I MOURN 4, as we've broken HIS heart ie: my heart in right place, solely alone-only Holy, retributionary Eyes of Fire, Holy Majesty-King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God 4 ALL WE'VE cluelessly & senselessly have done past-daily tick tock Time 2 date with every passing moment as dying non human innocent, originally created in literally 5 days = Earth (ALL connected as a whole NECLEUS species-humanity created literally in LESS than day & given ALL-EVERYTHING we'd EVER need 2 SELF deny care take of each other & Earth, NOTHING EVER off Earth) as we're literally NOT suppose 2 B off Earth as 2 why Space (itself) is volatile 2 & 4 human's = we STILL on 1 way street in WRONG direction & GONE ROGUE from God, huh FINE, so B it then, guess we'll ALL have 2 B literally dealt with the hard way by-from God!