CRAZY! YOUR MONEY ISN'T SAFE! - Calls For 90% Tax As Global Shift To CBDC Approaches!

BUY GOLD HERE: GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE: Josh Sigurdson reports with Mark Gonzales of First National Bullion on the news of France's far left New Popular Front (NPF) calls for a 90% tax on all income €400,000 or more.This would absolutely devastate industry. Essentially anyone who becomes successful would flee the country leaving it an impoverished, jobless hell.This is more of the normalization of being dependent and weak. The establishment wants people without ambition in complete compliance in the face of the Great Reset.The agenda of the NPF to bring about an insane 90% tax is really not all that surprising. This is something we are sure to see across the board in many countries around the world in the coming years. And your money is not safe in the bank.This is a precursor to social credit or carbon credits. The state believes they own your money and are simply loaning it to you based on your behavior. We must reject this notion.Mark talks about the slow burn into financial tyranny we've been witnessing for years and the goal of the establishment to eventually seize and control all of your assets.Does gold and silver present itself as a major solution for these very real problems? Will it insure us versus the tightening global financial system?Stay tuned for more from WAM!GET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE: Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%!10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural!GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE: USE Code WAM to save 5%!HELP THE WAM LEGAL DEFENSE FUND HERE: ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE: Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order!Support your local farms and stay healthy!HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE: PayPal: ancientwonderstelevision@gmail.comGET AN EXTENDED FREE TRIAL FOR ICKONIC WHEN YOU SIGN UP HERE: LION ENERGY: Never Run Out Of Power! PREPARE NOW! STOCK UP ON STOREABLE FOODS HERE: OUR GOGETFUNDING CAMPAIGN: Find us on Vigilante TV HERE: See our EPICFUNDME HERE: JOIN our Telegram Group HERE: JOIN US on Rumble Here: FIND OUR CoinTree page here: JOIN US on SubscribeStar here: We will soon be doing subscriber only content!Follow us on Twitter here: Help keep independent media alive!Pledge here! Just a dollar a month can help us alive! BITCOIN ADDRESS:18d1WEnYYhBRgZVbeyLr6UfiJhrQygcgNUWorld Alternative Media2024