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We all Call Washington DC the Swamp.

What does that mean? It means that our Politicians are bought and paid for by rich and powerful people to serve their interests rather than the interests of the citizens.

Vacating the Chair was the most significant step I've seen to stand up against that operation.

Many don't understand the courage it took for
and the others to stand up against that machine. In fact, many of us were disappointed with those who ultimately caved.

In the coming weeks we will have a new Speaker, the world won't end if Govt slows to a crawl for a bit here, but it can't be overstated how significant the motion to vacate was.

Be forewarned, the attacks against those with the courage to stand up are just getting started.
We all Call Washington DC the Swamp.

What does that mean? It means that our Politicians are bought and paid for by rich and powerful people to serve thei


A Hard Answer for a Simple Question
By Anna Von Reitz

I have been asked -- why did our Founders set our government up with a corporate structure? I have also been asked why our State Assemblies don't elect Governors? One answer relates to both questions.

It's pretty simple, really. The existence of government requires there to be a "government of the government". It's the "government of the government" that has a corporate structure, not our actual government.

The office of Governor is an office in the "government of the government", not our actual government, so, of course, our State Assemblies don't elect Governors. We elect State Assembly Chairmen, instead, who are the lawfully elected Spokespersons for the individual State Assemblies.

In the same way, we don't elect "representatives" to our version of Congress, we elect "fiduciary delegates" instead.

There has to be a structure in place to control and direct the bureaucrats, political appointees, and other public employees quite apart from and, in addition to, what we define as our government.

Some people call it "the shadow government". I call it the political bureaucracy. Because "the government of the government" looks and functions like a government, it can be mistaken for the actual government, and that is what has happened here.

In our case and the case of the other countries that have been impacted by the British Territorial Fraud Scheme, the bureaucracy has gone wild and overgrown the confines set for it.

The Founding Fathers were well-aware of this problem because they had the example of King Louis XIV's France building up to a powder-keg in their faces.

In that example, the French Monarchy, which was the actual government, was overwhelmed by the French Bureaucracy. The actual government was brought down by the weight, corruption, and intrigues of the "government of the government".

A handful of Royal Courtiers and Bureaucrats conspired for a period of decades prior to the French Revolution to siphon off the vast majority of France's wealth right under the nose of a weak, ignorant, and dependent King. They deployed all this purloined wealth in the most lavish and ostentatious building projects and parties imaginable, leaving the half-starved people of France to suffer.

It was only a matter of time until the poor had suffered enough.

Our Founders saw the French Revolution on the horizon, and so, they took measures to build a strictly limited and counter-balanced structure throughout their plan for government, intending that no such unholy alliance of political cronies and bureaucrats combined with weak or immoral executives, would ever mislead our country into a similar morass of corruption and injustice.

The Founders planned well, and bequeathed to us an admirable self-regulating system; however, their children promptly forgot how it was supposed to work, and when beset with numerous foreign intrigues and distractions, the cronies and bureaucrats here proved to be the equals of their counterparts in France two centuries ago.

Sans the silk breeches and fancy garters, of course.

I suppose I could stop there and let what should be self-evident, be self-evident, but experience has taught me that I must toil on and exhaust my powers of description before I am fully understood:

After the open hostilities of the Civil War ended--- a "war" which was a Mercenary Conflict, and not strictly speaking a war at all--- the conflict was left unresolved, and the country was left in the "protective custody" of the Union Army, and its Commander-in-Chief, who forsook the checks and balances our Founders designed, and began acting as a military dictator empowered to issue Executive Orders.

Although the President of the United States, like the President of any company or corporation, had always had the right to issue orders to his own staff and employees, Lincoln took it to a whole new level.

Lincoln asserted a non-existent and non-consensual executive power to allow the Union Army to occupy this country in the guise of a military protectorate, and he established the rules of this Protectorate by issuing the very first Executive Order known as General Order 100, also known as the Lieber Code.

The Union Army was acting as a Mercenary and Expeditionary Force under the direction of the British Crown at the time, and it has continued in that status ever since. The American Raj was born, and it was and is a "government of the government", not the government of this country.

The actual government owed to this country was and is vested in our civilian State Assemblies ("state assemblies" when Latin conventions are used) but these political bodies were thrown into disarray during the Civil War and met infrequently in private homes, churches, and schools during the conflict. Our actual unincorporated Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America ever since 1776, was similarly impacted.

Even though our actual international government and our actual States never took part in the so-called Civil War, the conflict destroyed so much infrastructure, prevented so much communication, and cost so many lives, that the disruption alone was a great obstruction to orderly continuance of our government "of, for, and by" the people of this country.

Once ensconced in Washington, DC, the Union Generals realized that the only thing standing between them and a very profitable oligarchy was Abraham Lincoln, and they were encouraged to commit both murder and treason by members of Lincoln's Cabinet, most especially William H. Seward, his Secretary of State, and Salmon P. Chase, his Treasury Secretary.

Seward was a megalomaniac about westward expansion, a passion he shared with the greedy British Queen who was busy building an Empire and who dreamed of vast gold reserves waiting to be discovered in the western United States. Salmon P. Chase, who engineered Lincoln's Greenbacks, was persuaded to give up this singular experiment in self-funded national currency and retreated to the comfortable indebted servitude offered by the Federal Reserve and the budding central bank system.

It is not a coincidence that General and Mrs. Ulysses S Grant, who were supposed to attend the Ford Theater that fateful night with Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln, took a powder and a train to Ohio instead.

A month after the debacle at Ford's Theater, our Great-Great-Granduncle, Clintwood Belcher and his younger brother, James, were riding home to West Virginia with the Great Seals of the United States and The United States of America in their saddlebags. Like Lincoln, they were attacked with murderous ferocity, their horses shot from under them. In the melee, young James escaped into the dense brush, and Clintwood, rounding up a loose mount belonging to one of the thinly disguised Union soldiers, rode for the Northwest frontier.

Clintwood and James would spend the rest of their lives on the run. The Great Seals were stolen and handed over to the Federal Reserve, and thereafter appeared in the Philippines in the hands of the "Monetary One" office which is merely presumed to be our Trustee--- without our agreement to any of the non-consensual arrangements that have been made "for" us by the usurping British Territorial Protectorate.

