I mean huh WHO'S believing ANY 1 of (fill in the blanks), it's ALL just verbal conveyed words = distractions-ruses-mirages-facades-ALL fighting each other over NON human TOOL: $ money-ALL selling & R sold out 2 highest $ bidder, misc else all the while just allowing the bullies (fill in the blanks TOP-down, USA-globally in the classroom of human LIFE while THEY of Power actually want majority 2 turn against & upon each other so THEY of Power can if needed save bullet's 2 then do SAME & CEASE THEMSELVES after we're ALL dead, ever more than from past historically, this is 1 thing: Holy War Devil brought 2 us after B-ing 86-ed outta Heaven & God is NO maid-janitor, ALL versus Heaven's Warrior Angel's is OUR non voluntary-non optional responsibility 2 God, WE CLEAR?!