& as Lucifer-Satan-The Beast-Devil was behaviorally profiled CHECKED past long ago amidst Heaven itself by God & HIS Heaven's Warrior angel's (& however worth noting that Arch angel Michael had Devil's head underneath his foot once, he CAN Holy retributionary easily-simply do it again eventually Coming aside above along with 4 individual Holy retributionary Horsemen past-2 date currently-presently amidst their individual resting stasis (& already embeddedly within internally prepped with their each-individual to do list-task's 2 B carried out upon us all of humanity) B (via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations) eventually Coming 4th 2 ponce upon humanity 4 ALL that it's SELF allowed done what SHOULDN'T ever have been allowed 2 B done thereof past historically-2 date currently-presently daily (day & night), 24/7, tick tock 'Time' (flies) USA-global right now = we will eternally REAP via punishment 4 all we've done as with like Holy retributionary 'Cause & Effect' = there is eternal consequence's 2 B thereof non voluntarily-non optionally remitted-received!