Sigh huh, ALL the-THAT $ money for 20 plus year's-to date that's come in2 Los Angeles County and 88 individual city council's BELIEVE that 'it' (the $ money) solely alone belongs 2 THEM, including ALL the $ money that majority of 10 million plus adult civilian's earn-gain, whether THEM B-ing $ corrupt LA Board of Supervisors, LA Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) & so called homeless helpers committing racketeering rings nonprofits, agencies & organizations (web keyword search them ALL, TOP - down) WANT majority of 10 million plus adult civilian's 2 B THEIR $ forcibly milkable paying human non voluntary-non optional bitches-whores & 2 allow THEM access 2 the babies-kid's-children-teen's ie: Jesus's Little Heaven supported innocent 1's 2 literally do with HOWEVER THEY choose ie: indoctrination, misc-etc!