal experience.

One of the things that holds parents back from homeschooling is the myth that doing so will end up costing more than private school tuition. While some of the learning materials out there are, in fact, expensive, there are just as many affordable, effective resources available. The Internet is a valuable clearinghouse for workbooks, lesson plans and discounted texts to suit nearly any need and curriculum. In this case, at least, money shouldn't be the deciding factor.

Decide what kind of school year works best for you and your child. Homeschooling gives you the flexibility to decide to do a traditional school year, or teach all year long. Each state has certain requirements and laws regarding the amount of hours required in the classroom. When homeschooling you can choose a schedule that works for you.

Find learning materials that work well with your child's learning style. You do not need to stick with one particular book and work your way through it. If your child is a visual learner, find books that emphasize learning with pictures, puzzles and games. Your children will stay on task and will learn quicker if you alter your teachings to fit their learning style.

Now that you have read this article, you should be ready to dive into homeschooling. Ready yourself for the business of educating your kids. This will help them learn enough to last a lifetime and they will then be ready for the future.


Kim Mack Rosenberg, Esq. shares news on important legal cases regarding censorship, forced vaccination + more.

Full update on #CHDTV ?


While the concept of homeschooling is not new, there has been an explosion of parents choosing to homeschool their children since coronavirus shut down schools during the pandemic. On this episode of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes speaks with a Catholic homeschooling practitioner and educator, Steven Rummelsburg, about the growing number of parents around the world who are choosing homeschool versus the traditional classroom, and what this means for the future of education. Scottie and Steven discuss if a move to homeschooling is perceived as a threat by big government.


In this 21st episode of ZeroState, I speak with Angela Harders, author of Tales of a Toxic Teacher: Exposing the Cycles of Abuse within Our Schools, and The Wonderful World of Peaceful Worldschooling.

Check out her work at:


Be sure to check out my new book, The Definitive Guide to Libertarian Voluntaryism at:

as well as my Voluntaryist comic book at:

#zerostate #unschool #unschooling #homeschool #homeschooling


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Kim Mack Rosenberg, Esq. shares news on important legal cases regarding censorship, forced vaccination + more.

Full update on #CHDTV ?


While the concept of homeschooling is not new, there has been an explosion of parents choosing to homeschool their children since coronavirus shut down schools during the pandemic. On this episode of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes speaks with a Catholic homeschooling practitioner and educator, Steven Rummelsburg, about the growing number of parents around the world who are choosing homeschool versus the traditional classroom, and what this means for the future of education. Scottie and Steven discuss if a move to homeschooling is perceived as a threat by big government.


In this 21st episode of ZeroState, I speak with Angela Harders, author of Tales of a Toxic Teacher: Exposing the Cycles of Abuse within Our Schools, and The Wonderful World of Peaceful Worldschooling.

Check out her work at:


Be sure to check out my new book, The Definitive Guide to Libertarian Voluntaryism at:

as well as my Voluntaryist comic book at:

#zerostate #unschool #unschooling #homeschool #homeschooling

Public schools are careening toward a true dystopian novel setting with spying, informants, pat-downs, check-points, and double-speak manipulations.

Please share this video today with someone who is currently in a public middle or high school. They need to hear this message and know that there are people who empathize with their plight and are working to stop the tyranny.

Catch behind-the-scenes posts and help choose my next video topic at:



#middleschool #highschool #publicschool #homework #teaching


I go over 3 Ways to maximize unschooling success.

There is a better, healthier way to learn!

Learn how by reading:

Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom

available here:


Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting by Dr. Laura Markham,

available here:



