& talk about USA-global, TOP-down adult's (excluding the disabled & kid's-children) humanity (itself) having literally NO regard 4 NOTHING human - NON human (other life form's on Earth) - Earth (itself) - off Earth (unholy violation & we're NOT EVER suppose 2 B off Earth)! Just because of & with = Luke 9:24 (NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT (human) breath (coming in & out momentarily of YO - you're dust & ash corpse mouth) NOR eternal energy Soul temporarily powering YO - you're dust & ash corpse like a AAA battery - Hebrews 11:1 (WHAT faith IS) - John 3:16 (Jesus temporarily died 4 ALL) - Luke 12:51 (Jesus temporarily 4 a Time came 2 DIVIDE us humanity, NOT bring (give so called peace on this dying NON human innocent Earth).