However a-the ultimate question - "Sigh huh HOW can fellow USA-global, TOP-down, 'capable' male-female adult's have done & STILL tick tock 'Time' carelessly-senselessly do all this past-2 date (despite careless-senseless worse Coming) 2-B4 God when HE just wanted 2 create something, gave us all we'd ever need embeddedly within internally originally in LESS than a day & since amidst the 9 month pregnancy & eventually birthing process 2 represent HIM B4 all of Heaven?" DON'T ANGER- PISS OFF GOD, I wouldn't! Thus I no stand with U humanity but along side though below Heaven's Warrior angel's against U, so B it! It's NOT right NOR fair 2 HIM we broke HIS heart & moral set 4th code's 4 ALL of us 2 NON voluntarily-NON optionally SELF denyingly obey WITHOUT question-ing HIM, EVER!