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Ep 3337b - Big Shift Coming, Renegade, Trump Turned The Tables On The [DS], Begin Countdown
The [DS] is getting ready to have a big shift, they are waiting for Biden to be the nominee and then they will make their move. The rioters are not on the side of the D's because of the mixed messages. When war comes and chaos happens these people will riot and the Biden admin will have to make the call on what to do while the country is in turmoil. Trump turned the tables on the [DS]. Wray warns of terror, cyber attacks in the US. Begin the countdown.

Find Out These 3 Fake Health Foods Regain Control Over Your Body Go To     The [DS] is getting ready to have a big shift, they are waiting for Biden to be the nominee and then they will make their move. The rioters are…

Sigh, DON'T B like THEM, say 4 example ie: Former DOD military but (bad ass soldier) SEALS & misc THINK THEY (U) can JUST WALK AWAY? U COWARDS! 'BRING IT' 2 THEIR doorsteps = Deep State ie: these dust & ash temporary human corpse's: FBi Christopher Asher Wray, CiA William Joseph Burns, NSA Paul Miki Nakasone via their website's contact web page, go anonymous if U want-wish with your entered info but in the message box, MAKE IT CLEAR THEY answer 2 us WE THE PEOPLE - 'MORE OF' us than THEM!

Huh I mean with SELF chosen sickened human animals BENT on (?, WHATEVER) these dust & ash temporary human corpse's: FBi Christopher Asher Wray, CiA William Joseph Burns, NSA Paul Miki Nakasone & etc & the so called majority 8 billion + do NOTHING? FINE so B it then = worse Coming! As 2 WHY USA's Congress not only Conservatives-republicans AREN'T B-ing proper 2 WE THE PEOPLE but also-as well R under behind closed doors, misc threat, misc if THEY (Conservatives-republicans) get outta line or don't or refuse 2 follow thru with 'The deemed Program', game-agenda, then via murder contracts upon ANY will proceed while THEY (Deep State) do THEIR 'cloak & dagger routine' hiding like wolves in sheep's clothing, misc evil. Huh THEY (Deep State) AIN'T B/S-ing ALL but SELVES!


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Ep 3337b - Big Shift Coming, Renegade, Trump Turned The Tables On The [DS], Begin Countdown
The [DS] is getting ready to have a big shift, they are waiting for Biden to be the nominee and then they will make their move. The rioters are not on the side of the D's because of the mixed messages. When war comes and chaos happens these people will riot and the Biden admin will have to make the call on what to do while the country is in turmoil. Trump turned the tables on the [DS]. Wray warns of terror, cyber attacks in the US. Begin the countdown.

Find Out These 3 Fake Health Foods Regain Control Over Your Body Go To     The [DS] is getting ready to have a big shift, they are waiting for Biden to be the nominee and then they will make their move. The rioters are…

Sigh, DON'T B like THEM, say 4 example ie: Former DOD military but (bad ass soldier) SEALS & misc THINK THEY (U) can JUST WALK AWAY? U COWARDS! 'BRING IT' 2 THEIR doorsteps = Deep State ie: these dust & ash temporary human corpse's: FBi Christopher Asher Wray, CiA William Joseph Burns, NSA Paul Miki Nakasone via their website's contact web page, go anonymous if U want-wish with your entered info but in the message box, MAKE IT CLEAR THEY answer 2 us WE THE PEOPLE - 'MORE OF' us than THEM!

Huh I mean with SELF chosen sickened human animals BENT on (?, WHATEVER) these dust & ash temporary human corpse's: FBi Christopher Asher Wray, CiA William Joseph Burns, NSA Paul Miki Nakasone & etc & the so called majority 8 billion + do NOTHING? FINE so B it then = worse Coming! As 2 WHY USA's Congress not only Conservatives-republicans AREN'T B-ing proper 2 WE THE PEOPLE but also-as well R under behind closed doors, misc threat, misc if THEY (Conservatives-republicans) get outta line or don't or refuse 2 follow thru with 'The deemed Program', game-agenda, then via murder contracts upon ANY will proceed while THEY (Deep State) do THEIR 'cloak & dagger routine' hiding like wolves in sheep's clothing, misc evil. Huh THEY (Deep State) AIN'T B/S-ing ALL but SELVES!

In the (verbal) word's of fellow human Bro-Brother, just ANOTHER Son of Adam & Eve, 'Cap' Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers (Christopher Robert Evans) likewise I deem & feel (sort of, at least minimally in allegiance 2 & of solely alone Holy retributionary Eyes of Fire, Holy Majesty-King of Kings Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God; & YEA, SAVE IT!), but "I don't wanna kill any 1, I just don't like bullies" NO matter 1's temporary dust & ash corpse flesh color human skin race NOR wherever 1 is from USA-globally. True THAT 'Cap' BUT via God given NON voluntary-NON optional Power & Authority 2 literally CEASE immediately onsite THAT of (human) weeds amidst a garden ie: dying non human innocent Earth, I'm JUST saying, huh, YEA, whatever. Send TOP-down USA-globally bad-evil, etc humans (CEASE immediately onsite as 1 MORE OF humanity, NOT lone wolves) the evil-unholy weeds of garden adult's USA-globally, TOP-down where THEY belong = on knees B4 Jesus 4 THEIR pre judgment day processing, NOT the innocent!

& via listening 2 'Cap' Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers (Christopher Robert Evans) words, ponder how they-it reveals 2 U of 2date going on out there as MUCH can B revealed in various ways, just WHAT we each doing daily? -

All speeches that Captain America (Steve Rogers) gave in all movies of Marvel Studios. #CaptainAmerica #CaptainAmericaAllSpeeches #CaptainAmericaSpeechesTime...