As huh, 2 deem, U all USA-global connected whole FAILED idea NECLEUS species-humanity just DON'T 'get' - understand just why God created us in LESS than a day & provided thereof Earth & all else embedded internally within all we'd each individually EVER need 2 SELF denyingly serve HIM; like it's been as any say, 'lost in transition' - YA didn't get THAT memo, misc else or worse - "EH". Huh NOT funny! As such of (above) our sole alone-ONLY reason-purpose 4 B-ing created & existing was & is SUPPOSE 2 SELF deny care take of each other & (dying sadly cuz of humanity itself) non human innocent Earth, NOTHING off (Earth) & amidst thereof B SELF deny Warrior representing HIM & maintaining 'tight' WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM - literally CEASING immediately onsite any & all evil-unholy-immoral, misc enemies, foreign & domestic wherever U-1 lives locally USA-globally & sending THEM on knees B4 Jesus 4 THEIR pre judgment day processing like housecleaning-ridding weed's of-amidst garden!