& despite with ALL U Deep State, etc (fill in blank's) have been & STILL R working on, planning, misc above & mile's down below ground USA-globally past historically-2 date 2 literally CEASE 1st majority of humanity THEN ALL YO SELVES like careless, misc fool's prior 2 The Flood via Holy Bible ie: Noah, huh WHAT R U waiting 4 ie: U gonna pull a piece, U bets ta make YO index finger work & pull-squeeze it already & quit acting like MORE SO coward's B-ing all up AGAINST Holy Trinity regardless of whether U do 4 Devil or not, SICK U ALL R no even B-gins 2 scratch the surface, U-judicial & legal industry & all else USA-globally answering 2 George Soros, etc (fill in blank's) JUST DO IT & expect U R gonna B CEASED YO selves as with (?) the game of war, (?, !) misc!