Irrespective of the employed fluorochrome, all chemicals were classified correctly, and the EC150 and 200 values were in the same order of magnitude. Hence, in performance of FITC- and APC-labeled antibodies was demonstrated, and the respective demand of the guideline was fulfilled. In a case study, we then tested a proprietary oxidative hair dye using both fluorochromes. Using APC-labeled antibodies, the hair dye was unambiguously identified as a sensitizer, whereas no classification could be made with the FITC-labeled antibodies. With APC, fluorescence interference can be circumvented and the applicability domain of the h-CLAT extended to include autofluorescent chemicals.
Migrant populations may have different mental health service needs when compared with native populations. One indicator of service use is the use of psychotropic medication. The aim of this study was to compare the purchases of psychotropic drugs among different migrant populations with the native population in Finland.
Foreign-born participants (n = 184805) and their Finnish-born controls (n = 185183) were identified from the Finnish Central Population Register. Information on their purchases of psychotropic drugs in 2011-15 was collected from the National Prescription Register. A washout period of 2009-10 was used to define incident purchases. Cox regression analysis was the statistical method used.
At least one incident purchase of a psychotropic drug was identified for 11.1% of migrant women, 11.4% of Finnish-born women, 8.7% of migrant men and 9.8% of Finnish-born men. When controlled for age, sex, marital status, socioeconomic status and social assistance, migrants were less likely to purchase psychotropic drugs (adjusted hazard ratio 0.96, 95% confidence interval 0.93-0.98), but there was variation between different drug categories. Recent migrants and migrants from Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa were least likely to purchase drugs. Migrants from Nordic countries and other Western countries most closely resembled the Finnish-born controls.
Recent migrants in Finland appear to use fewer psychotropic drugs than native Finns. It is important to analyze the reasons for this pattern, as they may indicate delays in access to care or benefits. The heterogeneity of migrant populations must also be considered when developing services to better address their needs.
Recent migrants in Finland appear to use fewer psychotropic drugs than native Finns. It is important to analyze the reasons for this pattern, as they may indicate delays in access to care or benefits. The heterogeneity of migrant populations must also be considered when developing services to better address their needs.The past decade has witnessed an increasing number of patient assaults on doctors in China. Patient-centered communication (PCC) may be one way to mitigate this problem. This study examined the effects of PCC and patient trust on emotional health outcome, especially how patients' attitude toward medical violence affected this relationship. Data were drawn from the China Governance and Public Policy Survey administered in 2017 with a sample size of 3784. The results showed that PCC had no direct effect on emotional well-being. Instead, patient trust completely mediated this path. Also, patients' attitude toward medical violence increased the indirect effect of PCC on emotional well-being, suggesting a moderated mediation model. We call for education programs to promote PCC for both providers and patients, mass media campaigns to condemn violence against doctors and stricter law enforcement to stop medical violence.ConoMode is a database for complex three-dimensional (3D) structures of conopeptides binding with their target proteins. Conopeptides, a large family of peptides from the venom of marine snails of the Conus genus, have exceptionally diverse sequences, and their high specificity to block ion channels makes them crucial as drug leads and tools for physiological studies. ConoMode is a specialized archive for the collection of 3D coordinate data for the conopeptides and their binding target proteins from published literature and the Protein Data Bank. These 3D structures can be determined using experimental methods such as X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy and computational methods including docking, homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations. The binding modes for the conopeptides determined using computational modeling must be validated based on experimental data. The 3D coordinate data from ConoMode can be searched, visualized, downloaded and uploaded. Currently, ConoMode manages 19 conopeptide sequences (from 10 Conus species), 15 protein sequences and 37 3D structures. ConoMode utilizes a modern technical framework to provide a good user experience on mobile devices with touch interaction features. Furthermore, the database is fully optimized for unstructured data and flexible data models. Database URL http// ( is an online repository of mainly hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and genotyping data. The CerealsDB website has been designed to enable wheat breeders and scientists to select the appropriate markers for research breeding tasks, such as marker-assisted selection. #link# We report a large update of genotyping information for over 6000 wheat accessions and describe new webtools for exploring and visualizing the data. We also describe a new database of quantitative trait loci that links phenotypic traits to CerealsDB SNP markers and allelic scores for each of those markers. CerealsDB is an open-access website that hosts information on wheat SNPs considered useful for both plant breeders and research scientists. The latest CerealsDB database is available at https//
South Korea experienced the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in the early period; thus data from this country could provide significant implications for global mitigation strategies. This study reports how COVID-19 has spread in South Korea and examines the effects of rapid widespread diagnostic testing on the spread of the disease in the early epidemic phase.
We collected daily data on the number of confirmed cases, tests and deaths due to COVID-19 from 20 January to 13 April 2020. We estimated the spread pattern with a logistic growth model, calculated the daily reproduction number (Rt) and examined the fatality pattern of COVID-19.
From the start date of the epidemic in Korea (18 February 2020), the time to peak and plateau were 15.2 and 25 days, respectively. The initial Rt was 3.9 [95% credible interval (CI) 3.7 to 4.2] and declined to <1 after 2 weeks. The initial epidemic doubling time was 3.8 days (3.4 to 4.2 days). The aggressive testing in the early days of the epidemic was associated with reduction in transmission speed of COVID-19.