Ironically, both Lincoln, a traitor and pawn for the British Crown, and our relatives who represented the actual government of this country, were treated the same way by the Union Generals, who went on to establish their sub rosa oligarchy without telling the American People a word about it.

In order to cover up their heinous betrayal and usurpation, these same Union Generals conspired with members of the Territorial "Rump" Congress to establish Military Districts overlaying the actual States of the Union. After that, they organized new British Territorial State-of-State organizations, to replace the American States of State that existed prior to the Civil War and forced the remaining State Assemblies to write new State of State Constitutions facilitating this substitution scheme. The same vermin assumed the right to place our State assets into State Trusts controlled by themselves and their minions. Thus, we have suffered a foreign de facto military occupation benefiting the British Crown since 1865, and nobody has been the wiser.

This is the reason that our country and our world has been kept in a state of near-constant war ever since.

Soldiers, including Mercenary Soldiers, make their fortunes via war. Their careers are spawned by war. Their coffers are filled by war. Their personal power is increased by war. Demand for their services is increased by war. So, the military oligarchs in charge of this charade naturally want more and more war, war, war and war, no matter what the people of this country want -- and their British Territorial overlords who are giving them a feeble land claim, encourage them in this, because war is profitable for them, too.

From there our original and intended and lawful government has continued on as a shadow government of a different kind, an old, faithful, American government that has simply refused to die, and which has slowly taken root again and now takes meaning and body as Americans claim their birthright and exercise their guarantees and assemble their republican State Assemblies.

The "government of the government" has continued on with its graft, deceit, and corruption, until today the Generals in charge think nothing of sacrificing thousands of American lives as they have done in Paradise, California, and now, again, in Lahaina, Hawaii.

Not to be outdone, the Municipal theocracy ruling as a Congressional Oligarchy in charge of the City of Washington, DC, has become --- if possible, more corrupt than the foreign military protectorate, and has presented its own version of a "government of the government". As a result, we, Americans, have been the goats paying for two highly corrupt bureaucracies, which we have carried on our shoulders like huge granite blocks.

It is completely predictable that both unencumbered bureaucracies have grown exponentially in size and power and have sucked the lifeblood out of our country like so many leeches on a steer.

They have done the same to every other country they have "enfranchised", which includes British Territorial military protectorates established in all the former Commonwealth countries, seventeen western European nations, and Japan. And Municipal Corporation franchises have followed.

In the 1930's, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, formally and officially sacrificed all the Municipal citizens of the United States, and consigned them to abject slavery in an effort to dig his United States, Incorporated, out of red ink. He also created more than 350 new alphabet soup agencies and hired over a million additional Federal Employees to staff these new "administrative agencies"--- thereby vastly and non-consensually expanding the size and scope, power and expense, of the Federal Government.

The ineluctable process of cronyism and top-heavy bureaucracy combined with immoral (in FDR's case) and weak (think Jimmy Carter) executives had begun, and while the people of this country have slumbered on, the situation and their own condition has only gotten worse.

The same conditions that caused the French Revolution are ripening on our shores, and the Principals responsible -- the British Monarch, the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, and the Pope -- are sitting on their velvet tuffets.
All the British know how to do is ferment the dog pile and threaten violence of one kind or another, all the Lord Mayor knows how to do is to hide together with the so-called Lords of the Admiralty, and the Pope --- well, once in a while he does something vaguely moral.

The only way out of this mess without a lot of bloodshed and destruction is for the people of this country and all the other countries impacted by this fraudulent military occupation scheme to wake up and pull the plug on the bankers financing all this rot, populate our lawful governments again, and re-establish civilian control of the "governments of the governments" in this country.

In that eventuality, which is our only real hope, a lot of government bureaucrats will have to find new and more productive jobs, and many members of the military will be re-tasked to fight the real enemies of mankind -- things like ignorance, poverty, lack of basic hygiene, polluted water, and famine caused by idiotic agricultural policies promoted by corporate gurus who don't know the backside of a cow from an apple tree.

That is not such a bad outcome, and infinitely to be desired instead of the alternatives which involve millions of lives lost, vast amounts of valuable property torched, and incalculable amounts of natural resources destroyed.

The final answer to your question is that our Founders did not leave us a government based on a corporate hierarchy. They left us a government based on republican State Assemblies populated by average people from all walks of life, all colors, all religions, all kinds. They also left us two "governments of the governments" --- bureaucracies designed to deliver limited government services. It's the "governments of governments" that have proliferated and become corrupt, and the Principals responsible for their operations, too, that have failed us and violated their own service contracts.

We stand here, the lawful civilian government owed to the people of this country, returned against all odds from "over the sea". We have made our demands from our purported Trustees and stand in our role as the Donors of all physical assets, owed all credit based upon those assets. There can be no doubt that we are exactly who we say we are, that we have the knowledge, the records, the provenance, and the lawful right to act as the long-lost civilian government and the right to receive back control of our assets and the right to direct the activities of our public employees -- all rights that we now choose to exercise, so as to bring a peaceful end to war and corruption.

The other Principal Parties to the Constitutional Contracts have been fully informed and we are anticipating their decision --- either to continue on their reckless and dishonorable course of administering an illegitimate military protectorate in the face of the lawful government, or to capitulate and peaceably return control to us.

If they don't return our assets, our credit, our land, and our Good Names unharmed, then their egregious criminality will stand before the entire planet. Nobody will trust them again. Nobody will want to do business with them. The true cost they will bear for their dishonor and betrayal will be the loss of their reputation and their ability to conduct diplomacy.

China, the Ukraine, and any other country they might subourne to do their bidding, will see how deceitful, selfish, unreliable, and perverse the other Principals have proven to be in their business relationships with us, and be forewarned of what they could expect in turn.


See this article and over 4300 others on Anna's website here:


A Reply to "Q" and the Alliance -- June 1st 2023
By Anna Von Reitz

Early on, I was contacted by "Q" --- a patriotic young man, and asked for some assistance, which I gave. I tried to explain the difference in jurisdiction between land and sea, and the controlling position that the British Monarch has on the sea.

Any thinking American -- given the choice, would always choose to stand on his own land and soil, rather than hazard the perils of the High Seas and Inland Waterways -- as a matter of law.

The Law of the Land is solid and sure.

Justice on the land and soil of this country does not depend on public opinion (democracy) nor does it depend on private belief (theocracy).

Justice on the land depends on us and our ability, somewhat limited as it may be at times, to reason our way through the facts and evidence and determine by logic what must be true.

