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& EH sadistic suicide pact Deep State-Global Elites etc of their techie hackers-Devil court jesters-whores on street corner TOOLS until not needed NO more & R as well targeted 2 B CEASED keep up hacking etc of me ie: DNS & ip address-shadow banning-limiting web reach, God sees!

Sigh huh & 2 U out there of $ hired SELF sold out human dust & ash corpse TOOL'S, techie hacking-hacker contractor's via vast & various ie: Deep State, misc else OH Holy Trinity knows who U R & can see-hear U always 24/7, me no fretting, just a tired dying internally within old man (perhaps already dead-just a matter of tick tock 'Time' &/or (?) misc else) but me daily tick tock 'Time' with cup of tea & some soft mellow classical music & doing my given Holy Counseled put out-output of Holy intel info 'delivery boy' job-responsibility ie: 9 to 5, whatever U USA-global humanity do with it is up 2 U!

Sigh huh witnessed of EH sadistic suicide pacts Deep State-techie hackers etc just daily day in-out 24/7-day-night hacking it up ie: thrown wrenches in all's path like flies poncing on solid waste of 1 fellow all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity, sigh SICK-not surprised!


“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root”

Path to Liberty: July 19, 2023


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“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root”

Path to Liberty: July 19, 2023


& EH sadistic suicide pact Deep State-Global Elites etc of their techie hackers-Devil court jesters-whores on street corner TOOLS until not needed NO more & R as well targeted 2 B CEASED keep up hacking etc of me ie: DNS & ip address-shadow banning-limiting web reach, God sees!

Sigh huh & 2 U out there of $ hired SELF sold out human dust & ash corpse TOOL'S, techie hacking-hacker contractor's via vast & various ie: Deep State, misc else OH Holy Trinity knows who U R & can see-hear U always 24/7, me no fretting, just a tired dying internally within old man (perhaps already dead-just a matter of tick tock 'Time' &/or (?) misc else) but me daily tick tock 'Time' with cup of tea & some soft mellow classical music & doing my given Holy Counseled put out-output of Holy intel info 'delivery boy' job-responsibility ie: 9 to 5, whatever U USA-global humanity do with it is up 2 U!

Sigh huh witnessed of EH sadistic suicide pacts Deep State-techie hackers etc just daily day in-out 24/7-day-night hacking it up ie: thrown wrenches in all's path like flies poncing on solid waste of 1 fellow all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity, sigh SICK-not surprised!


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What Is Social Engineering? - prey on human emotions ie: fear, curiosity & is popular with cybercriminals exploiting ALL trust & emotions & more effective than hacking networks etc & NO need 2 B technical savvy -

Learn what Social Engineering is, how it works, good practices to teach employees, and how to prevent Social Engineering.