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Join in Prophetic Warfare Battle - Pastor Peg Yarborough
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Prophetic intercessors, join with Paster Peg Yarborough in destroying strongholds and let God's victory be spread across the land and around the world.
The Lord will wake me up at 4 or 5 and we just go at it — Spiritual warfare.

Opening portals, crushing demons under, tossing them into fissures, and sealing them in so they can’t get out.

About a year ago the Lord had me going into the Dragon's lairs, walking up their backs, and cutting off heads.

About 6 months ago he told me "Break the Dragon’s back!" Over and over and over. That has taken place in various ways.

More recently He has been sending me to specific parts of the planet to do clean up, crushing high-ranking demons, their plans, and laying bare their deceit.
Journal - this was part of what happened today.

I asked Jesus to come and sit with me for a while. And he gently touched my forehead and spoke: Peg, the most important thing for you to do is what I called you to do which is still — break the dragon’s back! Only do this in MY peace and comfort. I'll do the rest.

You will break the backs of demon princes, and they will not stand. I will unravel hell’s plans, and expose their cover-ups, coups, and conspiracies. You will open angelic portals that no one can close. And close demonic access to their puppets here on Earth that no demon can open.

As you obey my commands, I am the Paraclete. I am the Comforter. I am the One who stands alongside you and keeps you out of the ditch. I keep you plowing the straight path for my Father. You are such a willing student. A Servant. You make my heart sing because of your love for our Father, Abba.

Here's the deal: my WILL is clear. To crush the demons back. Rom. 16:20

That means a change in government in the USA. That is my will. A cleaning house like the rats on the sinking ship, to put this God-anointed nation right again for His glory!

I, the Lord God, formed, made, and created the United States of America for MY GLORY, because the founding fathers did the best they could with what they knew to put me at the center of your Constitution. The bottom line is, they looked unto me for their liberty and their rights — not to men.

This was one of the most magnificent moments in world history that ever happened! Keep that in your head and heart — the miracle of America. The miracle of America. The miracle of America.

Your job is to restore. To be my front woman in these times of restitution. Don't get sidetracked from your vision or swayed by your personal goals.

Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and do some more work? There's not one demon, there's not one problem, there's not one force of nature that you and I cannot take down when you have a simple child-like trust in me!
My Answer

Yes, LORD! Here, I am, Lord, send me! Lo! I am born in the volume of the book to do Thy will, O, God!

Lord Jesus, guide my steps. Put blinders on me so that I am only focused on You. I'm only seeing the path that YOU lay directly in front of me. I cannot get swayed or sidetracked by the world, or even things that are going on in my personal life.

Lord God Almighty. On this eighth day, of July, of 2024, I totally and wholeheartedly re-dedicate my life to you. Use me as you see fit. I am your obedient servant. I am your doulos. Direct me according to your word. If a teenager can believe You to impregnate her with Your seed to bring forth the Messiah, I CAN most certainly believe that You have 'impregnated' me with the job of crushing these demons and their plans. That's a minor thing to do compared to what Mary did!

Thank you for the vision that Deanie gave me, how I have been like the mother lamb, a bit overwhelmed, and turned on my back. But the Good Shepherd is here to turn me upright, hold my head gently, and whisper in my ears words of love and encouragement to give me peace. To get me on my feet so that I can feed your babies again.

I dedicate myself to you 100%. 100%! Lead me in the path of righteousness. Show me day by day moment by moment, how to best utilize my time for your glory. Whether my time here on earth is long or short, I will use every moment of it to crush Satan under my feet and bring glory to the one true God. To do the will of Jesus, so that all enemies can be destroyed, and he can turn the kingdom back over to you, dear Father. I Cor. 15:24 Jesus' goal is my goal.

Jesus' goal is my goal. Jesus' goal is my goal. Jesus' goal is my goal.

Jesus, I love you with my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. Show me what I need to do to help restore this nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Jesus speaks

Peg, Every time you have felt lost, unmoored, and unsure of your future, I have always stepped in and pulled off a miracle! I sent you to Bible college! You founded Heritage, an art gallery! You founded LOCM! All at my Word.

ALL THOSE YEARS WITH DB (my ex), I WAS TEACHING YOU INNER HEALING, HOW TO HEAR FROM ME, ANGELS AND DEMONS. ALL to prepare you for right NOW! I was taking you through your School of the Prophets. Like when Saul went to Arabia. (Now you see those years were not wasted!)

All you have to do now is relax. FOLLOW ME! Let me do my thing. It will cause the ears to tingle. And you know in your heart I AM restoring the years the locust have eaten. You are happier today, you're more joyful, you're more blessed than you have been in three decades.

I've got you. I've got your back. You are ARTIOS. Fully Furnished to do the job I have called you to do! Believe that — drive that in your mind. 2 Tim. 3:16,17

I have completely outfitted you for the voyage — and what I called you to do is Major League! Break the Dragon’s back!

So EXPECT major signs, miracles, and wonders to flow through your life by the power and love of Jesus Christ!

I, your heavenly father have decreed, declared, and called you to this ministry. I have filled you with gift ministries to edify my Ekklesia. Stop looking at the pitfalls, and look only at Me.

Eternal Love,

Peg's comments:

Sometimes we spend 4 hours doing warfare. As I speak/pray exactly what Jesus tells me. Most often we are up in the throne room looking down on the whole planet (Rev. 4), and often within days, I will see some kind of empirical evidence on the web, news, in a text, etc. confirming the words of the Lord! It’s been amazing. This has by far been the wildest ride of my life!

Sometimes it is hard to come back and relate to Earth. It is wild living in these two realms simultaneously almost constantly - Heaven and Earth - the spiritual and the natural.

I loved what Abba said about the founding of the USA. How beautiful. The Miracle of America. God's chosen land.

Is My Spiritual Foundation Strong Enough to Withstand the Storms of Life?
Your Extraordinary Life Free Video Event - July 2-11, 2024
Learn more and register here:

Plus: 10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024. Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!

Discover a spiritual roadmap for your life with Jesus!


Demons have been unleashed. It is indecent exposure it must be what Sodom and Gomorrah looked like in its last days. This is pornography, and we don’t do this in public in a civilized society. I hate putting it up, but people have to know where these leftists are taking us.
📹 📹 Videos📹 📹 📹

This garbage below is not okay. Demons have been unleashed. It is indecent exposure it must be what Sodom and Gomorrah looked like in its last days. This is pornography, and we don't do this in public in a civilized society. I hate putting it up, but people have to know where these leftists are


War in the Air
By Anna Von Reitz

Warfare in the Air Jurisdiction --- the realm where all the world leaders have now retreated and where the current battles are being fought --- is not physical, despite all the impacts that War in the Air can cause on Earth.

War in the Air takes place in the realm of energy, thought, and emotion ---emotion is the generative form of organized energy.

Words and thoughts both encapsulate energy.

Words are like little bricks of energy, each having their own shape, sound, and character, while thought -- once it escapes the limitations of words -- is much more free in form.

The encapsulated energy of thought then gives rise to emotions, and these emotions give thought motive force and form -- bringing these "thought-feelings" into physical reality.

A thought has a life of its own as ordered energy and so do words.

