The Canadian Freedom Convoy seemed like a spontaneous movement, but upon closer scrutiny, those who claimed to have started it all weren’t even truckers and had very questionable political ties. Benjamin Dichter has ties to the WEF, and is connected to the Maverick Party which pushed the scamdemic. He was in charge of collecting and distributing the donations. But I have not heard of a single person who received any money once, this entire time. That doesn’t necessarily mean that nobody did receive money, I just haven’t seen anyone saying they did.

But Benjamin openly admitted, on camera, that he intended to use some of the group’s money to file lawsuits against those who had made defamatory remarks about him, personally! How and why does he get to use Truckers’ funds for that? And then I heard that he didn’t stand up and fight with the truckers when TSHTF - he FLED! Some leader, huh?

So I have concerns about issues like this eventually surfacing with the US People’s Movement.

The Ottawa convoy fired up the world, but what was the strategy? Did they even have a long term strategy, other than congregating in front of the Parliament building in Ottawa, and begging that the dictator would grant them an audience, or magically decree an end to his own Fascistic policies? Their actions were spontaneous but not necessarily strategic.

So how can we learn from this? What can we do differently that would guarantee a different outcome?

In comparison, the US People’s Convoy seems to have similarities. Were actual truckers even involved in birthing this convoy idea? Or is everyone at the upper echelons media people, professional film-makers and other White Collar operatives?

Don’t get me wrong. It’s thrilling to imagine what may happen at every overpass and truck stop along the way! I LOVE the truckers - their courage and open hearts, but I have to ask, “Do you really want what happened in Canada to happen here?”

The LAST thing we need is to give the government the slightest provocation, and an excuse to DECLARE MARTIAL LAW!

Am I the ONLY one who is thinking that by forcing the issue, we may be making it EASY for the government to declare Martial Law, which is where they were already hoping to take it?

We must remember that Biden, his cronies, Gates, Fauci, Schwab, the MSM, and every branch of government DO NOT PLAY FAIR. They LIE consistently, and think nothing of breaking their own laws. They will LIE to the sheep, with the intent of getting one segment of the citizenry to turn against the other, when in truth, ALL of the citizenry should join together and fight the controllers, NOT each other!

Do you KNOW how many people DESPISE RFK, Jr, strictly based on the lies they have been told by the MSM? Do you really think all those millions of people will suddenly WAKE UP?

I wish I thought this would end up somewhere other than Biden doing exactly what Trudeau did, bur it’s hard for me to picture a different scenario unfolding.

What are the plans? What will keep us from having the same fate as the once-Democratic country of Canada just underwent?

What guarantee do we have that this will resolve the way we wish?

And what exactly are the goals? Demands? Objectives? Are they written down anywhere?

I am all for ending ALL restrictions, I just question if this convoy will get us closer or farther away from that cherished goal.