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It’s as Simple as a Choice – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda – O Jesus, precious Lord, Holy One, how you continue to reveal yourself to me! O Thank you, Jesus. Your word to me is so full of life, Lord. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Jesus, how do I see you today? O Lord, I’m at your feet again. I think this is my favorite place to be, Lord. At your feet with my head on your thigh. O how sweet is time spent here in your presence. Resting upon this Rock of my Salvation. Calling out to Him, praising Him. Touching Him. Having your hand on me, Lord, imparting ALL that I need…to do what you have called me to do. Even as I rest here, Lord, keep me conscious of you today, Lord, and impart to me now all I need to give you glory. Help me to do this, Lord. It is my heart’s desire.

Jesus – O My dear LaWanda, My precious one, you will be conscious today. As I said yesterday, I am breathing My breath into you and it IS changing you, bringing to mind ALL that you need, exactly when you need it. All to glorify Me, to keep you in fellowship with Me. Confessing your sin is good but better to not even go there in the first place. Simply make a choice in that moment and choose Me. And as you do, you will find more and more opportunities to do so every day. Not that you are constantly sinning. No, but Satan is constantly poking at you, trying to find a place where you will succumb. And when he finds one, LaWanda, it’s as simple as a choice. Just say My name. Just say “Jesus.” Quietly in your mind say, “NO, I am choosing Jesus in this moment. I may be weak in the next one, but in THIS one – in THIS moment – I am choosing Him.”

Submit yourself to Me in this moment. Resist the devil and he WILL flee. He MUST. My word says it. He MUST go! Then thank Me for the grace that you have just been given and go on about your day. Remember, dear one, that I am with you…ALWAYS. So there is NEVER a time when you are without Me. I abide in you forever and you in Me…for ETERNITY!!!

Rest in these thoughts, LaWanda. The Spirit of Him who raised Me for the dead abides in you and gives life to you. What a glorious thought this is! Do you realize just how powerful you are, LaWanda with a capital “W”? Ponder these thoughts, dear one. Meditate on these verses. Let them strengthen you deep within your soul, as I breathe fresh courage for this day into you. Let it bring your faith to life, dear one, as you choose Me again and again!

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7

“And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you.” Romans 8:11
“At the very moment I called out to you, you answered me! You strengthened me deep within my soul and breathed fresh courage into me.” Psalm 138:3 TPT
How to Hear God’s Voice Free Video Event
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The most practical teaching in the world on hearing God's voice!

ALL humanity via Adam 1st THEN Eve have fallen short of God's expectation's cuz deemed with 86-ing Devil outta Heaven 2 create a species 2 share eternity with HIM but 1st have 2 go thru 2 life test period's THEN 2 judgment day's via Book of Revelations but ever more so still R U humanity so GONE ROGUE & thus why Coming 4 Holy horsemen (currently-presenting in resting stasis) along with Heaven's Warrior angels R gonna B literally released upon us all 4 all we've allowed especially un2 Jesus's little Heaven supported 1's ie: babies - kid's - children - teen's & misc else of the innocent whether disabled, non human innocent life ie: animal's, Earth & even off Earth as we're not ever suppose 2 B off Earth = unholy violation!

But question is whether 'it' (Soul) - U will spend eternity in Hell or with Holy Trinity depends how U live in temporary human life - using what all solely God has given & B-ing mindful that ALL - EVERYTHING has come from non human innocent Earth, including U dust & ash corpse humanity in LESS than a day.


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It’s as Simple as a Choice – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda – O Jesus, precious Lord, Holy One, how you continue to reveal yourself to me! O Thank you, Jesus. Your word to me is so full of life, Lord. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Jesus, how do I see you today? O Lord, I’m at your feet again. I think this is my favorite place to be, Lord. At your feet with my head on your thigh. O how sweet is time spent here in your presence. Resting upon this Rock of my Salvation. Calling out to Him, praising Him. Touching Him. Having your hand on me, Lord, imparting ALL that I need…to do what you have called me to do. Even as I rest here, Lord, keep me conscious of you today, Lord, and impart to me now all I need to give you glory. Help me to do this, Lord. It is my heart’s desire.

