& fool's out there like William Henry 'Bill' Gates 3rd talking of reducing humanity from 8 billion plus USA-globally down to 500 total, while other's siding (partnering with evil cult World Economic Forum talking 'USA's Founding Fathers FREE speech & God given FREE Will is (Coming) OVER' as with past Covid vaccines & lockdown's THEY (fill in blank's) fell short of THEIR deemed mark ie: majority of 8 billion plus USA-globally R already suppose 2 B literally DEAD thus so THEIR gonna try & bring Covid back like LGBTQiA via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 (bring S & G back) = a world gone beyond chaos, misc & 2 deem anything less or other than is worse is seriously naive & delusional when all this could have been avoided centuries ago by us all humanity with God given all we'd ever need 2 NOT have exhibited 2 date as 2 why still even more worse is Coming = this all is OUR doing, NOT God's, don't blame HIM, blames ourselves individually ie: capable NON disabled adult's USA-globally & humanity itself!