Sigh huh, GO AHEAD (U volume or number of USA-global capable adult's - excluding the disabled & Jesus's Little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: ALL USA-global babies-kid's-children-teen's NO matter 1's race NOR where they R from), scream YO denial (like a SELF gripped on2 security blanket, misc internally within U) ALL U want 2, me SELF denyingly CAN literally put this ALL connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity 2 Holy shame cuz I 'GET' it, what THIS all 'is' & has been past historically-2 date: Holy War that devil BROUGHT 2 us ALL ie: evil, LGBTQiA, etc, after B-ing 86-ed outta Heaven & exhibited we've been & STILL R literally doing Devil's job 4 it that it couldn't-can't do against God = makes us ALL a FAILED idea!