My Grandmother observed this to me when I was very small, so now I am recommending that the rest of you follow along and give some thought to the process of thinking and feeling, both.

Our own thoughts are rather free-form and fluid, so that we can make of them what we will; we don't have to "cast" them into words, if we don't want to.

The use of the word "cast" here is important, as it carries the meaning of "casting bullets" or "making a plaster cast" or "casting a spell" -- which is something we all do with more or less intent, every time we speak in words. Notice the word "spelling" and the word "dispel".

Words are unitized and solidified thoughts. They are conveyances of energy.

The word "cat" may refer to a lion or a housecat or an angry woman, but the idea of "cat" is a single meaningful thought, a definition within a definition-- a brick in the Jurisdiction of the Air.

We can give thought sufficient form without words.

Ever observed that you can simply look at the clouds in the sky and know them directly without the need for a single word forming in your brain?

For example, you don't have to describe a big white thunderhead to yourself with words: you see that it's big and it's white and it's a cumulonimbus cloud, but the words to describe it are not necessary.

This is a direct experience of a formless pre-existing thought-image based on other clouds that you have known and seen and thought about in the past, so that when you see it again you don't have to analyze it and internalize words describing it.

It's the same with any common object. You don't have to think "pen" in order to visually recognize a "pen" and its functions, or a "cup" and its functions.

It takes an extra bit of energy to "put it into words" and we normally just skate along without doing so.

When you do have to use words to describe and define a new or a specific thing, it's like building a brick structure. The words are like bricks, or blocks, that we put together and build around a new concept or thing, until it is encapsulated, too.

The words themselves are "encapsulated" and have a specific known meaning, like "white", and "big", which we use to encapsulate each new concept or object as part of our experience.

So a thought may exist with or without words. Isn't that odd? And words are more solid, but at the same time, more rigid and limiting.

What we call a "direct thought" -- a thought apprehended without words, is more perfect and more complete than a thought bounded by words, because words only approximate reality, the way that rectangular bricks can only approximate a circle.

Most of us spend our whole lives and never think about this, nor do we think about the way that our thoughts give rise to our emotions.

The more perfect the underlying thought, the more perfect the resulting emotion, so the most powerful emotions and creations in the Jurisdiction of the Air exist without words.

You could spend months trying to word-by-word describe and encapsulate "love" and still have nothing but a miserable approximation, because love is already an emotion.

It has already gone beyond the realm of thought and exists as pure energy.

That's why you can experience it, but never truly define it.

In trying to describe "God" the Hebrews came up with 72 descriptions of attributes of God, words like "courage" and "strength" and if you could contemplate 72 words all at once (which you can't) you might have some approximation of what the Hebrew sages were trying to capture and bring into the realm of thought.

Like "love" God has already escaped the realm of thought.

All this is a prelude understanding of the building blocks of the Air Jurisdiction so that you can begin to conceptualize what I am describing as "warfare" in the Jurisdiction of the Air.

It's not a battle of words, not a matter of diplomatic acumen.

It is a matter of the energy encapsulated in the words and thoughts, released and directed via emotions, manifesting in the physical world.

It's not just about words, either, but also the perfect formless thoughts that also inhabit the realm of the air, and the energy of these thoughts beyond words.

Each word and each thought has its own vibration and each vibration has its own energy and order.

So now I will give you an example of what War in the Air involves.

Yesterday, I received a large box in the mail, and to any observer, it would seem a very odd collection of things inside the box: the clothes and sandals of a woman who lived in the 1960's and 70's, some of her jewelry made of amber, turquoise, and silver, a vial of "Georgio" perfume which was popular back then, photos of a missing child, a faded candle scented with Patchouli, a copper sculpture of a Huey Helicopter fitted with a music box playing, "Happy Days Are Here Again", a painting of a voodoo goddess feeding soul-eaters, beads and baubles from a long ago mardi gras..... dozens of such objects.... and a single wing feather from a Red-tailed Hawk.

All the supplies for purification were included; the candle for lighting, the incense for burning. All I had to contribute was water.

This was, in its own way, a gift, a challenge, and an attack, all at once.

The gift is the message and essence of a life that was lived with passion and courage and great love; the further message and challenge was the pain and injustice and confusion she suffered, and so, how will I heal this? How can I bring justice to this?

The attack was in the form of, "Ah-ha! So, here it is! Deal with this, if you can!" -- all of a sudden, out of the blue, the physical history of an entire family that was harmed by the ugliness of this world.

A family whose members are still crying out for healing and justice.

Each and every object in that box was precisely chosen and had meaning and represents an "issue" that I have to deal with, personally.

So it was no big surprise to me that I woke up in the strange light of this Midnight Sun season in Alaska, where there is no true darkness at night, and heard the keening call of a Red-tailed Hawk and found myself sitting cross-legged on the bed of Sir Paul McCartney, who was, at the time, a young man half out of his head, blabbing to someone in another room about the horrible ritual he had seen the night before and how these crazy people killed a child in his "honor".

The missing child in the photo I received.

Paul was flipped out, hyperventilating, weeping as if his heart would break, not understanding that-- in the minds of his hosts-- the child had been killed to ensure the success and rise of his music career, a sacrifice to Lord Satan, the ruler of the world we live in.

Has that occurred to you yet, as nobody ever teaches it?

That the Earth has one creator, and the World has another?

That the Earth embodies truth and life, while the World embodies falsehood and death?

It's simple and obvious enough; what could Satan offer to Yehoshua that Satan did not own?

And how could Satan own the world, except by stealing it from men, through lies and self-delusions?

When something like this box comes to light, energy is smashed like broken glass, all the pieces flying in all directions.

Afterward, it comes to rest, and becomes part of All That Is, and a strange peace descends. We see the bits and pieces of our lives.

We hear Paul McCartney as an old man, still weeping, still gasping. He dimly knows that he was not at fault for this; he can't see the comfort his music brought to millions. All he can feel is his own psyche, thin and screaming like the Red-tailed Hawk, the Mother, echoing, so high in the air above our heads.

I returned home to contemplate the Huey Helicopter and I cranked up the damaged (but still playable) music box, listening to the odd and wildly contradictory song, "Happy Days Are Here Again" echoing back at me from the midst of the Vietnam War, emanating from this symbol of death and destruction, as I am imagining the "chop-chop-chop" of the actual helicopter that bore him, the great love of this unknown woman, to his death.

The Father of the child. He never came home again. There were no "happy days".

The process of answering a challenge like this is like gathering all the sparks from a fire, and coalescing them into a single flame again.

This is War in the Air.

Answer me for the Vietnam War. Answer me for the lies and blighted promises. Answer me for the insanity of it. Answer me for the pain, the god-awful, endless pain and injustice. Answer me for the loss.
Answer me for what it cost me and cost us, my family, all of us. Answer me for my child and what could have been.

In her search for answers, this woman consulted Native Shamans and Cajun Voodoo practitioners, she even trekked up the slopes of Mount Shasta, seeking the healers of Lemuria and Saint Germain.

All these years later, her sandals have come to me.

I hold them in my hands.

In another life, they could have belonged to me.