Ultimately, truth matters. All else is immaterial.

Here is the truth:

If you don't accept responsibility, you have no rights; and, if you do not accept liability, you have no authority.

The Colorado Nine, the January 6th Protesters, Stewart Rhodes, the Bundys and even President Trump have all come under this same gun and all of them have been forewarned by me and told the facts that they need to observe and the steps they need to take.

They haven't listened --- and in every single case, they have not only failed in their objectives, they have opened themselves up to prosecution and persecution --- both.

So long as you allow foreign governments to assume things about you, and so long as those foreign governments are benefited by assuming that you are an Unknown Enemy without rights or guarantees, the conclusion is foregone.

They will choose in their own favor and devil take the hindmost.

All the while, it's you and your failure to declare and record your correct political status that is giving them the leeway to make assumptions about you and to exercise their own "discretion" concerning you.

Let me give you an example:

You are standing in your driveway raking leaves one afternoon, and two of their officers decide that, in their opinion, you look like a dangerous subversive.

They arrest you and snoop around your home. In addition to the rake, they find a chainsaw, a hoe, and an ax in your garage.

These tools found in your garage could be used to murder people!

Soon, a man is found dead under mysterious circumstances, and you are deemed to be the murderer -- because that is the prevailing public opinion (democracy) or the earnest belief (theocracy) of your detractors.

This is the logic of mob rule (democracy). And it is also the logic of the Inquisition (theocracy).

But, wait, wait, you say--- we are Americans! We are owed a republican form of government, not a democracy! Not a theocracy!

You are subjecting yourselves to both these foreign forms of government by default, by failing to declare and record your political status as a Virginian, New Yorker, Minnesotan, Texan, or alia, and by failing to support your own American Government, which is vested in your State Assemblies and their unincorporated Federation of States.

That's why the January 6th Protesters are being treated so very badly by the Municipal Government in the District of Columbia.

The Protesters have had Municipal citizenship of the United States conferred on them without their knowledge or consent, and they have all neglected to waive the benefit of this foreign political status or otherwise declare their choice of political status.

Those who have them incarcerated are free to opine whatever they wish and believe whatever they wish about these Unfortunates, and treat them accordingly. There is no public record or pre-established evidence otherwise.

The members of the Municipal Congress don't even recognize the January 6th Protesters as persons covered by the Geneva Conventions. As a result, the Mavens of the Majority are free to feed them gruel and let them freeze in unheated cells, labeled as "Unknown Enemy Combatants".

The Protesters are being treated as traitors to the Municipal Government, which is a separate and foreign Beastie, an entity whose only excuse for being here is a largely dishonored service contract called known as "The Constitution of the United States".

That's why President Trump is being prosecuted in the District of Columbia and not the States where his purported crimes occurred. He has done nothing that could be prosecuted under the Law of the Land, but he has allowed them to prosecute him in other venues and on charges based merely on their opinions and their beliefs.

Now that you can see how they are working these systems of foreign law (both democracy and theocracy) against Americans, you can also see why they feel the need for propaganda and an airtight stranglehold on the media to control public opinion and private belief.

What are you going to do about it?

Inaction is not an option. Such arbitrary "law" based on public opinion and on private belief only gets worse over time and both the lapses of justice and the abuses of power become more shocking.

Ever wonder how the Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters were allowed to run all over the place without masks at the height of the so-called Mask Mandates? Ever wonder how they are allowed to loot stores without consequences? How about burning down fire stations? Maiming police officers? Vandalizing warehouses?

You know, thanks to Mad Cow Disease, that these Municipal Corporation Subcontractors have the ability to track down a single cow born in Canada through numerous sales transactions all the way to a feedlot in Indiana ten years later. How difficult would it be for them to track down all those who committed crimes during the George Floyd Riots?

It was the opinion (democracy) and belief (theocracy) of the foreign corporations inhabiting the District of Columbia, that these people were entitled to defend themselves against purported "racial injustice" by being allowed to loot and commit arson and vandalism and armed robbery and any other crime they liked.

Problem is, they did these things outside the District of Columbia.

It's time to liquidate these foreign corporations and take other actions to restore actual law and not merely "the rule of law" or "appearance" of law.

You, Americans, have a choice and a responsibility to make that choice.

I told the Colorado Nine to record and publish their declarations of political status. They didn't listen to me.

Last time I had contact with Bruce Doucette, the supposed leader of the Colorado Nine, he was still in some horrible jail facility penned up with murderers and rapists and armed robbers --- all violent criminals --- when he never harmed a flea.

In their opinion and belief he was as dangerous as Charles Manson.

The bread-and-water conditions under which the January 6th Protesters have been held reflects the same brand of lawlessness on the part of the Municipal Government Subcontractors and the members of their "Congress".

In their opinion and belief, the January 6th Protesters were there as dangerous Unknown Enemies to overthrow their government and eat them alive, and nobody can say otherwise.

This is because you, Americans, who are owed the Law of the Land, are being wishy-washy and failing to establish your correct political status and failing to man the offices and populate the assemblies of your own government.

You are letting your bought-and-paid for foreign Subcontractors, your own Federal Employees, rule over you and impose their "law" upon you, and as the Boyz at the Vatican will tell you, if you press them hard enough, it's all your own fault.

The moment you lift your hand as Americans, you are assumed to be acting in insurrection against these foreign governments.


Because you are misidentified as citizens of these foreign governments, and you are presumed to owe allegiance to these foreign governments.

Any action you take that -- in their opinion (democracy) is a threat -- or anything that you say against them that may be -- in their belief (theocracy) -- taken as a threat, counts as insurrection coming from one of their own citizens.

You can't be charged with insurrection or commit insurrection against a foreign Municipal Corporation, unless you are one of its citizens.

Go to: and get papered up today.

I wish nothing but good to every man and woman of goodwill. I have no reason to lie to you and receive no benefit from doing so --- unless you count having a clean conscience.

Q, White Hats, Alliance ----I am telling you right now, in front of God, if you try to substitute a British Territorial entity or other foreign corporation for the American Federal Republic, it will be exposed for what it is, and come to naught.

It's a simple choice and it's up to you.

Work with the lawful State Assemblies and their Federation of States dba The United States of America since 1776. If you want a contract, do it honestly. Don't try to foist off a British Territorial substitute for our Federal Republic by guile. Don't try to substitute yet another foreign corporation for it.

