As 4 me personally-individually, I NO DO (character-nature) of snowflake-candy apple-beating around bush-kick it 2 just chit chat NOISE, what have U; Me - SELF denied Holy Warrior 4 Holy Majesty-Master, retributionary Eye's of Fire, King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & eternal Heaven (itself) / 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity & WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM = Daily & relentlessly Hard core, Warrior allegiance, Christian Caliphate-Jihadism, wrath of Achilles, SELF denying, Christian Gentile USA-America nationalist, single-celibate-chastity (me NO shacking up NOR human breeding & via sexual aversion = DENYING 2 get involved in sexual activity, with avoidance of ANY touching or communication that leads 2 sexual involvement), tired, frail, straight-hetrosexual, alpha male old dying-dead man walking & misc else 4 a Time until God calls me home.