#unschool #unschooling #homeschool #homeschooling #remotelearning



This article provides prospective appraisal of key policy instruments intended to stimulate innovation to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR). AMR refers to the ability of microbes to evolve resistance to those treatments designed to kill them, and is associated with the overuse or misuse of medicines such as antibiotics. AMR is an emerging global challenge with major implications for healthcare and society as a whole. Diagnostic tests for infectious diseases can guide decision making when prescribing medicines, so reducing inappropriate drug use. In the context of growing international interest in policies to stimulate innovation in AMR diagnostics, this study uses multicriteria mapping (MCM) to appraise a range of policy instruments in order to understand their potential performance while also highlighting the uncertainties that stakeholders hold about such interventions in complex contexts. A contribution of the article is the demonstration of a novel method to analyse and visualise MCM data in order to reveal stakeholder inclinations towards particular options while exploring interviewees' uncertainties about the effectiveness of each instrument's design or implementation. The article reports results from six European countries (Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK). The findings reveal which policy instruments are deemed most likely to perform well, and why, across stakeholder groups and national settings, with areas of common ground and difference being identified. Importantly, the conclusions presented here differ from prominent policy discourse, with international implications for the design of mixes of policy instruments to combat AMR. Strategic and practical methodological implications also emerge for general appraisal of innovation policy instrument mixes.Data collected at large scale and low cost (e.g. satellite and street level imagery) have the potential to substantially improve resolution, spatial coverage, and temporal frequency of measurement of urban inequalities. Multiple types of data from different sources are often available for a given geographic area. Yet, most studies utilize a single type of input data when making measurements due to methodological difficulties in their joint use. We propose two deep learning-based methods for jointly utilizing satellite and street level imagery for measuring urban inequalities. We use London as a case study for three selected outputs, each measured in decile classes income, overcrowding, and environmental deprivation. We compare the performances of our proposed multimodal models to corresponding unimodal ones using mean absolute error (MAE). First, satellite tiles are appended to street level imagery to enhance predictions at locations where street images are available leading to improvements in accuracy by 20, 10, and 9% in units of decile classes for income, overcrowding, and living environment. The second approach, novel to the best of our knowledge, uses a U-Net architecture to make predictions for all grid cells in a city at high spatial resolution (e.g. for 3 m × 3 m pixels in London in our experiments). It can utilize city wide availability of satellite images as well as more sparse information from street-level images where they are available leading to improvements in accuracy by 6, 10, and 11%. We also show examples of prediction maps from both approaches to visually highlight performance differences.This article seeks to use Dewey's interpretation of pragmatism and education as a model for how dominant notions of school exemplify a colonizing theory of nature. The article argues that Dewey sought to commodify nature as a tool for human progress. This aspect of Dewey's beliefs is further demonstrated in the kind of schooling that is being implemented through globalization. The article draws on Indigenous concepts of the nature and the Earth, for decolonizing science instruction in an elementary classroom.In the midst of the global Covid-19 pandemic, educators are invited to pause and reconsider the legacies this crisis will leave for future generations. What lessons do we take forward in a post-Covid-19 curriculum? This article contemplates the value of Indigenous resilience, innovation, and adaptation in times of crisis-"In(di)genuity", if you will-and considers its implications on Indigenous knowledge and the curricular discourse more broadly. Despite encouraging developments in Indigenous education since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, a settler historical consciousness continues to pervade the modern discourse of Indigenous education, insofar as Indigenous knowledge is often perceived as outdated, irrelevant, or inferior to Western knowledge systems. This problematic misconception ignores the resilience, innovation, and adaptation that Indigenous peoples have demonstrated in the face of historical crises. This article offers an Indigenous perspective on crisis, grief, and renewal in the context of Covid-19 and advocates for the renewal of the Canadian curricular landscape.To slow down the proliferation of Covid-19, governments virtually shut down public life, temporarily closed schools, and forced teaching to be done exclusively on a remote basis. These measures offer an opportunity to reexamine conventional teaching and learning arrangements, test new digital and analogue concepts, and provide essential inspiration for curriculum making in the twenty-first century. This article addresses the historical development of schooling in the classroom as differentiated from "homeschooling". On one hand, the question of how school closures and digitally supported teaching settings may affect an increase in educational inequalities is investigated using an international comparison. On the other hand, the pedagogical and didactical implications of distance learning and a digital teaching culture, which constitute the foundation for digital curriculum making, are examined.
To assess the frequency of insomnia and other sleep disturbances among children with autism spectrum disorder.

The descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Lahore, Pakistan, from May to August 2019, after approval from the ethics committee of Sharif Medical and Dental College, Lahore. It comprised children aged 6-12 years pre-diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder who were enrolled from 3 institutions and an out-patient department of a tertiary care hospital. Sleep disturbance scale for children was used for data-collection, and the parents were asked to fill it out. Data was analysed using SPSS 23.

