SIGH & as if weren't (?, !, fill in blank's) enough with exhibited fellow dust & ash adult corpse so called celebrities out there USA-globally ie: say Avenger's, misc doing 4 vast SELF reaping $ money but NO-don't-won't literally do (however) with all God gave us each individually 2 do in REAL life when & where USA-globally it truly matters instead of just daily tick tock 'Time' having senseless trauma (EXTERNAL affects INTERNAL) toil taking upon any of us out there; & 'Cap' Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers cinema quoted scene's fill in blank's of (Christopher Robert Evans) like me NO better than ANY other USA-global human, not sharpest tool in shed & NONE know me better than Jesus as I'm NO 1-NO body important-special but merely just another dying tired frail old man just temporarily passing thru this-U all USA-global connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity having been given a SELF deny job 2 do ie: 'delivery boy' of Holy Trinity's Holy intel info, using what tool's, misc I have available 2 me, SIGH worse is Coming!