U humanity GET what existence-culture-society U ALLOW-vote 4, misc (fill in blank's) & likewise as eternal result GET YO reward, YEAH in Hell 2 BURN ALIVE screaming amidst YO eternal nightmarish pain & horror, & good luck trying 2 ring a-4 butler service bell thereof! Huh dare I deem this all connected whole FAILED idea NECLEUS walking dead species-humanity dead walking species-humanity past tense since-2 date & ever still more worse Coming - like a sickened animal screaming (& daring carelessly-senselessly, EH) 2 B put outta it's (above) temporary human, NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24, dust & ash - weed's of garden corpse existence but hoping 2 take ALL human-non human (all else life form's)-Earth (itself)-off Earth (out there) with it 2 eternal Hell!