Heal me, heal my pain, she says, bring me justice. Cast out these demons and bring me peace.

A bejeweled butterfly perches on the edge of the box. Part of me is left behind. Here it is, she whispers, peeking out at me.

It's but a moment, a step across the veil, a dream and then a dream again. Yes, that whiff of Georgio, is what everyone was wearing back then. You remember?

Our legs were firm and tan. Our waists were thin.

She breathes in, she breathes out, not knowing that her breath will stand forever, and that it will always be hers.

Every element of her life is here, all the pain, all the glory.

It's far more intimate than having a houseguest, because she is present in a far more immutable way.

If I will overcome Satan, then, I must overcome her pain and give her answers and deliver her peace. I must answer for the suffering of the Native Americans and the Cajuns. I must answer for the soothsayers. I must answer for the sufferings of Nature.

I must answer everything; I am the Fiduciary, after all. The Bearer of the Account Books.

She flies at me like a Red-tailed Hawk diving on a mouse, while Lord Satan stands a long way off, back turned, chewing something, feigning that he is unconcerned.

The box contained an unopened packet of Blue Delphinium seeds, Pacific Giants, from 2005, the year she died. They were never planted. I opened the packet and took the dead seeds outside and planted them among my Delphiniums, Blue Pacific Giants.

The healing process has begun, for one woman, one family, and her people. Except for the man who sent the box, none of them know; they don't expect any healing. Some don't even know how wounded they are.

Yet from this day, they will be healed; I have declared it and sent forth the emotion of healing in perfected thought beyond words. This love will not return to me without having its effect and doing its work.

Satan is worried, too worried to be bored, because he knows all the foundations of his empire are crumbling. He is losing the War in the Air. All his lies are coming to naught, revealed to be ridiculous deceptions.

Satan says that men should work in exchange for his promises?

Why not eat a photo of an apple, instead of the fruit?

Deep under the surface of things, a fire is engendered, a fire that does not burn; in the depths of that fire all things are reborn, made new, and perfected.

"I shall bring to ruin those ruining the Earth; I shall comfort the aggrieved; their tears shall be turned to laughter." And so it is.

I lit the Patchouli-scented candle, formed so many years ago and never burned; I lit the unburned cones of incense and let the sweet smoke restore balance to the air.

What healing we do for ourselves, we do for others, too. The young woman who was, remains; the Delphiniums she intended are forming blossoms; the song emanating from the Huey is different now. Fading, and not ironic. I use the Hawk Feather to fan the smoke. My heart dwells a moment with her and the Red-tailed Hawk.

It's a clear blue sky now, pure in its endless depths; the gold threads of sunset dance across the abyss. There is only this moment, only now, which is both the sum of the beginning and the end. Lighter and brighter, more free, ever upward, the spirit ascends.

Safe, beyond time, no longer deluded by money, feet planted in the good Earth, quietly singing a song that has no beginning or end, thinking of the dry Sumac and Bay Leaves, their smoke curling into the wind, and the wild bright stars burning in the dark blue firmament of October.

The sparks gather into a single flame. All that was ruined and scattered and blameless, all that was lost, is found again.

The lies are only lies. The truth endures forever.
This is what we must remember.


See this article and over 4800 others on Anna's website here:


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Join in Prophetic Warfare Battle - Pastor Peg Yarborough
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Prophetic intercessors, join with Paster Peg Yarborough in destroying strongholds and let God's victory be spread across the land and around the world.
The Lord will wake me up at 4 or 5 and we just go at it — Spiritual warfare.

Opening portals, crushing demons under, tossing them into fissures, and sealing them in so they can’t get out.

About a year ago the Lord had me going into the Dragon's lairs, walking up their backs, and cutting off heads.

About 6 months ago he told me "Break the Dragon’s back!" Over and over and over. That has taken place in various ways.

More recently He has been sending me to specific parts of the planet to do clean up, crushing high-ranking demons, their plans, and laying bare their deceit.
Journal - this was part of what happened today.

I asked Jesus to come and sit with me for a while. And he gently touched my forehead and spoke: Peg, the most important thing for you to do is what I called you to do which is still — break the dragon’s back! Only do this in MY peace and comfort. I'll do the rest.

You will break the backs of demon princes, and they will not stand. I will unravel hell’s plans, and expose their cover-ups, coups, and conspiracies. You will open angelic portals that no one can close. And close demonic access to their puppets here on Earth that no demon can open.

As you obey my commands, I am the Paraclete. I am the Comforter. I am the One who stands alongside you and keeps you out of the ditch. I keep you plowing the straight path for my Father. You are such a willing student. A Servant. You make my heart sing because of your love for our Father, Abba.

Here's the deal: my WILL is clear. To crush the demons back. Rom. 16:20

That means a change in government in the USA. That is my will. A cleaning house like the rats on the sinking ship, to put this God-anointed nation right again for His glory!

I, the Lord God, formed, made, and created the United States of America for MY GLORY, because the founding fathers did the best they could with what they knew to put me at the center of your Constitution. The bottom line is, they looked unto me for their liberty and their rights — not to men.

This was one of the most magnificent moments in world history that ever happened! Keep that in your head and heart — the miracle of America. The miracle of America. The miracle of America.

Your job is to restore. To be my front woman in these times of restitution. Don't get sidetracked from your vision or swayed by your personal goals.

Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and do some more work? There's not one demon, there's not one problem, there's not one force of nature that you and I cannot take down when you have a simple child-like trust in me!
My Answer

Yes, LORD! Here, I am, Lord, send me! Lo! I am born in the volume of the book to do Thy will, O, God!

Lord Jesus, guide my steps. Put blinders on me so that I am only focused on You. I'm only seeing the path that YOU lay directly in front of me. I cannot get swayed or sidetracked by the world, or even things that are going on in my personal life.

Lord God Almighty. On this eighth day, of July, of 2024, I totally and wholeheartedly re-dedicate my life to you. Use me as you see fit. I am your obedient servant. I am your doulos. Direct me according to your word. If a teenager can believe You to impregnate her with Your seed to bring forth the Messiah, I CAN most certainly believe that You have 'impregnated' me with the job of crushing these demons and their plans. That's a minor thing to do compared to what Mary did!

Thank you for the vision that Deanie gave me, how I have been like the mother lamb, a bit overwhelmed, and turned on my back. But the Good Shepherd is here to turn me upright, hold my head gently, and whisper in my ears words of love and encouragement to give me peace. To get me on my feet so that I can feed your babies again.

I dedicate myself to you 100%. 100%! Lead me in the path of righteousness. Show me day by day moment by moment, how to best utilize my time for your glory. Whether my time here on earth is long or short, I will use every moment of it to crush Satan under my feet and bring glory to the one true God. To do the will of Jesus, so that all enemies can be destroyed, and he can turn the kingdom back over to you, dear Father. I Cor. 15:24 Jesus' goal is my goal.

Jesus' goal is my goal. Jesus' goal is my goal. Jesus' goal is my goal.

Jesus, I love you with my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. Show me what I need to do to help restore this nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Jesus speaks

Peg, Every time you have felt lost, unmoored, and unsure of your future, I have always stepped in and pulled off a miracle! I sent you to Bible college! You founded Heritage, an art gallery! You founded LOCM! All at my Word.

