I - what I daily DO is my Holy Trinity given job-responsibility of outputting various multi creative Holy intel info ie: 'delivery boy' sort of a loosely said 9 am to 5 pm & what U-ANY 1 USA-globally does with it, is up 2 U if anything = SHARE it via copy & pasting un2 locally wherever U live USA-globally humanity. Huh GO ON & KEEP IT UP (USA-global, TOP-down) adult humanity ie: government, military, tech intel industry, etc else, I KNOW THIS, I WON'T B in Hell immediately after last human breath but-though VAST WILL B, just like Hitler, etc currently-presently in Hell screaming 4ever, ugh LOSER'S! Just like Holy, retributionary Eye's of Fire, Holy Majesty-King of Kings Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & Heaven said, "There will B MORE in Hell than Heaven", and like Yahweh Jehovah Father God (of whatever number-volume of adult USA-global humanity), "There's NOT 1 right ie: proper amongst them"!