We are aware of all the variations of United States of America, States of America, United States, Unity States, blah-blah-blah that have been incorporated from here to Bangkok. It's not going to work.

There's a right way and a wrong way to do everything in this world. I have just told you the right way to get the job done. We chartered the Confederation and they incorporated the first Federal Republic; if anyone can replace those organizations, we are the only ones competent to do so.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here:


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Sorry, no results were found.



We all Call Washington DC the Swamp.

What does that mean? It means that our Politicians are bought and paid for by rich and powerful people to serve their interests rather than the interests of the citizens.

Vacating the Chair was the most significant step I've seen to stand up against that operation.

Many don't understand the courage it took for
and the others to stand up against that machine. In fact, many of us were disappointed with those who ultimately caved.

In the coming weeks we will have a new Speaker, the world won't end if Govt slows to a crawl for a bit here, but it can't be overstated how significant the motion to vacate was.

Be forewarned, the attacks against those with the courage to stand up are just getting started.
We all Call Washington DC the Swamp.

What does that mean? It means that our Politicians are bought and paid for by rich and powerful people to serve thei


A Hard Answer for a Simple Question
By Anna Von Reitz

I have been asked -- why did our Founders set our government up with a corporate structure? I have also been asked why our State Assemblies don't elect Governors? One answer relates to both questions.

It's pretty simple, really. The existence of government requires there to be a "government of the government". It's the "government of the government" that has a corporate structure, not our actual government.

The office of Governor is an office in the "government of the government", not our actual government, so, of course, our State Assemblies don't elect Governors. We elect State Assembly Chairmen, instead, who are the lawfully elected Spokespersons for the individual State Assemblies.

In the same way, we don't elect "representatives" to our version of Congress, we elect "fiduciary delegates" instead.

There has to be a structure in place to control and direct the bureaucrats, political appointees, and other public employees quite apart from and, in addition to, what we define as our government.

Some people call it "the shadow government". I call it the political bureaucracy. Because "the government of the government" looks and functions like a government, it can be mistaken for the actual government, and that is what has happened here.

In our case and the case of the other countries that have been impacted by the British Territorial Fraud Scheme, the bureaucracy has gone wild and overgrown the confines set for it.

The Founding Fathers were well-aware of this problem because they had the example of King Louis XIV's France building up to a powder-keg in their faces.

In that example, the French Monarchy, which was the actual government, was overwhelmed by the French Bureaucracy. The actual government was brought down by the weight, corruption, and intrigues of the "government of the government".

A handful of Royal Courtiers and Bureaucrats conspired for a period of decades prior to the French Revolution to siphon off the vast majority of France's wealth right under the nose of a weak, ignorant, and dependent King. They deployed all this purloined wealth in the most lavish and ostentatious building projects and parties imaginable, leaving the half-starved people of France to suffer.

It was only a matter of time until the poor had suffered enough.

Our Founders saw the French Revolution on the horizon, and so, they took measures to build a strictly limited and counter-balanced structure throughout their plan for government, intending that no such unholy alliance of political cronies and bureaucrats combined with weak or immoral executives, would ever mislead our country into a similar morass of corruption and injustice.

The Founders planned well, and bequeathed to us an admirable self-regulating system; however, their children promptly forgot how it was supposed to work, and when beset with numerous foreign intrigues and distractions, the cronies and bureaucrats here proved to be the equals of their counterparts in France two centuries ago.

Sans the silk breeches and fancy garters, of course.

I suppose I could stop there and let what should be self-evident, be self-evident, but experience has taught me that I must toil on and exhaust my powers of description before I am fully understood:

After the open hostilities of the Civil War ended--- a "war" which was a Mercenary Conflict, and not strictly speaking a war at all--- the conflict was left unresolved, and the country was left in the "protective custody" of the Union Army, and its Commander-in-Chief, who forsook the checks and balances our Founders designed, and began acting as a military dictator empowered to issue Executive Orders.

Although the President of the United States, like the President of any company or corporation, had always had the right to issue orders to his own staff and employees, Lincoln took it to a whole new level.

Lincoln asserted a non-existent and non-consensual executive power to allow the Union Army to occupy this country in the guise of a military protectorate, and he established the rules of this Protectorate by issuing the very first Executive Order known as General Order 100, also known as the Lieber Code.

The Union Army was acting as a Mercenary and Expeditionary Force under the direction of the British Crown at the time, and it has continued in that status ever since. The American Raj was born, and it was and is a "government of the government", not the government of this country.

The actual government owed to this country was and is vested in our civilian State Assemblies ("state assemblies" when Latin conventions are used) but these political bodies were thrown into disarray during the Civil War and met infrequently in private homes, churches, and schools during the conflict. Our actual unincorporated Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America ever since 1776, was similarly impacted.

Even though our actual international government and our actual States never took part in the so-called Civil War, the conflict destroyed so much infrastructure, prevented so much communication, and cost so many lives, that the disruption alone was a great obstruction to orderly continuance of our government "of, for, and by" the people of this country.

Once ensconced in Washington, DC, the Union Generals realized that the only thing standing between them and a very profitable oligarchy was Abraham Lincoln, and they were encouraged to commit both murder and treason by members of Lincoln's Cabinet, most especially William H. Seward, his Secretary of State, and Salmon P. Chase, his Treasury Secretary.

Seward was a megalomaniac about westward expansion, a passion he shared with the greedy British Queen who was busy building an Empire and who dreamed of vast gold reserves waiting to be discovered in the western United States. Salmon P. Chase, who engineered Lincoln's Greenbacks, was persuaded to give up this singular experiment in self-funded national currency and retreated to the comfortable indebted servitude offered by the Federal Reserve and the budding central bank system.

It is not a coincidence that General and Mrs. Ulysses S Grant, who were supposed to attend the Ford Theater that fateful night with Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln, took a powder and a train to Ohio instead.

A month after the debacle at Ford's Theater, our Great-Great-Granduncle, Clintwood Belcher and his younger brother, James, were riding home to West Virginia with the Great Seals of the United States and The United States of America in their saddlebags. Like Lincoln, they were attacked with murderous ferocity, their horses shot from under them. In the melee, young James escaped into the dense brush, and Clintwood, rounding up a loose mount belonging to one of the thinly disguised Union soldiers, rode for the Northwest frontier.

