& despite those out there like (News?) media network "TYT" (The Young Turks) atheist (AGAINST Holy Warrior 4 Holy Majesty-Master, retributionary Eye's of Fire, Holy Majesty-King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & eternal Heaven (itself) / 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity & Holy Bible = B - asic I - nstructions B - efore L - eaveing E - arth) Anahit Misak Kasparian & separately atheist radio host: George Ralph Noory of "Coast to Coast AM" deeming "We or just him gotta find out just WHY we exist", SIGH huh some people just NEVER learn! As NOTHING 2 me is literally important than only-solely alone Holy Trinity, NOT even me & like Jesus's 1st Crew 20 centuries-2,000 year's ago, I 2 make Jesus-Holy Bible ALL THAT & I no worry-fret about other's of humanity twisting, misc of HIS Holy Word, HE will deem what I need 2 B aware of!