🚨 Homeland Security Blueprint for Pandemic Lockdowns Written in 2007 Under President G.W. Bush

"If anyone really wants to get to the root of this problem, there are decisive steps that need to be taken. The indemnification of pharma from liability for harm needs to be repealed. The court precedent of forced shots in Jacobson needs to be overthrown. But even more fundamentally, the quarantine power itself has to go, and that means the full repeal of the Public Health Services Act of 1944. That is the root of the problem. Freedom will not be safe until it is uprooted. As it stands right now, everything that unfolded in 2020 and 2021 can happen again. Indeed, the plans are in place for exactly that." — Jeffrey A. Tucker



The document amounts to a full-blown corporatist imposition on the U.S., abolishing anything remotely resembling the Bill of Rights and constitutional law.