Of the 93 subjects, 71(76.3%) were boys and 22(23.7%) were girls, and 58(62.4%) were aged 6-8 years. Overall, 37(39.8%) children had at least one type of sleeping disorder; the most common being insomnia 24(25.8%), and the least common being sleep breathing disorders 4(4.3%).

Nearly 40% children with autism spectrum disorder had sleep disorders, and insomnia was the most common.
Nearly 40% children with autism spectrum disorder had sleep disorders, and insomnia was the most common.


5%). Diagnoses were Trochanteric bursitis (27%), osteoarthritis of hip and spine, (25%), enthesitis (22%), sacroiliitis (6.7%), synovitis (5%), fibromyalgia (3.4%), and hip dislocation (1.6%). More than 1 diagnosis in same patient 9.3%.

'hip pain' as an item used in questionnaires must be interpreted with caution.
'hip pain' as an item used in questionnaires must be interpreted with caution.The prognosis of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has improved substantially in the last two decades due to the appearance of biological therapies, but above all, due to the improvement in the strategy and management of the disease. Our goal in RA should be to achieve remission, or in its absence, the lowest inflammatory activity. Achieving remission will prevent from structural and functional damage highly associated with RA itself. Clinical remission is defined as the absence of significant signs and symptoms of inflammatory disease activity, as well as the abrogation of any signs of systemic inflammation. Currently, there are some controversies about remission. Which is the real remission? Which remission criteria should be used and when? Does clinical remission mean ultrasound remission? In the present review, we try to answer and put some light into it, focusing on clinical and ultrasound deep remission.COVID-19 a systemic inflammation involving multiple organs, affecting all age groups, with high mortality rate, severe adverse outcomes, and high economic burden need to be described. A systematic review of systematic reviews conducted. We searched PubMed, OVID Medline, Cochrane library, COVID-19 resource centers of N Engl. J Med, AHA, and LITCOVID. Certainty of evidences was evaluated by GRADE approach. Meta-analysis according to random effects model was conducted. Seventy-one eligible systematic reviews are included in the study. A total of 86.5% of them had high quality, and 13.5% had medium quality. Meta-analysis results are presented in tabular format, and the remaining results are presented in narration fashion. COVID-19 involves blood vessels, lung, heart, nervous system, liver, gastrointestinal system, kidney, eyes, and other organs and infects adult and children, neonates, pregnant women, and elderly, transmitted via air born and droplet. Comorbidities associated with COVID-19 are HTN 20.7%, CVD 9.6%, DM 9.55%, respiratory diseases 7%, and 9% of cigarette smoking. Prognostic factors for mortality among COVID-19 cases are acute cardiac injury, diagnosed CVD, DM, respiratory disease, and HTN. Prognostic factors for disease severity are CVD and HTN. Prognostic factors for disease progression were fever, shortness of breath, and smoking. There is no specific antiviral treatment. Preventive measures including physical distancing of 2 m and more, using PPE, avoiding social gatherings, quarantine, and isolation have been recommended. Encouraging telemedicine, online training, and homeschooling are highly recommended. Vaccine is approaching, and concerns exist about vaccine with a high efficacy. Modification of CVD and cardiometabolic risk became the cornerstone for sustainable control of pandemic.The Institute for Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) is a large public provider of health care services that serve around 13.2 million Mexican government workers and their families. To attain process efficiencies, cost reductions, and improvement of the quality of diagnostic and imaging services, ISSSTE was set out in 2019 to create a digital filmless medical image and report management system. A large-scale clinical information system (CIS), including radiology information system (RIS), picture archiving and communication system (PACS), and clinical data warehouse (CDW) components, was implemented at ISSSTE's network of forty secondary- and tertiary-level public hospitals, applying global HL-7 and Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standards. In just 5 months, 40 hospitals had their endoscopy, radiology, and pathology services functionally interconnected within a national CIS and RIS/PACS on secure private local area networks (LANs) and a secure national wide area network (WAN). More than 2 million yearly studies and reports are now in digital form in a CDW, securely stored and always available. Benefits include increased productivity, reduced turnaround times, reduced need for duplicate exams, and reduced costs. Functional IT solutions allow ISSSTE hospitals to leave behind the use of radiographic film and printed medical reports with important cost reductions, as well as social and environmental impacts, leading to direct improvement in the quality of health care services rendered.
The online version of this article (10.1007/s42399-020-00713-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
The online version of this article (10.1007/s42399-020-00713-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.Carbon anodes are used in the electrolytic production of aluminum. The quality of anodes is directly related to the production cost, carbon and energy consumption, and environmental emissions. It is desired that the anodes have high density, low porosity/cracks, low electrical resistivity as well as low air and CO2 reactivities. Low resistivity of anodes reduces energy required to produce aluminum during electrolysis. The presence of cracks and pores increases the anode electrical resistivity. Therefore, it is important to know how and when the pores and cracks form during the anode production so that the necessary actions could be taken to prevent their formation. A study was carried out to investigate the effect of different anode production parameters such as anode composition, type of raw material used, time and top-former bellow pressure of vibro-compactor, green anode cooling medium, and heating rate used during baking on the crack formation. The anodes are fabricated at the carbon laboratory of University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (UQAC) and characterized by measuring their properties (density, electrical resistivity, and surface crack density). The anode properties, hence the anode quality, were correlated with the anode production parameters. Also, their tomographic analysis was carried out to visualize and quantify the internal cracks.

