U so called MORE OF than THEM, fill in blanks, majority 'capable' of USA-global 8 billion plus adult straight-hetrosexual alpha males & beta females clearly exhibited past-2 date seem 2 deem internally within gripping on2 what U NO-DON'T SELF own as oppose 2 & in opposition 2 Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 = NON SELF own NOTHING, NO SELF preservation & NOT temporary human breath NOR eternal Soul) THOUGH U claim 2 B in & of Jesus BUT U STILL 2 date tick tock 'Time' daily (day & night) 24/7 do NOTHING like SELF deny Heaven's Warrior angels setting the example 2-4 us all! & Coming this all only literally ends 1 way ie: past-2 date SLOW & STEADY NON voluntary, NON optional & enforceable GENOCIDE = sanitizing, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination by 2025!