Clintwood and James would spend the rest of their lives on the run. The Great Seals were stolen and handed over to the Federal Reserve, and thereafter appeared in the Philippines in the hands of the "Monetary One" office which is merely presumed to be our Trustee--- without our agreement to any of the non-consensual arrangements that have been made "for" us by the usurping British Territorial Protectorate.

Ironically, both Lincoln, a traitor and pawn for the British Crown, and our relatives who represented the actual government of this country, were treated the same way by the Union Generals, who went on to establish their sub rosa oligarchy without telling the American People a word about it.

In order to cover up their heinous betrayal and usurpation, these same Union Generals conspired with members of the Territorial "Rump" Congress to establish Military Districts overlaying the actual States of the Union. After that, they organized new British Territorial State-of-State organizations, to replace the American States of State that existed prior to the Civil War and forced the remaining State Assemblies to write new State of State Constitutions facilitating this substitution scheme. The same vermin assumed the right to place our State assets into State Trusts controlled by themselves and their minions. Thus, we have suffered a foreign de facto military occupation benefiting the British Crown since 1865, and nobody has been the wiser.

This is the reason that our country and our world has been kept in a state of near-constant war ever since.

Soldiers, including Mercenary Soldiers, make their fortunes via war. Their careers are spawned by war. Their coffers are filled by war. Their personal power is increased by war. Demand for their services is increased by war. So, the military oligarchs in charge of this charade naturally want more and more war, war, war and war, no matter what the people of this country want -- and their British Territorial overlords who are giving them a feeble land claim, encourage them in this, because war is profitable for them, too.

From there our original and intended and lawful government has continued on as a shadow government of a different kind, an old, faithful, American government that has simply refused to die, and which has slowly taken root again and now takes meaning and body as Americans claim their birthright and exercise their guarantees and assemble their republican State Assemblies.

The "government of the government" has continued on with its graft, deceit, and corruption, until today the Generals in charge think nothing of sacrificing thousands of American lives as they have done in Paradise, California, and now, again, in Lahaina, Hawaii.

Not to be outdone, the Municipal theocracy ruling as a Congressional Oligarchy in charge of the City of Washington, DC, has become --- if possible, more corrupt than the foreign military protectorate, and has presented its own version of a "government of the government". As a result, we, Americans, have been the goats paying for two highly corrupt bureaucracies, which we have carried on our shoulders like huge granite blocks.

It is completely predictable that both unencumbered bureaucracies have grown exponentially in size and power and have sucked the lifeblood out of our country like so many leeches on a steer.

They have done the same to every other country they have "enfranchised", which includes British Territorial military protectorates established in all the former Commonwealth countries, seventeen western European nations, and Japan. And Municipal Corporation franchises have followed.

In the 1930's, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, formally and officially sacrificed all the Municipal citizens of the United States, and consigned them to abject slavery in an effort to dig his United States, Incorporated, out of red ink. He also created more than 350 new alphabet soup agencies and hired over a million additional Federal Employees to staff these new "administrative agencies"--- thereby vastly and non-consensually expanding the size and scope, power and expense, of the Federal Government.

The ineluctable process of cronyism and top-heavy bureaucracy combined with immoral (in FDR's case) and weak (think Jimmy Carter) executives had begun, and while the people of this country have slumbered on, the situation and their own condition has only gotten worse.

The same conditions that caused the French Revolution are ripening on our shores, and the Principals responsible -- the British Monarch, the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, and the Pope -- are sitting on their velvet tuffets.
All the British know how to do is ferment the dog pile and threaten violence of one kind or another, all the Lord Mayor knows how to do is to hide together with the so-called Lords of the Admiralty, and the Pope --- well, once in a while he does something vaguely moral.

The only way out of this mess without a lot of bloodshed and destruction is for the people of this country and all the other countries impacted by this fraudulent military occupation scheme to wake up and pull the plug on the bankers financing all this rot, populate our lawful governments again, and re-establish civilian control of the "governments of the governments" in this country.

In that eventuality, which is our only real hope, a lot of government bureaucrats will have to find new and more productive jobs, and many members of the military will be re-tasked to fight the real enemies of mankind -- things like ignorance, poverty, lack of basic hygiene, polluted water, and famine caused by idiotic agricultural policies promoted by corporate gurus who don't know the backside of a cow from an apple tree.

That is not such a bad outcome, and infinitely to be desired instead of the alternatives which involve millions of lives lost, vast amounts of valuable property torched, and incalculable amounts of natural resources destroyed.

The final answer to your question is that our Founders did not leave us a government based on a corporate hierarchy. They left us a government based on republican State Assemblies populated by average people from all walks of life, all colors, all religions, all kinds. They also left us two "governments of the governments" --- bureaucracies designed to deliver limited government services. It's the "governments of governments" that have proliferated and become corrupt, and the Principals responsible for their operations, too, that have failed us and violated their own service contracts.

We stand here, the lawful civilian government owed to the people of this country, returned against all odds from "over the sea". We have made our demands from our purported Trustees and stand in our role as the Donors of all physical assets, owed all credit based upon those assets. There can be no doubt that we are exactly who we say we are, that we have the knowledge, the records, the provenance, and the lawful right to act as the long-lost civilian government and the right to receive back control of our assets and the right to direct the activities of our public employees -- all rights that we now choose to exercise, so as to bring a peaceful end to war and corruption.

The other Principal Parties to the Constitutional Contracts have been fully informed and we are anticipating their decision --- either to continue on their reckless and dishonorable course of administering an illegitimate military protectorate in the face of the lawful government, or to capitulate and peaceably return control to us.

If they don't return our assets, our credit, our land, and our Good Names unharmed, then their egregious criminality will stand before the entire planet. Nobody will trust them again. Nobody will want to do business with them. The true cost they will bear for their dishonor and betrayal will be the loss of their reputation and their ability to conduct diplomacy.

China, the Ukraine, and any other country they might subourne to do their bidding, will see how deceitful, selfish, unreliable, and perverse the other Principals have proven to be in their business relationships with us, and be forewarned of what they could expect in turn.


See this article and over 4300 others on Anna's website here:


A Reply to "Q" and the Alliance -- June 1st 2023
By Anna Von Reitz

Early on, I was contacted by "Q" --- a patriotic young man, and asked for some assistance, which I gave. I tried to explain the difference in jurisdiction between land and sea, and the controlling position that the British Monarch has on the sea.