Homeschooling is only a great choice if you and your children are prepared to be tough. It isn't an easy road to travel, though. You will need plenty of advice, and you should be able to find it here.

If you plan to home school your child or children, always remember that books and the chosen curricula are just the basics. The best learning experience within the home is one that incorporates materials and concepts from outside the home and the curriculum. If you cannot find a single curricula that meets your needs, don't be afraid to use multiple sources.

Homeschooling can pose some issues if your other son or daughter is young. The best way to do it is to schedule time for every child. Find activities that you can do with both kids. Find opportunities that allow you to teach all your children at once and allow then to bond with each other.

Check the web to find all the days in which local attractions offer free admission. For example, the museum will often have free events available on a certain day of the week, month or year. Check their calendar of events and pencil it into your schedule to ensure you don't miss it.

Consider digital options for your textbooks and reading materials. E-readers are quite affordable and easily accessible. Downloading books is far cheaper than purchasing print and easily takes up less room. Granted, there is not a resale option for the digital textbooks; however, there is a lot to be said for having reference books after the fact.

When go on vacation, take your lesson plan with you. Include your vacation in your home classroom so that your kids can truly enjoy their schooling. Have them keep a scrapbook of the event, or take a video which they turn into an amazing family adventure later. Take them to cultural locations and teach them about the area, then have them reenact wars or important historical situations. There is so much to learn around the world, don't let it pass them by!

Designate housework to the kids or hire outside help. It can often be impossible for you to be responsible for all aspects of your child's education. The regular chores of cooking, cleaning and shopping, along with homeschooling will soon become too much. Do not be upset if you find you cannot do it all by yourself.

If you are a homeschooling parent who also works at home, make sure you get enough down time. You will operate better as both a parent and a teacher that way. Trying to do in a day will leave you worn out and less able to focus on your roles.

Homeschooling can be a lot of fun. Just as children in traditional schools go on field trips, you can also take your child on field trips. This is a great time to connect with your child while teaching them things they would not necessarily learn with a large group. gives the learning environment a more personal experience.

One of the things that holds parents back from homeschooling is the myth that doing so will end up costing more than private school tuition. While some of the learning materials out there are, in fact, expensive, there are just as many affordable, effective resources available. The Internet is a valuable clearinghouse for workbooks, lesson plans and discounted texts to suit nearly any need and curriculum. In this case, at least, money shouldn't be the deciding factor.

Decide what kind of school year works best for you and your child. Homeschooling gives you the flexibility to decide to do a traditional school year, or teach all year long. Each state has certain requirements and laws regarding the amount of hours required in the classroom. When homeschooling you can choose a schedule that works for you.

Find learning materials that work well with your child's learning style. You do not need to stick with one particular book and work your way through it. If your child is a visual learner, find books that emphasize learning with pictures, puzzles and games. Your children will stay on task and will learn quicker if you alter your teachings to fit their learning style.

