& huh, when U majority of USA-global civilian's & various News media verbally go off & down list of what THEY (fill in blank's of Power) have past-2 date have done-R doing right now currently-presently, above & mile's down below ground ie: secured location's whether publicly know & NON publicly known ie: military base's, misc, when U do (above), HUH what do U think? THAT'S THE POINT! U ALL just don't wanna go there cuz THAT which IS, is ALL of our worse nightmare, misc like past historically & WHAT? U think God's gonna play maid-janitor-super hero AGAIN? Uh NO! We've forced away HIS hand by NOT doing OUR deemed job-responsibility like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's do theirs separately, GET it?! Keep on & not do OUR'S = Hell await U ALL individually after last breath!