& that Mary Magdalene set the example 2-4 us all 2 turn away from sexual sins & instead un2 Jesus as well as God MORE SO set the example of-with Holy retributionarily CEASING LGBTQiA's evil-unholy-immoral weeds of garden S & G via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 & typically like with NON or NOT seriously SELF deny dealt with & maintained 'tight' ie: housecleaning, U all ALLOW MUCH-VAST-various 2 '!!!' un2-of Jesus's little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: babies-kid's-children-teen's, huh in the word's of late fellow human Bro-Brother-just another Son of Adam & Eve, George Taylor (aka John Charles Carter-Charlton Heston), "DAMN U ALL (connected whole 1 NECLEUS species-humanity) TO HELL!"