Now that you have read this article, you should be ready to dive into homeschooling. Ready yourself for the business of educating your kids. This will help them learn enough to last a lifetime and they will then be ready for the future.

02/02/2025 is something that has the potential to bring tremendous success to any family, but it can also pose substantial challenges. Anyone interested in pursuing homeschooling as a method of educating their children must take the time to gain a great deal of advance information. Keep reading for some terrific advice about the process of homeschooling.

Every state has specific laws regarding homeschooling. It is up to you to understand what your state requires of you as a parent, and your child as a student, when it comes to homeschooling. Look at your state's educational website, as well as your county school board's site to fully understand the expectations.

Get in touch with other homeschoolers in your area. Homeschooling can be a lonely path if you do not make an effort to seek out support. Many areas now have homeschooling co-ops, where parents in a community work together to share resources and offer help. These are provide a valuable social outlet for your child, who does not have the same opportunities to make friends as a child in a public school.

Don't forget the 'social' side of school. A child gains much more from school than simply academics. Make sure that your child is involved in activities that a school offers such as sports and music. This can be achieved by meeting other homeschool parents and organizing extra curricular activities at the end of the school day or the weekend.

Become familiar with laws governing homeschooling in your particular state. You can easily visit the HDSLA web page online to learn what is needed in your state. An association with a group like this will also be beneficial if you ever are faced with questioning by a Board of Education. The help you get will be well worth the cost of joining.

Before you begin homeschooling, write down your goals. Why are you choosing this method of learning? What milestones do you expect to pass? When you chart out your path, you'll be able to track your progress more easily. When you know what your goals are, you'll have a way to be able to achieve them. Also write down the cons of local public schools as a reminder of why you've left them in the first place.

The goal of homeschooling is to instill knowledge in your child or teen, but it should also be viewed as something more. You have a rare opportunity to use learning as a means of bonding and interacting with each other in a way most parents never get. Highlight the student's accomplishments in your "�classroom' just as you would for those earned in a traditional learning environment.

Find learning materials that work well with your child's learning style. You do not need to stick with one particular book and work your way through it. If your child is a visual learner, find books that emphasize learning with pictures, puzzles and games. Your children will stay on task and will learn quicker if you alter your teachings to fit their learning style.

Teach your children Latin and Greek root words. So much of the English language is rooted in these two. Your children will gain a greater comprehension of the words they see and hear. It will also help them on college testing. Understanding how language works is beneficial in a number of every day applications.

For children who are kinesthetic learners, there are many different things you can do to help stimulate learning. Gardening, doing puzzles, going for nature walks or building things are all great ways to bring out their greatest potential. Children who learn by doing tend to lose interest in lectures and notes on a board.

Take trips to other lands. Visiting other regions can be a fabulous cultural experience. Your kids can learn about other people this way. Understanding other cultures will help them grasp more about their own. Even if you can't afford to go to other countries, neighboring states can still provide an insight into how others live.

There is no doubt that homeschooling offers many families an amazing opportunity for growth and educational development. That is not to say that the road to homeschool success is always easy. By heeding the tips and guidance above, it is possible to get a good understanding of how to avoid common pitfalls and really make homeschooling work for you.


