Prescient = (knowing or suggesting correctly what will happen in the future): THIS IS 4 VERY REAL, MAKE NO MISTAKE! THIS ALL USA-GLOBALLY LITERALLY ONLY ENDS 1 WAY; either THEY (fill in the blanks-name THEM) FALL & R literally CEASED onsite OR ALL WILL B! Like USA TOP Power hand in 9/11 & DARPA with vaccines, THEIR 2 CEASE us ALL, CEASE THEM B4 THEY do us! Huh BUT HEY, go on (humanity itself, 8 billion +, USA-globally) keep on screaming YO denial, clinging on2 YO internal within ugh (?, !) like some bad security blanket vs-when God gave Power-Authority 2 literally CEASE ALL (fill in blanks, U know) & past-2 date, sigh look around.