& of the so called CHURCH, having stripped us of our gift's-talent's-skill's, misc & have ALLOWED MUCH opposite 2-of God-Holy Trinity as 2 make a twisting mockery of Holy Bible's Romans 13! & As with Luke 17:21-22 (The Kingdom of God is INSIDE internally within U individually, NOT in buildings of wood & stone)! & whether of past Holy Bible's Exodus 32-Matthew 21:12 & even Genesis 19 of which God set 4th the example of temporary human, NON SELF owned via Luke 9:24, dust & ash corpse weed's of-amidst a garden LGBTQiA 2 Jesus's - we humanity 'know NOT' what we've past-2 date have done-allowed & still with NOT-NEVER have changed U wonder why all out there locally USA-globally is as is ie: like a lack of SELF deny Warrior housecleaning as compared 2-with Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's YET 2 come 4th upon us all & bring God's Holy retributionary wrath-anger with them along with 4 Horsemen!