Japanese encephalitis (JE) is endemic in Malaysia. Although JE vaccination is practiced in the neighboring state of Sarawak for a long time, little is known about JE in Sabah state in Borneo. As a result, informed policy formulation for JE in Sabah has not been accomplished. In the present study, we have analyzed JE cases that have been reported to the Sabah State Health Department from 2000 to 2018. A total of 92 JE cases were reported during 19 years, and three-fourths of the cases were attributed to children. The estimated mean incidence for JE cases is 0.161/100,000 population. Japanese encephalitis was predominant in Sabah during June, July, and August, peaking in July. In most cases, pigs were absent within a 400-m radius of the place of residence. We could not establish any relationship between the mapping of JE cases and the number of piggeries in each district. We could not establish a relationship between average rainfall and JE cases, either. We propose the cases reported are possibly showing the tip of an iceberg and continuous surveillance is needed, as JE is a public health challenge in Sabah.End of April 2020, French clinicians observed an increase in cases presenting with paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome (PIMS). Nationwide surveillance was set up and demonstrated temporospatial association with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic for 156 reported cases as at 17 May 108 were classified as confirmed (n = 79), probable (n = 16) or possible (n = 13) post-COVID-19 PIMS cases. A continuum of clinical features from Kawasaki-like disease to myocarditis was observed, requiring intensive care in 67% of cases.In response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, most countries implemented school closures. In Norway, schools closed on 13 March 2020. The evidence of effect on disease transmission was limited, while negative consequences were evident. Before reopening, risk-assessment for paediatric risk groups was performed, concluding that most children can attend school with few conditions requiring preventative homeschooling. We here present infection prevention and control guidelines for primary schools and recommendations for paediatric risk groups.There is a paucity of data on Francisella tularensis in the Middle East and North Africa. This is the first countrywide study to determine the seroprevalence, spatial distribution, and risk factors for F. tularensis in Jordan. A total of 828 Jordanians were serologically tested for F. tularensis by ELISA. These individuals filled out a self-administered questionnaire to collect demographic and risk factor information. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regressions were performed to determine which variables are associated with seropositivity. The overall seroprevalence of F. tularensis was 7.7% (95% CI 6.10-9.75). The bivariate analyses showed that age, region of residence, small ruminant ownership, and practicing horticulture were significantly associated with seropositivity, and these variables were controlled for in the multivariate analysis. The multivariate analysis showed an increased odds of seropositivity among individuals living in northern desert, middle, and northern highland areas, compared with individuals living in the drier southern area, as 7.27 (95% CI 2.49-21.19), 3.79 (95% CI 1.53-9.39), and 3.52 (95% CI 1.45-388.55), respectively. Individuals owning a small ruminant had 1.86 (95% CI 1.02-3.40) greater odds for seropositivity than individuals who do not own a small ruminant. Individuals practicing horticulture had 2.10 (95% CI 1.20-3.66) greater odds for seropositivity than individuals who do not practice horticulture. This is the first study to address the seroprevalence of F. tularensis in Jordan and the Middle East. Further research is needed to identify clinical cases of tularemia in Jordan and to determine the circulating F. tularensis subspecies.Vertical transmission, or pathogen transfer from female to offspring, can facilitate the persistence of emerging arboviruses, such as Zika virus (ZIKV), through periods of low horizontal transmission or adverse environmental conditions. We aimed at determining the rate of vertical transmission for ZIKV in its principal vector, Aedes aegypti, and the vector competence of vertically infected progeny. Aedes aegypti females that consumed a blood meal provisioned with ZIKV were maintained under three temperature conditions (27°C, 30°C, and 33°C) following the infectious blood meal and allowed to complete three reproductive cycles. The overall vertical transmission rate was 6.5% (95% CI = 3.9-9.9). Vertical transmission of ZIKV was observed across all temperature conditions and virus detected in adult progeny up to 2 weeks postemergence. In total, 3.4% (95% CI = 1.6-6.2) of adult progeny produced saliva with ZIKV, indicating their vector competence. These results suggest the virus may be maintained in Ae. aegypti populations without a vertebrate host for short periods.SARS-CoV-2, the etiologic agent of COVID-19, is shed in stool. SARS coronaviruses have been detected in wastewater during outbreaks in China, Europe, and the United States. In this perspective, we outline the risk fecal shedding poses at locations without safely managed sanitation, as in most of Nigeria where we work. We believe that feco-oral transmission could occur if community transmission becomes high and sustained in densely populated cities without proper sanitation in Nigeria and many other African and Asian settings. In the absence of basic sanitation, or where existing sanitation is not safely managed, groundwater, which is often drawn up from wells and boreholes for drinking and household use, can become contaminated with enteric bacteria and viruses from fecal matter. Endemic and epidemic transmission of multiple feco-oral pathogens via this route continues to be documented in areas without safely managed sanitation, and, therefore, the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission needs to be evaluated, tracked, and forestalled in such settings. We suggest that fecal matter from treatment facilities and recovered patients should be carefully and properly disposed. Furthermore, environmental surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater and accumulated human waste, as well as efforts to mitigate the virus' entry into unprotected household water sources, should be a priority part of the COVID-19 response in settings without safely managed sanitation for the duration of the pandemic.