Nefarious (typically of an action or activity, wicked or criminal) = USA government had hand in 9/11/2001 JUST A TEST 2 see how the public civilian masses would react, dead 13 soldiers in Afghanistan (2021), like DARPA-HARPA agencies had hand in (Covid, misc) vaccines & like ALLOWED & NOTHING done 2 literally STOP past history-2 date repeating itself currently-presently & worse Coming & the MORE OF capable adult all connected of 8 billion plus USA-global whole NECLEUS species-humanity STILL does NOTHING?! SIGH, FINE, so B it then, have it YO way then = worse is Coming (Holy Bible's Book of Revelations) tick tock 'Time' daily (day & night) 24/7 via from TOP-down THEM of Power above & miles down below ground, God CAN CEASE us ALL!