Chemtrail conspiracy theory - Why's it SO HOT via heat wave upon dying non human innocent Earth is because of = Global Warming / Cooling, Climate Change - B/S! & regarding the hot heat weather wave out there is cuz U humanity keep treating Earth like trash & a 2 bid whore on a street corner! The Natural Balance has been & is OFF ie: pc firewall protective shielding going down cuz of FAILED tested Adam 1st THEN Eve! Exposing geo engineering cover-up, providing essential info 2 help fight 2 expose geo engineering & bring ALL together 2 stop playing God. Time is NOT on our side, ALL need 2 engage this battle that must B won or ALL literally is Coming lost-CEASED-DEAD & even then, dying non human innocent Earth TRIES to literally heal from all humanity has done & is daily doing to it & THEY behind Chemtrails, etc deem, 'The hell you will heal Earth', GET it?!