Any thinking American -- given the choice, would always choose to stand on his own land and soil, rather than hazard the perils of the High Seas and Inland Waterways -- as a matter of law.

The Law of the Land is solid and sure.

Justice on the land and soil of this country does not depend on public opinion (democracy) nor does it depend on private belief (theocracy).

Justice on the land depends on us and our ability, somewhat limited as it may be at times, to reason our way through the facts and evidence and determine by logic what must be true.

Ultimately, truth matters. All else is immaterial.

Here is the truth:

If you don't accept responsibility, you have no rights; and, if you do not accept liability, you have no authority.

The Colorado Nine, the January 6th Protesters, Stewart Rhodes, the Bundys and even President Trump have all come under this same gun and all of them have been forewarned by me and told the facts that they need to observe and the steps they need to take.

They haven't listened --- and in every single case, they have not only failed in their objectives, they have opened themselves up to prosecution and persecution --- both.

So long as you allow foreign governments to assume things about you, and so long as those foreign governments are benefited by assuming that you are an Unknown Enemy without rights or guarantees, the conclusion is foregone.

They will choose in their own favor and devil take the hindmost.

All the while, it's you and your failure to declare and record your correct political status that is giving them the leeway to make assumptions about you and to exercise their own "discretion" concerning you.

Let me give you an example:

You are standing in your driveway raking leaves one afternoon, and two of their officers decide that, in their opinion, you look like a dangerous subversive.

They arrest you and snoop around your home. In addition to the rake, they find a chainsaw, a hoe, and an ax in your garage.

These tools found in your garage could be used to murder people!

Soon, a man is found dead under mysterious circumstances, and you are deemed to be the murderer -- because that is the prevailing public opinion (democracy) or the earnest belief (theocracy) of your detractors.

This is the logic of mob rule (democracy). And it is also the logic of the Inquisition (theocracy).

But, wait, wait, you say--- we are Americans! We are owed a republican form of government, not a democracy! Not a theocracy!

You are subjecting yourselves to both these foreign forms of government by default, by failing to declare and record your political status as a Virginian, New Yorker, Minnesotan, Texan, or alia, and by failing to support your own American Government, which is vested in your State Assemblies and their unincorporated Federation of States.

That's why the January 6th Protesters are being treated so very badly by the Municipal Government in the District of Columbia.

The Protesters have had Municipal citizenship of the United States conferred on them without their knowledge or consent, and they have all neglected to waive the benefit of this foreign political status or otherwise declare their choice of political status.

Those who have them incarcerated are free to opine whatever they wish and believe whatever they wish about these Unfortunates, and treat them accordingly. There is no public record or pre-established evidence otherwise.

The members of the Municipal Congress don't even recognize the January 6th Protesters as persons covered by the Geneva Conventions. As a result, the Mavens of the Majority are free to feed them gruel and let them freeze in unheated cells, labeled as "Unknown Enemy Combatants".

The Protesters are being treated as traitors to the Municipal Government, which is a separate and foreign Beastie, an entity whose only excuse for being here is a largely dishonored service contract called known as "The Constitution of the United States".

That's why President Trump is being prosecuted in the District of Columbia and not the States where his purported crimes occurred. He has done nothing that could be prosecuted under the Law of the Land, but he has allowed them to prosecute him in other venues and on charges based merely on their opinions and their beliefs.

Now that you can see how they are working these systems of foreign law (both democracy and theocracy) against Americans, you can also see why they feel the need for propaganda and an airtight stranglehold on the media to control public opinion and private belief.

What are you going to do about it?

Inaction is not an option. Such arbitrary "law" based on public opinion and on private belief only gets worse over time and both the lapses of justice and the abuses of power become more shocking.

Ever wonder how the Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters were allowed to run all over the place without masks at the height of the so-called Mask Mandates? Ever wonder how they are allowed to loot stores without consequences? How about burning down fire stations? Maiming police officers? Vandalizing warehouses?

You know, thanks to Mad Cow Disease, that these Municipal Corporation Subcontractors have the ability to track down a single cow born in Canada through numerous sales transactions all the way to a feedlot in Indiana ten years later. How difficult would it be for them to track down all those who committed crimes during the George Floyd Riots?

It was the opinion (democracy) and belief (theocracy) of the foreign corporations inhabiting the District of Columbia, that these people were entitled to defend themselves against purported "racial injustice" by being allowed to loot and commit arson and vandalism and armed robbery and any other crime they liked.

Problem is, they did these things outside the District of Columbia.

It's time to liquidate these foreign corporations and take other actions to restore actual law and not merely "the rule of law" or "appearance" of law.

You, Americans, have a choice and a responsibility to make that choice.

I told the Colorado Nine to record and publish their declarations of political status. They didn't listen to me.

Last time I had contact with Bruce Doucette, the supposed leader of the Colorado Nine, he was still in some horrible jail facility penned up with murderers and rapists and armed robbers --- all violent criminals --- when he never harmed a flea.

In their opinion and belief he was as dangerous as Charles Manson.

The bread-and-water conditions under which the January 6th Protesters have been held reflects the same brand of lawlessness on the part of the Municipal Government Subcontractors and the members of their "Congress".

In their opinion and belief, the January 6th Protesters were there as dangerous Unknown Enemies to overthrow their government and eat them alive, and nobody can say otherwise.

This is because you, Americans, who are owed the Law of the Land, are being wishy-washy and failing to establish your correct political status and failing to man the offices and populate the assemblies of your own government.

You are letting your bought-and-paid for foreign Subcontractors, your own Federal Employees, rule over you and impose their "law" upon you, and as the Boyz at the Vatican will tell you, if you press them hard enough, it's all your own fault.

The moment you lift your hand as Americans, you are assumed to be acting in insurrection against these foreign governments.


Because you are misidentified as citizens of these foreign governments, and you are presumed to owe allegiance to these foreign governments.

Any action you take that -- in their opinion (democracy) is a threat -- or anything that you say against them that may be -- in their belief (theocracy) -- taken as a threat, counts as insurrection coming from one of their own citizens.

You can't be charged with insurrection or commit insurrection against a foreign Municipal Corporation, unless you are one of its citizens.

Go to: and get papered up today.