ALL THOSE YEARS WITH DB (my ex), I WAS TEACHING YOU INNER HEALING, HOW TO HEAR FROM ME, ANGELS AND DEMONS. ALL to prepare you for right NOW! I was taking you through your School of the Prophets. Like when Saul went to Arabia. (Now you see those years were not wasted!)

All you have to do now is relax. FOLLOW ME! Let me do my thing. It will cause the ears to tingle. And you know in your heart I AM restoring the years the locust have eaten. You are happier today, you're more joyful, you're more blessed than you have been in three decades.

I've got you. I've got your back. You are ARTIOS. Fully Furnished to do the job I have called you to do! Believe that — drive that in your mind. 2 Tim. 3:16,17

I have completely outfitted you for the voyage — and what I called you to do is Major League! Break the Dragon’s back!

So EXPECT major signs, miracles, and wonders to flow through your life by the power and love of Jesus Christ!

I, your heavenly father have decreed, declared, and called you to this ministry. I have filled you with gift ministries to edify my Ekklesia. Stop looking at the pitfalls, and look only at Me.

Eternal Love,

Peg's comments:

Sometimes we spend 4 hours doing warfare. As I speak/pray exactly what Jesus tells me. Most often we are up in the throne room looking down on the whole planet (Rev. 4), and often within days, I will see some kind of empirical evidence on the web, news, in a text, etc. confirming the words of the Lord! It’s been amazing. This has by far been the wildest ride of my life!

Sometimes it is hard to come back and relate to Earth. It is wild living in these two realms simultaneously almost constantly - Heaven and Earth - the spiritual and the natural.

I loved what Abba said about the founding of the USA. How beautiful. The Miracle of America. God's chosen land.

Is My Spiritual Foundation Strong Enough to Withstand the Storms of Life?
Your Extraordinary Life Free Video Event - July 2-11, 2024
Learn more and register here:

Plus: 10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024. Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!

Discover a spiritual roadmap for your life with Jesus!


Demons have been unleashed. It is indecent exposure it must be what Sodom and Gomorrah looked like in its last days. This is pornography, and we don’t do this in public in a civilized society. I hate putting it up, but people have to know where these leftists are taking us.
📹 📹 Videos📹 📹 📹

This garbage below is not okay. Demons have been unleashed. It is indecent exposure it must be what Sodom and Gomorrah looked like in its last days. This is pornography, and we don't do this in public in a civilized society. I hate putting it up, but people have to know where these leftists are


War in the Air
By Anna Von Reitz

Warfare in the Air Jurisdiction --- the realm where all the world leaders have now retreated and where the current battles are being fought --- is not physical, despite all the impacts that War in the Air can cause on Earth.

War in the Air takes place in the realm of energy, thought, and emotion ---emotion is the generative form of organized energy.

Words and thoughts both encapsulate energy.

Words are like little bricks of energy, each having their own shape, sound, and character, while thought -- once it escapes the limitations of words -- is much more free in form.

The encapsulated energy of thought then gives rise to emotions, and these emotions give thought motive force and form -- bringing these "thought-feelings" into physical reality.

A thought has a life of its own as ordered energy and so do words.

My Grandmother observed this to me when I was very small, so now I am recommending that the rest of you follow along and give some thought to the process of thinking and feeling, both.

Our own thoughts are rather free-form and fluid, so that we can make of them what we will; we don't have to "cast" them into words, if we don't want to.

The use of the word "cast" here is important, as it carries the meaning of "casting bullets" or "making a plaster cast" or "casting a spell" -- which is something we all do with more or less intent, every time we speak in words. Notice the word "spelling" and the word "dispel".

Words are unitized and solidified thoughts. They are conveyances of energy.

The word "cat" may refer to a lion or a housecat or an angry woman, but the idea of "cat" is a single meaningful thought, a definition within a definition-- a brick in the Jurisdiction of the Air.

We can give thought sufficient form without words.

Ever observed that you can simply look at the clouds in the sky and know them directly without the need for a single word forming in your brain?

For example, you don't have to describe a big white thunderhead to yourself with words: you see that it's big and it's white and it's a cumulonimbus cloud, but the words to describe it are not necessary.

This is a direct experience of a formless pre-existing thought-image based on other clouds that you have known and seen and thought about in the past, so that when you see it again you don't have to analyze it and internalize words describing it.

It's the same with any common object. You don't have to think "pen" in order to visually recognize a "pen" and its functions, or a "cup" and its functions.

It takes an extra bit of energy to "put it into words" and we normally just skate along without doing so.

When you do have to use words to describe and define a new or a specific thing, it's like building a brick structure. The words are like bricks, or blocks, that we put together and build around a new concept or thing, until it is encapsulated, too.

The words themselves are "encapsulated" and have a specific known meaning, like "white", and "big", which we use to encapsulate each new concept or object as part of our experience.

So a thought may exist with or without words. Isn't that odd? And words are more solid, but at the same time, more rigid and limiting.

What we call a "direct thought" -- a thought apprehended without words, is more perfect and more complete than a thought bounded by words, because words only approximate reality, the way that rectangular bricks can only approximate a circle.

Most of us spend our whole lives and never think about this, nor do we think about the way that our thoughts give rise to our emotions.

The more perfect the underlying thought, the more perfect the resulting emotion, so the most powerful emotions and creations in the Jurisdiction of the Air exist without words.

You could spend months trying to word-by-word describe and encapsulate "love" and still have nothing but a miserable approximation, because love is already an emotion.

It has already gone beyond the realm of thought and exists as pure energy.

That's why you can experience it, but never truly define it.

In trying to describe "God" the Hebrews came up with 72 descriptions of attributes of God, words like "courage" and "strength" and if you could contemplate 72 words all at once (which you can't) you might have some approximation of what the Hebrew sages were trying to capture and bring into the realm of thought.

Like "love" God has already escaped the realm of thought.

All this is a prelude understanding of the building blocks of the Air Jurisdiction so that you can begin to conceptualize what I am describing as "warfare" in the Jurisdiction of the Air.

It's not a battle of words, not a matter of diplomatic acumen.

It is a matter of the energy encapsulated in the words and thoughts, released and directed via emotions, manifesting in the physical world.

It's not just about words, either, but also the perfect formless thoughts that also inhabit the realm of the air, and the energy of these thoughts beyond words.

Each word and each thought has its own vibration and each vibration has its own energy and order.

So now I will give you an example of what War in the Air involves.

Yesterday, I received a large box in the mail, and to any observer, it would seem a very odd collection of things inside the box: the clothes and sandals of a woman who lived in the 1960's and 70's, some of her jewelry made of amber, turquoise, and silver, a vial of "Georgio" perfume which was popular back then, photos of a missing child, a faded candle scented with Patchouli, a copper sculpture of a Huey Helicopter fitted with a music box playing, "Happy Days Are Here Again", a painting of a voodoo goddess feeding soul-eaters, beads and baubles from a long ago mardi gras..... dozens of such objects.... and a single wing feather from a Red-tailed Hawk.

