HUH sigh PLEASE TELL Patrick Madrid via from what I heard him literally-cluelessly say last night (1/26/2023, probably from replaying via his morning show, via Los Angeles, CA 930 AM radio) - "Well HE (Yahweh Jehovah Father God) PERMITS it"; 'it' being (?), evil, LGBTQiA, fill in blanks, uh NO (I say), NOTHING is HIS responsibility, it's OURS! Ugh, go back on my social media, I've SELF denyingly done my daily job-Order's of Holy advocacy intel-info output un2 U ALL humanity USA-globally (so called 'MORE OF' us) past-2 date & STILL, sigh, allowing (?), the bullies (being the THEM of NOT being more of THEM than us ALL) in the classroom of life, it's like huh exhibited COWARD'S while THEY like Devil laugh it up, DON'T put this on God, HIS hand's R literally CLEAN of us!