& if ANY 1 of capable NON disabled adult's USA-globally had any sense, Will, guts, misc when amidst THOSE of TOP Power ie: Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, etc fill in blank's ugh - protest's, misc, U'd tell THEM ALL & individually straight forward that via Holy Bible, THEY R going 2 Hell after THEIR last breath! & what THEY gonna do? Arrest U? If U R not SELF prepared 2 suffer & even DIE like those B4 us ie: Jesus's 1st Crew 20 centuries-2,000 year's ago, Johnny B (Baptist), MLK Jr, misc-etc (fill in blank's) then U AIN'T in-of Holy Trinity = "B GONE, I NEVER KNEW U!" Like former USA's DOD former military cowardice soldier's think they had the luxury 2 just walk-flee-run away BUT nevertheless deem Rambo, misc ain't got nothing on them (individually), AH SHADDAP-SHUT YO MOUTH LOSER (S)!