All the supplies for purification were included; the candle for lighting, the incense for burning. All I had to contribute was water.

This was, in its own way, a gift, a challenge, and an attack, all at once.

The gift is the message and essence of a life that was lived with passion and courage and great love; the further message and challenge was the pain and injustice and confusion she suffered, and so, how will I heal this? How can I bring justice to this?

The attack was in the form of, "Ah-ha! So, here it is! Deal with this, if you can!" -- all of a sudden, out of the blue, the physical history of an entire family that was harmed by the ugliness of this world.

A family whose members are still crying out for healing and justice.

Each and every object in that box was precisely chosen and had meaning and represents an "issue" that I have to deal with, personally.

So it was no big surprise to me that I woke up in the strange light of this Midnight Sun season in Alaska, where there is no true darkness at night, and heard the keening call of a Red-tailed Hawk and found myself sitting cross-legged on the bed of Sir Paul McCartney, who was, at the time, a young man half out of his head, blabbing to someone in another room about the horrible ritual he had seen the night before and how these crazy people killed a child in his "honor".

The missing child in the photo I received.

Paul was flipped out, hyperventilating, weeping as if his heart would break, not understanding that-- in the minds of his hosts-- the child had been killed to ensure the success and rise of his music career, a sacrifice to Lord Satan, the ruler of the world we live in.

Has that occurred to you yet, as nobody ever teaches it?

That the Earth has one creator, and the World has another?

That the Earth embodies truth and life, while the World embodies falsehood and death?

It's simple and obvious enough; what could Satan offer to Yehoshua that Satan did not own?

And how could Satan own the world, except by stealing it from men, through lies and self-delusions?

When something like this box comes to light, energy is smashed like broken glass, all the pieces flying in all directions.

Afterward, it comes to rest, and becomes part of All That Is, and a strange peace descends. We see the bits and pieces of our lives.

We hear Paul McCartney as an old man, still weeping, still gasping. He dimly knows that he was not at fault for this; he can't see the comfort his music brought to millions. All he can feel is his own psyche, thin and screaming like the Red-tailed Hawk, the Mother, echoing, so high in the air above our heads.

I returned home to contemplate the Huey Helicopter and I cranked up the damaged (but still playable) music box, listening to the odd and wildly contradictory song, "Happy Days Are Here Again" echoing back at me from the midst of the Vietnam War, emanating from this symbol of death and destruction, as I am imagining the "chop-chop-chop" of the actual helicopter that bore him, the great love of this unknown woman, to his death.

The Father of the child. He never came home again. There were no "happy days".

The process of answering a challenge like this is like gathering all the sparks from a fire, and coalescing them into a single flame again.

This is War in the Air.

Answer me for the Vietnam War. Answer me for the lies and blighted promises. Answer me for the insanity of it. Answer me for the pain, the god-awful, endless pain and injustice. Answer me for the loss.
Answer me for what it cost me and cost us, my family, all of us. Answer me for my child and what could have been.

In her search for answers, this woman consulted Native Shamans and Cajun Voodoo practitioners, she even trekked up the slopes of Mount Shasta, seeking the healers of Lemuria and Saint Germain.

All these years later, her sandals have come to me.

I hold them in my hands.

In another life, they could have belonged to me.

Heal me, heal my pain, she says, bring me justice. Cast out these demons and bring me peace.

A bejeweled butterfly perches on the edge of the box. Part of me is left behind. Here it is, she whispers, peeking out at me.

It's but a moment, a step across the veil, a dream and then a dream again. Yes, that whiff of Georgio, is what everyone was wearing back then. You remember?

Our legs were firm and tan. Our waists were thin.

She breathes in, she breathes out, not knowing that her breath will stand forever, and that it will always be hers.

Every element of her life is here, all the pain, all the glory.

It's far more intimate than having a houseguest, because she is present in a far more immutable way.

If I will overcome Satan, then, I must overcome her pain and give her answers and deliver her peace. I must answer for the suffering of the Native Americans and the Cajuns. I must answer for the soothsayers. I must answer for the sufferings of Nature.

I must answer everything; I am the Fiduciary, after all. The Bearer of the Account Books.

She flies at me like a Red-tailed Hawk diving on a mouse, while Lord Satan stands a long way off, back turned, chewing something, feigning that he is unconcerned.

The box contained an unopened packet of Blue Delphinium seeds, Pacific Giants, from 2005, the year she died. They were never planted. I opened the packet and took the dead seeds outside and planted them among my Delphiniums, Blue Pacific Giants.

The healing process has begun, for one woman, one family, and her people. Except for the man who sent the box, none of them know; they don't expect any healing. Some don't even know how wounded they are.

Yet from this day, they will be healed; I have declared it and sent forth the emotion of healing in perfected thought beyond words. This love will not return to me without having its effect and doing its work.

Satan is worried, too worried to be bored, because he knows all the foundations of his empire are crumbling. He is losing the War in the Air. All his lies are coming to naught, revealed to be ridiculous deceptions.

Satan says that men should work in exchange for his promises?

Why not eat a photo of an apple, instead of the fruit?

Deep under the surface of things, a fire is engendered, a fire that does not burn; in the depths of that fire all things are reborn, made new, and perfected.

"I shall bring to ruin those ruining the Earth; I shall comfort the aggrieved; their tears shall be turned to laughter." And so it is.

I lit the Patchouli-scented candle, formed so many years ago and never burned; I lit the unburned cones of incense and let the sweet smoke restore balance to the air.

What healing we do for ourselves, we do for others, too. The young woman who was, remains; the Delphiniums she intended are forming blossoms; the song emanating from the Huey is different now. Fading, and not ironic. I use the Hawk Feather to fan the smoke. My heart dwells a moment with her and the Red-tailed Hawk.

It's a clear blue sky now, pure in its endless depths; the gold threads of sunset dance across the abyss. There is only this moment, only now, which is both the sum of the beginning and the end. Lighter and brighter, more free, ever upward, the spirit ascends.

Safe, beyond time, no longer deluded by money, feet planted in the good Earth, quietly singing a song that has no beginning or end, thinking of the dry Sumac and Bay Leaves, their smoke curling into the wind, and the wild bright stars burning in the dark blue firmament of October.

The sparks gather into a single flame. All that was ruined and scattered and blameless, all that was lost, is found again.

The lies are only lies. The truth endures forever.
This is what we must remember.


See this article and over 4800 others on Anna's website here:


Practice Hospitality by William Dupley

Rom 12:13 - Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

When Susan and I were first married, we lived in the married student residence of the University of Toronto. Like most young married people, we lived on student loans, we didn't have very much, and all of our furniture was homemade or used. We made great use of bricks and boards for bookcases. However, one of the things that we cherished was the time we spent with our friends around the coffee table. We would eat whatever we had and have a glass of wine or a cup of coffee, and we would laugh and have fellowship. Hospitality was a big part of our lives. Friends would just come by, and we enjoyed their company but it seems that this practice has become less common these days. Although people entertain, it's not quite the same as practicing hospitality. Today's blog will talk about practicing hospitality as a lifestyle.