Jesus – O My dear LaWanda, My precious one, you will be conscious today. As I said yesterday, I am breathing My breath into you and it IS changing you, bringing to mind ALL that you need, exactly when you need it. All to glorify Me, to keep you in fellowship with Me. Confessing your sin is good but better to not even go there in the first place. Simply make a choice in that moment and choose Me. And as you do, you will find more and more opportunities to do so every day. Not that you are constantly sinning. No, but Satan is constantly poking at you, trying to find a place where you will succumb. And when he finds one, LaWanda, it’s as simple as a choice. Just say My name. Just say “Jesus.” Quietly in your mind say, “NO, I am choosing Jesus in this moment. I may be weak in the next one, but in THIS one – in THIS moment – I am choosing Him.”

Submit yourself to Me in this moment. Resist the devil and he WILL flee. He MUST. My word says it. He MUST go! Then thank Me for the grace that you have just been given and go on about your day. Remember, dear one, that I am with you…ALWAYS. So there is NEVER a time when you are without Me. I abide in you forever and you in Me…for ETERNITY!!!

Rest in these thoughts, LaWanda. The Spirit of Him who raised Me for the dead abides in you and gives life to you. What a glorious thought this is! Do you realize just how powerful you are, LaWanda with a capital “W”? Ponder these thoughts, dear one. Meditate on these verses. Let them strengthen you deep within your soul, as I breathe fresh courage for this day into you. Let it bring your faith to life, dear one, as you choose Me again and again!

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7

“And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you.” Romans 8:11
“At the very moment I called out to you, you answered me! You strengthened me deep within my soul and breathed fresh courage into me.” Psalm 138:3 TPT
How to Hear God’s Voice Free Video Event
Register today for online access
Going on now!
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Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!

The most practical teaching in the world on hearing God's voice!

ALL humanity via Adam 1st THEN Eve have fallen short of God's expectation's cuz deemed with 86-ing Devil outta Heaven 2 create a species 2 share eternity with HIM but 1st have 2 go thru 2 life test period's THEN 2 judgment day's via Book of Revelations but ever more so still R U humanity so GONE ROGUE & thus why Coming 4 Holy horsemen (currently-presenting in resting stasis) along with Heaven's Warrior angels R gonna B literally released upon us all 4 all we've allowed especially un2 Jesus's little Heaven supported 1's ie: babies - kid's - children - teen's & misc else of the innocent whether disabled, non human innocent life ie: animal's, Earth & even off Earth as we're not ever suppose 2 B off Earth = unholy violation!

But question is whether 'it' (Soul) - U will spend eternity in Hell or with Holy Trinity depends how U live in temporary human life - using what all solely God has given & B-ing mindful that ALL - EVERYTHING has come from non human innocent Earth, including U dust & ash corpse humanity in LESS than a day.


Here's the story line behind The Crow: Brandon Lee was hired to play Draven, the rock musician in the movie. He and his fiancé refused to move out of their apartment after the real estate developer wanted to sell the building. So The developer hired killers to kill them.
Brandon Lee, the actor, is martial artist Bruce Lee's son. While on set during the second last scene, Brandon was to stand upon a dining room table as the thugs shot at him with their guns. But one of the prop guns had a real bullet in it and Brandon took a round to the chest.
Brandon died. Final scene was with a cracked mirror and used a double. The story line was that, Eric Draven was resurrected from the dead by his crow to get vengeance upon the real estate developer then return to the spirit of his lost woman where they would reunite for eternity.

The Cure - Burn (The Crow)

& 2 U ALL 8,019,876,189 individual humans as of 1/2024 of 195 individual countries worldwide = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity, I (me) deem, U NO (?, red carpet, misc) U ONLY deem such 2-of Jesus-God-Holy Trinity or spend eternity in Hell burning alive screaming!