& WHAT (2 Deep State, Men in Black, misc else) with U & YO seemingly endless packing piece's (gun's) magazine's (clip's), GO AHEAD FOOL (S), I WON'T B the 1st NOR the last, & I'll see YO ass (asses) on Coming Holy retributionary Judgment Day B4 Holy, retributionary Eye's of Fire, Holy Majesty-King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & Heaven (itself) / 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity as U WILL like all B4 us past-2 date via after dying & B-ing momentarily on their knees B4 Jesus 4 their PRE judgment day processing immediately after their last breath, as with like those of Jesus's past 1st Crew 20 centuries ago, Johnny B (Baptist), huh U still sitting-standing there? U wanna SELF deem 2 commit eternal suicide & sign YO death warrant, deeming say ie: Hitler didn't do it right, U gonna do (it) better? Go ahead Devil court jester, U ALL (fill in blank's) will BURN ALIVE screaming in eternal Hell wishing U didn't!