2 U ALL 'capable adults' of USA-global majority 8 billion plus, of EVERY language, KNOW THIS: Holy Bible's Book of Revelations chapter 20, verse 12 = 'books were opened & another book was opened which is the book of life'; point B-ing: EVERY (human) 1 has got a archived & documented assigned WHEN - IN - (temporary NON SELF owned via Luke 9:24 - NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT temporary human breath NOR eternal Soul) LIFE Heaven Life Record! And STILL 2 date, look around, God's temporary held back Holy retributionary literal wrath & temporary exhibited patience BOTH like sand in a temporary hourglass WON'T B 4ever! WE R suppose 2 SELF deny care take of each other in service 2 Jesus WITHOUT-NEVER questioning HIM! But STILL we FAIL HIM! Jesus: 'MORE B in Hell than Heaven'!