Sigh huh like just NO kind of SELF deny right-proper PRIORITIES amidst-of U ALL USA-globally exhibited FAILED so called 'MORE OF' than THEM (fill in blank's), Conservative Christian capable straight-hetrosexual alpha male & beta female adult's of ALL human skin color race's, REAL born as male & female) connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity via Adam & Eve via Holy Bible; as with like fool's long ago prior 2 The Flood via Holy Bible ie: Noah, thru STILL ever more worse exhibited 2date, as with fool's long ago amidst Holy Bible's Matthew 21:12 & separately NO SELF chosen enough of patience & stillness of Exodus 32 2 why all bas is 2date & worse MORE still is Coming, like it's not enough via Genesis 19 of LGBTQiA B4 B-ing Holy retributionarily CEASED onsite!