🚨 Independent Scientists Call for Retraction of Flawed Review of Science on Wireless Radiation

The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) called for the retraction of a new World Health Organization study, alleging the authors of the WHO study reached the wrong conclusion about possible health impacts of wireless radiation.

Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia, director of Children’s Health Defense’s Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) & Wireless program, told #TheDefender she is well aware of the WHO’s bias when it comes to RF-EMF research.

“Like our domestic regulatory agencies, the WHO has been captured by industry,” Eckenfels-Garcia said.

Eckenfels-Garcia said it’s critically important to consider a study’s funding sources when evaluating its conclusions. “It is no coincidence that roughly two-thirds of independently-funded studies show harm of RF-EMF radiation while two-thirds of industry-funded studies say there is nothing to worry about.”



Independent researchers called for the retraction of a new paper commissioned by the World Health Organization, saying its authors reached the wrong conclusion about possible health impacts from wireless radiation.
