BUT I guess with humanity, just literally NOTHING fazes itself NOR does can 'it' (humanity itself cares 2 SELF internally realize &/or admit - acknowledge) B reasoned with as with 2 expand upon via late Kyle Reese's word's 2 Sarah Jeanette Connor with: (humanity itself) don't feel pity or remorse or fear & absolutely will NOT stop EVER. & huh YEAH, EVERY 1 out there just selling out 4 their SELF own-stabbing each other in the back-'F'-ing each other over & STILL 'MORE OF' than THEM no wanna do anything 2 stop this all USA-globally via Holy Order embedded internally within in each of us versus YO past-2date GONE ROGUE? Fine, like all else past-2date CAN B DONE of weed's of garden-FAILED idea humanity Coming B-ing literally CEASED like history repeating itself! YO choice, so B it!