What is Hospitality

The word hospitality comes from the Greek verb philoxenia. Philo means lover. Xenia means stranger. We are most hospitable when we're reaching out and loving the people we know the least. Hospitality is more than opening your home. Hospitality is about opening your heart to others. It is not entertaining. It is not about having expensive meals. It is about communicating, accepting, loving, and imparting a deep sense of welcoming to others. A cup of cold water offered in love can have a much greater impact on others than the most lavish spread given to impress them.

Hospitality is opening your life to another person who is not just your friend. It includes those who are on the fringe, the ignored, the unloved. Jesus did this all the time. He ate with the tax collectors, spoke to the Samaritans, and cared for the lepers. He welcomed and paid attention to everyone, including the outsiders.

Hospitality is not entertaining. Entertaining is often an elaborate, expensive event. Biblical hospitality focuses on serving, encouraging, and communicating love to others.

Cleansing the lepers

Matthew 10:8 says

" Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give."

I wondered who the lepers were and how we were to cleanse them now that leprosy is, for the most part, irradicated. I asked the Lord who are the lepers that we are to cleanse. This is what I felt He said to me.

The lepers are the rejected, the broken, the unwanted. They are not just the physically ill from leprosy. They are the marginalized, ignored, discarded, discounted, the poor, the immigrants, and the mentally ill. All of these are outside of society, like the lepers.

To cleanse means to heal their physical ailments but also to remove the clothing of the outcast. To heal their hearts, to change their identities, to call them blessed, not rejected. To ensure their feet are on the rock of Christ and not the shifting sand of public opinion. To free them from a false identity and help them know that they are children of God, accepted, wanted, loved and that the Lord has a plan and purpose for them. If you do this, their body, soul, and spirit will be cleansed

I think hospitality is one of the best ways we can achieve this outcome, which the Lord has asked us to accomplish. Hospitality extends friendship to all races, lifestyles, economic situations, and beliefs.

How to practice hospitality

The way Jesus lived is one of our best examples of this. I love watching "The Chosen". The actor who plays Jesus portrays Him in a way that is very human and welcoming. Some of the ways that I see Jesus practicing hospitality are:

·He engages people in conversation. He did not do all the talking.
He did not try to tell them all the things that he had accomplished.
He valued their stories and experiences over his own. We see that when he spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well.
Hospitality involves service to others. Jesus demonstrated this by washing the feet of his disciples, feeding the hungry, and healing the sick.
He was consistently selfless. He put the needs of others above his own. When He spoke to you, you received His undivided attention. People felt like they were the only person in the world at that moment.
Jesus was not in a hurry. He stopped to talk to blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52. He responded with compassion and actively listened to his story. He then asked what he wanted me to do for him. That's the language of hospitality. What can I do for you?
People felt safe around Jesus. When we practice hospitality, we should help people feel at rest. They should feel at peace. They should feel safe. They should feel secure. Often, people feel intimidated or insecure when their hosts put on lavish meals and their homes look like Martha Steward designed it. People are much more comfortable in a house that looks like a house that is lived in because they feel comfortable.

Hospitality is a lifestyle.

The second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.

If we consider this in the light of hospitality, think about how you love yourself. When you are thirsty, you get a glass of water or a cup of coffee. If you are hungry, you make a sandwich or eat a cookie. Showing hospitality to others is the same. A peanut butter sandwich and a coffee can be a greater expression of love to someone than the most elaborate meal, and everyone can do this.

Hospitality does require us to learn to serve others. We need to make others feel at ease in our presence, and the best way to do that is to spot their needs before they mention it and lower ourselves in order to build others up. Hospitality does require us to practice humility.

Meals are a great way to demonstrate hospitality because, unlike a church service, where we rarely see people face to face. When you share a meal with someone, you look at them face to face and can listen to them.

Loving the stranger is not just about feeding them. Sometimes, it can mean just talking to them. There is a song that Peter Paul and Mary sang called "Don't Laugh at Me." There's one verse that always sticks with me

I'm the cripple on the corner

You pass me on the street

And I wouldn't be out here beggin'

If I had enough to eat

And don't think I don't notice

That our eyes never meet

Sue and I worked for 20 years in downtown Toronto at a mission, and one of the most important things that we could do was validate a person by simply looking at them in the eyes. This communicated to them self-worth. Many of them were the poorest in the city and had no self-respect. Some were going into prison, some were coming out of prison, and some were just poor. But when you look at people directly in their eyes, you communicate value. You communicate they have worth. You communicate acceptance. This is hospitality as well.

Chronic Loneliness

Global News recently stated," Loneliness has long been a growing issue in Canada, but the COVID-19 pandemic has only amplified the problem with increased social isolation and decreased social support." Chronic debilitating loneliness is also in the midst of God's people as well. It is a cancer that is growing in the church and the world.

It is fascinating that we have more ways to communicate now than we ever have, yet we actually communicate less. True communication is synchronous. When you speak to a person on the phone or face to face, you need to respond immediately and respond to the person's body language and emotions. The majority of communication that occurs today is asynchronous. This includes emails, texts, and social media. It does not facilitate the emotional and body language components of communication. It also does not require immediate response. In many ways, the new methods of communication can increase feelings of loneliness.

Hospitality done face-to-face heals this problem.


How do I start practicing hospitality?

The first step, I believe, is to start caring about your neighborhood. I have a map of my neighborhood on my wall, and when I meet someone, I learn their name, and I write it on the map on the wall. This helps me remember their names, and I often pray for them. This is not a long prayer. I pray like Mister Rogers did. He would speak their names to the Lord when He prayed at night.
Next, invite a neighbor over for coffee and conversation. Be friends with your neighbors. Serve your neighbors, and share your tools. Help them do things around their house. Share your skills with them. Be available. Today, people are so busy they are not available. Change that. Offer to help others.
Go for a walk and stop and talk with your neighbors when they are walking their dogs.
Plan some special events for your neighbors. At Christmas time, we have a Christmas sing-along on our front porch and serve hot chocolate and cookies. It does not have to be complex. Consider your neighborhood as a village and commit yourself to being a catalyst for change by just getting to know your neighbors.
Next, go to your kitchen calendar (or your online calendar!) and decide who you will invite and when you are going to invite them. And then invite them.
Lastly, be ready to say yes if someone else invites you! There are so many things that come up that try to get in the way, but if we are going to love people in the name of Jesus, we must say yes to invitations.

Hospitality is a choice that we can make happen. I bless you to change your community.

Related Resources: How to Hear God's Voice!


Miracles of Healing Video - 7 Step Model
A much cleaner version with video and graphics and formatting is available here:

Minister in teams of two (Lk. 10:1), a prophet and a teacher working together (Acts 13:1,2).

If you are reading this blog in an email, click here to watch the video on YouTube.

Compassion ­– Smile, ask their name, tune to your heart, express love to them, “Of course Jesus wants to heal you … Jesus includes everyone … you absolutely are included.” They must feel loved!
Ask, “What’s Wrong?” – “Where does it hurt?” and “What does God want to heal NOW?” – focus intently on one item at a time. Ask the individual, “How long have you had this and what event occurred at the time this problem began?” Ask, “May I pray for you for healing? May I lay my hand on you? Now, simply receive as I pray and sense and share what you are feeling, and any thoughts or pictures which come to you as these are important messages from your heart.”