I wish nothing but good to every man and woman of goodwill. I have no reason to lie to you and receive no benefit from doing so --- unless you count having a clean conscience.

Q, White Hats, Alliance ----I am telling you right now, in front of God, if you try to substitute a British Territorial entity or other foreign corporation for the American Federal Republic, it will be exposed for what it is, and come to naught.

It's a simple choice and it's up to you.

Work with the lawful State Assemblies and their Federation of States dba The United States of America since 1776. If you want a contract, do it honestly. Don't try to foist off a British Territorial substitute for our Federal Republic by guile. Don't try to substitute yet another foreign corporation for it.

We are aware of all the variations of United States of America, States of America, United States, Unity States, blah-blah-blah that have been incorporated from here to Bangkok. It's not going to work.

There's a right way and a wrong way to do everything in this world. I have just told you the right way to get the job done. We chartered the Confederation and they incorporated the first Federal Republic; if anyone can replace those organizations, we are the only ones competent to do so.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here:


What Is the Key Trait of a False Teacher?
Let’s examine false teachers who cause divisions in an unacceptable manner. Perhaps it begins as a heart issue, which is then manifested by what they say.
Original blog with hyperlinks available here:
The verses below discuss false teachers and false prophets. You will see a lot of unholy heart attitudes in the group. Note them as you read. Also note that very often they were messing with the heart of the Gospel: 1) Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah and 2) Salvation is through personally accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.
• Distorting the message of salvation: I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. (Gal. 1:6-7)
• Antichrist spirit says that Jesus is NOT the Christ: Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. (1 Jn. 2:22; 2 Jn. 1:7; 1 Jn. 2:18)
• Destructive heresies brought in by false teachers. There will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master (i.e. Jesus) who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words… Daring, self-willed … like unreasoning animals …They count it a pleasure to revel in the daytime… they carouse … having eyes full of adultery that never cease from sin … having a heart trained in greed. (2 Pet. 2:1-15)
• Philosophy and traditions of men which focus on external rules: See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. (Col. 2:8). If you have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world, why, as if you were living in the world, do you submit yourself to decrees, such as, "Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch!" (which all refer to things destined to perish with use)--in accordance with the commandments and teachings of men? (Col. 2:20-22)
• Liars with seared consciences add external rules not in the Bible: But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars, seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. (1 Tim. 4:1-3)
• Rebellious teachers who are empty deceivers talking for money: For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain. (Titus 1:10-11)
• The teacher who teaches without a sound understanding: Wanting to be teachers of the Law, even though they do not understand either what they are saying or the matters about which they make confident assertions. (1 Tim. 1:7)
• Missing the goal of instruction which is the increase of faith: Nor to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which give rise to mere speculation rather than furthering the administration of God which is by faith. But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. (1 Tim. 1:4-5)
• Misleading as to the return of Christ: And then if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ'; or, 'Behold, He is there'; do not believe him; for false Christs and false prophets will arise, and will show signs and wonders, in order to lead astray, if possible, the elect. But take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance (Mk. 13:21-23). Then they will see THE SON OF MAN COMING IN CLOUDS with great power and glory. And then He will send forth the angels, and will gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven. (Mk. 13:26-27)
Did you get a list of the evil heart attitudes and behaviors of false teachers so you can be sure to steer clear of them?
I suggest that the key trait of a false teacher is an evil heart, and that he manifests the works of the flesh in his life:
Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Gal. 5:19-21)
John Wesley followed this time-tested approach
"In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, charity." Wesley believed that the spirit of charity (love) needs to take into consideration the limits of human understanding. He observed,
"To be ignorant of many things and to be mistaken in some is the necessary condition of humanity" and therefore, "As to all opinions which do not strike at the root of Christianity, we think and let think." (Wesley’s expanded article is here.)
The root (or heart) of Christianity is salvation through Christ
• “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (Jn. 3:16).
• “If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9).
• Note: My declaration is that I am embracing Jesus as the Son of God and my Lord and Savior. I honor Him as my teacher, leader, wonderful counselor, and the one who will exhort me as necessary. I have chosen to honor His call to “Follow Me.”
I expect the essential doctrines are those stated in The Apostles’ Creed
The Apostles’ Creed deals primarily with beliefs about the Triune God, with special focus on Jesus.
1. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
2. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again. He ascended into heaven and is seated in the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
3. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic [universal] Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
Things not mentioned in the Apostles Creed and perhaps not essential
Amazing how many doctrines we hold dear and fight over that are never mentioned in the Apostles’ Creed. Notice that it doesn’t cover any of the four views of eschatology or four views of hell!
Nor does the Apostles’ Creed cover any particular beliefs concerning miracles, dreams, kingdom now, baptism, word of faith, gifts of the Spirit, church administration or liturgy… I could go on and on. Amazing! Yet we fight and call people heretics if they disagree with us on these points.
The church I was saved in had a church split over whether men should have beards or not! Is that really an essential? Is that really worth starting a new denomination over? This is NOT becoming of the church.
It’s Not Heresy! It’s Enlightenment! (Part 3 of unfolding series, with the following blogs being posted over the next few weeks)
1. What Is a Heretic? Have I Been One? Who Defines Misinformation?
2. Shall We Remove the Words "Heretic" and "Heresy"?
3. What Is the Key Trait of a False Teacher?
4. What Is the Key Trait of True Teacher?
5. God’s Highway of Holiness is SAFE
6. Roadblocks Removed on His Highway of Holiness
7. As I Travel God’s Highway, Revelation Shines Ever More Brightly
8. A New Day Dawns as the Morning Star ARISES in Our Hearts
Discover the Secrets of How to Walk by the Spirit - Register FREE here for this powerful video event!

Are you like many western Christians who have been taught little about how to sense their spirits? Do you have trouble even defining what spirit sensations feel like within you, much less recognizing them? This training was birthed from Mark’s passion to live out of his spirit, and thus release the anointing of God.


Why You MUST Take Action in Lawful Rebellion
By Anna Von Reitz

I have mentioned many times before that if you become aware of a crime or even reasonably suspect that a crime has been or is being committed, you have an obligation to: (1) report it to the authorities; (2) take reasonable action against it.

Reporting it to the authorities assumes that there are responsible law-abiding authorities to report it to, which has not been the case in Britain and The United States for many years. However, we report it to them anyway, to make them 100% personally and commercially liable for their acts and omissions. And also to clear your skirts.

