In the (verbal) word's of fellow human Bro-Brother, just ANOTHER Son of Adam & Eve, 'Cap' Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers (Christopher Robert Evans) likewise I deem & feel (sort of, at least minimally in allegiance 2 & of solely alone Holy retributionary Eyes of Fire, Holy Majesty-King of Kings Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God; & YEA, SAVE IT!), but "I don't wanna kill any 1, I just don't like bullies" NO matter 1's temporary dust & ash corpse flesh color human skin race NOR wherever 1 is from USA-globally. True THAT 'Cap' BUT via God given NON voluntary-NON optional Power & Authority 2 literally CEASE immediately onsite THAT of (human) weeds amidst a garden ie: dying non human innocent Earth, I'm JUST saying, huh, YEA, whatever. Send TOP-down USA-globally bad-evil, etc humans (CEASE immediately onsite as 1 MORE OF humanity, NOT lone wolves) the evil-unholy weeds of garden adult's USA-globally, TOP-down where THEY belong = on knees B4 Jesus 4 THEIR pre judgment day processing, NOT the innocent!