Listen to God – Relax, smile and ask, “Lord, grant me words of knowledge concerning how to pray for this person.” Then receive any information the Lord may want to reveal by tuning to spontaneous emotions, spontaneous bodily pains, emotional pains, pictures and words. Lovingly share these. Specifically confess sins, especially accusative thoughts and words toward self and others and unforgiveness towards self and others and follow any other specific directions God gives. Command all spiritual forces connected with these sins leave now. If no special revelation bubbles up, then minister healing based on the general promises in the Bible and Jesus’ example of healing ALL who came.

Invite God’s Presence - His Presence and Power to Heal – “Lord, pour Your love and healing power on this person according to Isa. 61:1-3). Holy Spirit, we welcome Your presence. Glorify the Father by revealing your glorious healing power. God, send angels with healing on their wings." With your eyes open, watch the person for signs of the Holy Spirit moving upon them (eyelids flutter, become flushed, gentle trembling, peace). NOW, the love and power of the Lord is present to heal (Lk. 5:17)!

Command the Healing in Jesus’ Name – Lay your hand on the infirm spot (be sensitive when praying for opposite sex). Command the affliction/pain to leave. Use short prayers. Both individual and prayer counselor are to stay relaxed and smiling so you do not block the flow of the Holy Spirit. Maintain this attitude: “Healing is easy because Jesus has already done the work, by His scourging we are healed. He has already obtained this healing for us” (Isa. 53:4,5; Ps. 103:3; 147:3). Rebuke demons and command them to leave. Cancel every assignment of the powers of darkness against the person's mind, body and spirit, command pain to go and trauma to leave all cellular tissue. Speak restoration and normal function of all cells and body parts. Be detailed and specific. “Function normally in Jesus’ name!” See God’s light penetrating the area. You focus God’s healing light on the infirm spot just as you would focus a magnifying glass on a piece of paper so that the sun’s rays are intensified and start it on fire. God’s focused healing power releases miracles (Lk. 11:34-36; Hab. 3:4). If you need to roar at satan and his darkness, do so! You are simply declaring, believing and seeing His divine energy penetrate the area. Speak faith, trust, peace, and protection of Psalm 91.

Test It Out – Ask for and receive God’s vision of the body functioning normally, letting gratitude and thanksgiving flood your heart as you do something you could not easily do before. Miracles manifest as you step out in faith, believing, thanking (Mk. 11:22-24) and receiving in childlike joy. As the lepers went, they were healed (Lk. 17:14). “Get up and walk.”

Repeat: Pray a Second, Third and Fourth Time – If you pray and see no visible change in the natural, or you see a partial healing, then pray again (immediately) until you have prayed 3-4 times and either they are completely healed or you note no further improvement (Lk. 18:1-8; Mk. 8:23-25:ja. 5:17; 1 Kgs. 18:41-45). Repetition weakens and defeats the enemy. With each prayer express a little more love, belief, and gratitude, staying open to using various prayer approaches. Close by praying a blessing and being sure to determine if they have ever invited Christ into their lives. If not, lead them in a salvation prayer.

A Blessing Declaration Which Individual Repeats After You: I am a child of the King: I am a co-heir with Jesus. All Jesus bought and paid for is my inheritance. I am loved. I am forgiven. I am cleansed by the blood. I am accepted in the Beloved. I am filled with His Spirit. I have angels protecting me and assisting me in the ministry of Jesus. I am united with Jesus: I have been crucified with Christ. I died with Him. I was buried with Him. I was raised with Him. I am seated with Him in the heavenlies far above all rule, all power, all authority, and above every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come. Therefore, I carry the authority of Christ. I have authority over sickness, over sin, over demons, and over the world. I am the salt of the earth. I am the light of the world. All things work together for my good because I love God, and I am called according to His purpose, which is for me to be conformed to the image and likeness of Christ. I can do all things through Christ, because greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.

7 Step Healing Model
7 Heart Attitudes which Underlie the 7 Step Miracle Model (Prov. 4:23)

Love – Express Compassion toward Self and Others
Honor – Ask, “What’s Wrong?”
Sensitivity – Become Still, Listen & Follow God’s instructions – Specifically Forgive ALL
Awareness – Invite God’s Presence – His Compassion & Power to Heal
Authority – Command Body Parts Be Healed in Jesus’ Name, Rebuke Spirits
Thanksgiving – Thank God as You Test Out Your Body
Faith – Repeat – Pray a Second, Third and Fourth Time

You can hold this card in the palm of your left hand, while praying and laying your right hand on the person you are praying for. This can be a simple reminder of the steps you want to process through as you minister healing. Click here to order this card.

You can personalize the back of this card with your ministry information by ordering them through Vistaprint! Simply go to the Vistaprint website and click on “Business Card” and then use the "Upload Your Design" option for the front of the business card, and upload this file. Then use any of their attractive templates to enter your own information on the back side of the card. If you order in large quantities, the cost comes down to just a few cents each.
Ways to Grow Strong in Faith (Rom. 4:20)

Know that the authority to heal is provided by: the name of Jesus (Phil. 2:9; Jn. 16:23,24), the message of the Gospel (Rom. 1:16), God’s delight to heal (1 Jn. 5:14; Lk. 5:13) and hearing God's rhema (Jn. 10:17).
We meditate on healing Scriptures and on who we are in Christ, receiving revelation (Lk. 24:32), transformation (Rom. 12:2) and new found confessions (2 Cor. 4:13). Plan on a minimum of 3 months of focused meditation and up to a year.

Establish heart faith which is miracle working faith. I fill all 5 senses of my heart with God, thus following the pattern of Abraham, the Father of Faith.

We preach the full Gospel, that when healing and deliverance occur the Kingdom has come near (Lk. 4:18,19).
We share testimonies of past and present healings (Rev. 12:11). Read numerous healing testimonials.

We worship in tongues (Jude 1:20) and we enter His presence in spiritual worship (Ps. 22:3) seeing ourselves joining with the company worshipping before His throne. His power comes with His presence.

I ask for the gift of faith and then lay my hand on my heart and command, “Faith, enlarge” (1 Cor. 12:9).

I Live Naturally Supernatural Radiating His Divine Spirit, His Life and His Health

The Confession Is…

Spiritual Realities

Applied to the Outworking of Health in My Life


Christ procured at Calvary my health

He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed. (Isa. 53:5)



I contain Christ, Who is my life (Col. 3:4)

Jesus is my way, truth, and life (Jn. 14:6). I contain His Spirit Who is pure radiant light, energy, peace, joy and health. I have this treasure in my earthen vessel (2 Cor. 4:7). I am filled up with the fullness of God (Eph. 3:19).

Christ’s Spirit within gives life to my natural body (Rom. 8:2,11)

Kingdom health flows out through my spirit, soul and body lighting every particle as it goes (Rom. 14:17). Darkness in my soul is displaced by joy, laughter, peace, and the cells of my body respond to this divine reverberation, being restored to their natural God-given frequencies and functions.