The "Reasonable Action" part beyond the obligation to report crime is a less obvious and ill-defined aspect. What, exactly, is "reasonable"?

Most people and the common law agree that it is not necessary to risk your own life --- you can, but you don't have to --- to meet this requirement.

You simply have to take whatever action you can "reasonably" take to resist crimes, such as coming to the aid of victims, refusing to take illegal orders, organizing groups (Neighborhood Watch, State Assembly Militias, Childrens' Health Defense Fund) to fight crime, organizing boycotts and work stoppages and similar actions to bring criminal agendas to a stop, organizing legal actions to involuntarily dissolve criminal corporations (e.g., Pfizer) and underlying crime syndicates (e.g., World Economic Forum).

If you don't take every reasonable action you can take, you may be considered an accomplice or enabler, and be brought to justice yourself, as if you were part of the criminal activity itself by acquiescence.

Americans who watched the "Lonesome Dove" mini-series some years ago may have cause to remember the character of Jake Spoon, who was hung by his own friends, Gus and Captain McCall. He went down as a murdering horse thief, because he was riding with a gang of murdering horse thieves --- and despite his claim that he didn't murder anyone or steal any horses himself, he had to be treated as if he did, because he did nothing to resist the crimes committed by his companions or bring aid to the victims.

That's the way actual Public Law works. Be forewarned. Conspirators and collaborators are on the same path to destruction.

If the corporations that are providing us with "governmental services" are engaged in criminal activity, as all of ours self-evidently now are, we have the absolute lawful and legal right and moral obligation to not pay taxes to them. We also have the absolute lawful and legal right and moral obligation to demand and enact their immediate involuntary dissolution and removal of the corporate veil to allow full prosecution.

As most of our courts all operate under one of two forms of international law --- maritime and admiralty --- and as these have been imposed and interpreted on our shores by British Territorial Courts and British BAR Attorneys, this Golden Oldie (reposted below) from the British Lawful Rebellion organization back in the day is especially potent, both here and in the British Isles and throughout the former Commonwealth, as all the same laws and arguments apply:

Republished in full with permission from Matt at by Lawful

Legal and lawful tax withholding

Are you aware that paying taxes is actually unlawful and illegal? Let’s show you why:

In accordance with domestic law and international law if you have reasonable cause to suspect that HM Government are involved in criminal activity, you are obligated by law to withhold any and all forms of funding and support.

Background info:

HM Government unlawfully and illegally authorised HM Armed Forces to invade Iraq, as well as Afghanistan and Libya, and kill over 1.4 million people and counting, including over 450,000 children and counting. They had no UN authorisation, no mandate whatsoever, yet they committed and continue to commit mass murder, terrorism and crimes against humanity totally illegally and unlawfully. This is not fiction this is recognised FACT! Recognised as fact by the UN itself, the Malaysian Capital’s War Crime Tribunal and the Foreign Affairs Office to name a very, very small few; many more will shortly be shown.

Ok, let’s not reinvent the wheel here. There is a great deal of background information to be perused and gleaned from such websites as: We STRONGLY urge and recommend you spend a couple of hours or so on that site first so you arm yourself with the much needed background knowledge, confidence and conviction that not only are war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and terrorism being committed in your name, but also why withholding any and all forms of funding and/or support from HM Government is the absolutely lawful, legal and conscionable thing to do. By the time you have finished reading all the information provided for you here on this subject, you will be stunned and shocked at what you have learnt!

In law it is widely accepted throughout the world that if you become aware of, or have reasonable cause to suspect, that an organisation or person is involved in criminal activity, and yet you continue to fund and support said organisation or person, then you are guilty of committing a crime by association – commonly known as an ‘accessory’ or ‘abettor’ and committing an ‘ancillary offence’. For example, from the Accessories and Abettors Act 1861

And from the International Criminal Court Act 2001

Did you know that if a person knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that crimes against humanity, war crimes and/or terrorism are or even just may be being committed by HM Government and HM Armed Forces, there are specific laws that obligates said person to withhold funding – such as taxes?


What is the official interpretation of ‘terrorism’ as stated in the Terrorism Act 2000

And section 15 of the same Act states very clearly…

Now read that last bit ‘2’ (b) again: knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that it [money/funds/tax] will or may be used for the purposes of terrorism. So, all that is required is reasonable cause to suspect that taxes or any other funds will or may be used to fund criminal activity; in this particular case ‘terrorism’.

What about Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, and War Crimes?

Click on this link to be redirected to article 6, 7 and 8 of the International Criminal Court Act 2001:

As you can see for yourself, it is quite clear that all three of these crimes have been and are being committed on the people of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.

People of Britain (and the world) deceived and lied to…that’s ‘fraud’ right?

This is where it gets even more interesting because according to the Fraud Act 2006 it would be safe to conclude that HM Government and HM Parliament are perpetual offenders on a daily basis! So here goes; Section 1 of the Fraud Act 2006

Section 2 – Fraud by false representation

Section 3 – Fraud by failing to disclose information

Section 4 – Fraud by abuse of position

So ‘conspiracy’ must have been committed right?

The offence of conspiracy – according to the Criminal Law Act 1977

And according to the Criminal Attempts Act 1981 and here

Suffice to say that if a person knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that funding or any other support will or may be used for the purposes of terrorism, genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, fraud or conspiracy etcetera, said person is absolutely obligated both by law and conscience to withhold any and all forms of funding and/or support from the organisation or person(s) suspected of committing said crimes.

Evidence for reasonable cause to suspect criminal activity:

Ok, so let’s imagine that through your own research and beliefs you have decided to give Notice to HM Government that you are obligated by law and conscience to withhold tax, due to you having [overwhelmingly] reasonable cause to suspect that funds will or may be used to support criminal activity. Firstly, you would need enough information to demonstrate to yourself and others why and how you have reasonable cause to suspect criminal activity by HM Government, HM Armed Forces and HM Parliament may be taking place. Let’s be clear here, you do NOT need to provide evidence to prove a crime beyond reasonable doubt as you would if you were the prosecutor in a criminal lawsuit. The only requirement in this instance is enough supporting evidence to demonstrate why you have reasonable cause to suspect that a crime may be being committed; and that is extremely easy to do in this case! cont...

From > Paying Tax is Illegal, here's why. Lawfully withold tax - what you need to know.