With all thereof past-2 date, it's been however clearly behavior manipulation, etc ON PURPOSE, deliberately by THOSE of (fill in blanks TOP-down, USA-globally), no matter how much TRAUMA THEY cause unto others via POWER, CONTROL & MONEY gained, even if some rulers, etc do such 2 THEIR own families & friends ie: some aspect of like old TV show, "Highlander", 'There can ONLY B 1', understand? It's about & is: TRAUMA whether with the homeless, misc else as some people DON'T SELF know how to SELF handle trauma & thus behaviorally react in vast & various way's (fill in the blank's). It's the EXTERNAL ugh exhibited (fill in blanks) that affects one's internal within (emotions, misc), NOT stigma $ labeled mentally ill = forcibly lock them all up in hospital's? Uh NO!