My Confession! For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, that He would grant me, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in my inner man, so that Christ may dwell in my heart through faith; and that I, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that I may be filled up to all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within me, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. (Eph. 3:14-21 NASB). An extended personalized confession of "Who I Am in Christ" is available here.
I Activate Heart Flow by Ceasing Striving and Entering into REST (Heb. 4)

I remember that healing is easy because Jesus has already done the work (Isa. 53:5). I wear a big smile, as I co-labor with God (1 Cor. 3:9), watching Jesus ministering at my right hand (Acts 2:25).
I am tuned to God within my heart: my eyes are fixed on Jesus (Acts 2:25) and I am tuned to flowing thoughts, flowing pictures, flowing emotions and heart meditation (Jn. 7:37-39; 5:19,20,30; Gal. 5:22; Matt. 14:14; Ps. 77:6).

I experience “The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 8:2) which is the energizing I sense within as I fix my eyes on Jesus, the one Who lives in me, and by fellowship with the Holy Spirit I receive His rhemas, visions, emotions and empowering.
I am whole-hearted: Includes presenting the eyes, ears and emotions of my heart to God to fill with His pictures, rhemas and emotions which purifies my motivations, attitudes and character traits and moves me to Spirit-anointed speech and action. I do the following whole-heartedly unto God: love, serve, obey, listen to, pray to, trust in and praise. Promises to the wholehearted: Jer. 29:13; 1 Chron 28:9; 2 Chron. 16:9. Explore 1200 verses on "heart and spirit" here.

I draw near: with a true heart (honest about our pain, shortcomings…), fully assured by faith that He has heard, met my needs and sprinkled my heart clean from an evil conscience, being cleansed by His logos and rhema (Heb. 10:22).

I Act in Faith (Jas. 2:26)

I take risks - Divine healing is HIS reputation at risk - especially in the marketplace.
We are receiving words of knowledge - allowing God to tell us what He wants to do. The congregation can receive these, particularly those who are prophetic. Have them ask for, and share flowing pictures (including pictures of words), ideas, emotions & bodily sensations. Keep this easy enough for a child to do. These can be received through dreams. If the prophetic word applies to an individual ask them to stand, believe for healing and try out things that were difficult for them to do. They are to begin waving both hands in the air when they are at least 80% healed.
I fully expect instant results - As I do what He says, and as I command pain to leave & cast out spirits of infirmity, etc.

I Release MORE Power by...

Seeing Spiritual Realities: Since a picture is worth 1000 words and it produces heart faith (i.e. Gen. 15:5,6), I see my hands as Jesus’ hands and His power (as light) flowing out through them (Hab. 3:4). As I minister healing and deliverance, I watch the Kingdom of light demolishing satan’s kingdom.
Conducting a Soaking Healing Prayer Session: gaining the synergy of a multi-gifted team: Do a 20 minute “soaking” where several surround and lay hands on the individual, tune to flow and pray all the ways described above. (Acts 13:1,2 - include a person with compassion (family member/friend), one with empathy (someone who has the same/similar condition), one with faith (who has been healed of the same or similar infirmity), one who is prophetic (who can easily get revelation about the issues needing healing), and administrator/teacher (to assist with organizing the flow of the healing process). The administrator honors each one, by ensuring their gift is released and utilized. During this soaking session, each one is seeing God's healing rays penetrating the sick body, driving out the darkness (Hab. 3:4; Heb. 1:3) and sharing in prayer and prophecy what they are seeing (Col. 3:16). More here.

I Remove Blockages (Jas. 5:14,15; 1 Cor. 11:17-32; Ps. 103:3; Isa. 33:24)

Toxins in Your Heart – unforgiveness toward self/others, anger, fear, jealously… (more). Ask God to show you any sins He wants you to repent of and then repent. Ask God to show you the gifts he has produced in your life through the experience. Record them and review them daily, thanking God for these gifts. Gratitude is healing!
Toxins in Your Body – contaminated foods, water, air, cleansers, clothes, poor nutrition… (more). Cleanse your environment and nourish your body.
Break bondages through fasting - Some demons come out only through prayer and fasting (Matt. 17:21). A three day water fast completely reboots your immune system (more here).
Healing PTSD Trauma - A specialized counselor here, plus Healing PTSD training materials here.
Healing DID and Alternative Personality Disorder - A specialized phone prayer ministry counselor with proven effective results is available here.

Tips as You Pray

Feedback: They should not be praying while you pray, but receiving in faith from the Holy Spirit, seeing His light shining into their bodies. You may be led to have them connect their eyes with yours, to engage their faith (Acts 3:4). Individual should inform you of anything they are feeling, hearing or seeing as you pray. Tell the individual to share with you all spontaneous thoughts and pictures coming to their mind. These are God speaking, showing things which need to be dealt with, repented of, etc.
Forgiveness: Make sure they specifically forgive those who have hurt them. This means picturing the person, and the scene, and saying, “I forgive _________ in Jesus’ name. I choose to honor them, release them and bless them in Jesus' name.” Do this prayer for yourself also. "I completely forgive myself, honor myself, and accept myself just as I am, in Jesus' name."
Demons: If pain worsens while praying for a person that means an evil spirit is involved, so rebuke the spirit of affliction and command it to leave in Jesus’ name.
Short: Prayers can be short, ten seconds to a minute. Keep re-interviewing and re-praying until full healing occurs, or nothing more is happening and you have no other ideas as to how to pray. Focus your prayers on the area they sense God is working. Bless what is happening, and ask the Holy Spirit to continue and do more.
Additions: Add other means God uses to heal: anointing with oil and confessing sins one to another (Jas. 5:14-17), fasting (Isa. 58:6-11), a merry heart (Prov. 17:22), good nutrition, (Dan. 1:5-17), and more.
Invite angels to be present to release healing gifts from God (Jn. 5:4).
More tips can be found in the final chapter of The Essential Guide to Healing by Bill Johnson and Randy Clark and in the blog series: Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings and PTSD Prayer Model.

Participate in the Advancing Kingdom - Conduct Healing Workshops (Isa. 9:7)

Raise faith by a brief teaching (perhaps using the free PowerPoint we make available).
Enlarge faith with healing testimonies.
Review the 7 step model with the group, so they understand what the steps are, and have them recite together the seven key words 3 times. Key Words: Compassion-Ask-Listen-Presence-Command-Test-Repeat
Model the 7 steps by having everyone lay hands on their own bodies and repeat the 7 prayers three times as you lead them in the prayers. Stay tuned to flow as you lead them, and you will discover that people will be healed during this exercise.
Ask all who would like prayer to come to the front and form a line and have volunteers come and stand in front of each person in the line (either one or two people praying for each client). If everyone wants prayer, then simply break the group in half, and let them take turns praying for each other.
Have them pray for their partner a minimum of three or four times (unless full healing occurs first), following the 7 step model.
Close with testimonies of healings received and pray a blessing upon all.

Free Downloads

Free downloadable printable version of this blog available here
Free MP3 download of Dr. Virkler's Healing Workshop which used this 7 Step Model
Free PowerPoint to Use When Teaching This Healing Workshop
Free 7 Step Meditation Bookmark (Meditation releases revelation which releases authority.)
Resources for YOUR Healing Encounter or Miracle Service

Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?