Criminal's of Crime's against (fellow innocent all connected whole NECLEUS species) humanity, ACT thereof reduced-lessened 2 jaywalking?! (partial list however 2 say the least) past-2 date despite & nevertheless worse Coming: USA's '430 PLUS' federal agencies, the so-called security agencies, White supremacy Antifa, TOP-down (political?) liberal's, $ The LEFT, LGBTQiA, abortion committer's & supporter's, BLM (the group), USA's Congress - AOC & The Squad & Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi, 535 individual member's of USA Congress, Joe Biden & misc else, DOD-Lloyd James Austin/FBi - Christopher Asher Wray/CiA- William Joseph Burns/NSA - Paul Miki Nakasone/USA Government/DOJ/Deep State, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, the annual meetup Davos human rat's, Globalist's & elite's (web keyword research them & KNOW who they are, they all can't hide), Big Tech, etc fill in the blanks & ALL the publicly known & worse - those NON publicly known vast & various Syndicate's!