& as 4 FREE Speech, the limited FREE & without any mobile device or phone number verification (as not all got nor want 1 nor have any need nor care 2 have 1) email provider's out there 4 communication as with the general overall TECH industry like (?) flies on solid waste all up in & on all, knocking vast off web, blocking & shadow banning, limiting web reach, attacking any & all own DNS & ip address & etc lingo of tech industry like all selling out ie: whores on street corner & tools until not needed no more nevertheless like PAST not seeing-hearing (?) come while any trying 2 put on (BIG?) adult pants & STILL lying with deeming any 1 anywhere BELOW 1's own SELF hence throwing under bus, tribalism-class division's this & that else & God willing daily just comes & goes day in & out & nothing but worse or not positive change ability in just any 1's life 2 do anything while slapping on collar ball & chains around each other in 1 clueless fashion or not, ugh, whatever, SAVE IT, 4 Jesus after last breath, whatever, so B it, sigh huh I don't care.