SIGH huh & having been born amidst-amongst a dysfunctional 1970's so called (family?), been on my own since 18 & just never really fit in anywhere of YAW fellow 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself & despite (?) never truly knowing what I had been born in2 but seemingly however having witnessed much 2 last 10 lifetimes, nevertheless nothing is about me but ONLY God's Well Being NOT been appeased by (above) having been created in LESS than day & given ALL EVER needed 2 have had ALL of what we THINK we know of life suppose 2 been something else all 2gether & instead past historically 2date (year AD) of just nothing but ie: nothing maintained tight ie: (?) weeds of garden-housecleaning & with ALL instituted misc like can't-don't & haven't followed thru (above) own created B/S NOISE = why all is as is & STILL MUCH MORE worse is Coming 1 way or another sooner or later B4 END of ALL we think we know no matter ALL done etc.