& sigh huh YAW'S B/S NOISE of politics & forrest gump-Mr Fred McFeely Rogers-snowflake-candy apple-gullible-naive-delusional-cowardice diplomacy while making excuses-rationalizations is what can & does literally get 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself SELF forced dissolved un2 & upon itself of worse Coming with dropping 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide USA-globally 1 way or another sooner or later BUT HEY all R just daily going thru motions putting on (BIG?) adult pants while brushing (?) off like lint-throwing under bus-out 4 one's SELF own individually like sick ass wolves in sheep's clothing MORE than any care 2 SELF acknowledge ie: notion of reality is so grim none wanna hear it, sigh huh WAIT 4 IT Coming.