& worth noting, it's the wolves in sheep's clothing while hiding behind fill in blank's as 2 try & pull a 'MC Hammer' (can't touch them OH YEAH? 'if it bleeds'!) system ie: court's, legal (lawyer's & attorney's), law enforcement, misc else whether child protective services, misc else (fill in blank's) that's evil-unholy do or die trying allowing & twisting - making a mockery of all which serves 2 further attack Holy Trinity while if can B, literally take out ie: CEASE any & all adult & child or at the least further another's trauma & make 2 suffer as with 4 this all connected whole NECLEUS species 2 SELF CEASE 1 way or another or die trying of all human - non human (other life form's on dying non human innocent original 5 day created Earth) - Earth (itself) & off Earth (unholy violation & why we're NOT suppose 2 B off cuz Space is volatile 2 human's)! & like Jesus: we know NOT what we've done & witnessing past-2 date, U humanity have NO intention in stopping or 2 stop this, 2 do YO given job-responsibility ie: like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angels DID against Devil & past tense-2 date we've FAILED doing!